Another West Seattle RV encampment posted for clearing

Thanks to Michael for the tip. A second West Seattle RV encampment is posted for clearing starting this week. Six RVs and trailers on Myers Way north of the Joint Training Facility have been orange-tagged, and “No Parking” signs are up along Myers from Olson to 99th [map]. They set the city clearing/cleanup operation dates as starting Thursday (September 19):

That’s one day after the clearing/cleanup work is scheduled to begin at the SW Trenton encampment on the north side of Westwood Village (which is now down to 4 RVs/trailers, from the previous 6, with the sweep looming). The east side of the posted Myers Way area abuts the greenbelt area cleared by the state and city one year ago; we’re checking with the city to see if this is strictly a roadside sweep.

19 Replies to "Another West Seattle RV encampment posted for clearing"

  • Sillygoose September 16, 2024 (2:58 pm)

    Where is Saka and his care team, no beds at the inn? Disgraceful to the residents of West Seattle.  

  • Robert September 16, 2024 (4:07 pm)

    Good, keep them moving.  Maybe eventually they will learn to stop trashing every street they park on.  

  • Derp September 16, 2024 (4:27 pm)

    They are back at Cloverdale and 15th

    • K September 16, 2024 (7:12 pm)

      Cambridge and Barton as well.  This is just a giant waste of taxpayer dollars that doesn’t get anyone housing, or change the circumstances on any street, in any neighborhood.

      • HP11 September 16, 2024 (8:41 pm)

        At the recent precinct meeting, Saka’s legislative assistant said the city is considering a safe lot in the south, apparently there’s one in the north. Though I don’t know the stats on their success, it seems  to me to be a good option for folks who want to continue living in their home / vehicle and also have access to sanitation, healthcare, treatment, etc. We need relief in our neighborhoods from the issues that come with entrenched RV camps like Trenton, and safe lots could be the solution to this nonstop, wasteful and ineffective sweeping.

        • 1994 September 16, 2024 (10:40 pm)

          The RV dwellers either need to keep rolling, find a place for long term RV living, accept the services offered by the government,  or continue to be moved along with the parking rules enforced. Some sort of RV lot where the RV dwellers are charged a small fee by the  city to help cover the sanitation costs might work. But, the RV dwellers need to follow some rules. That is a big problem for some of the RV dwellers because many don’t want to follow the rules – just look at their roadside living scenes – hence the nonstop cleaning up & sweeping.

          • sensible September 17, 2024 (8:17 am)

            1994 this sounds so simple and sensible.  We vote for rules, enforce rules, and have services for folks who are on hard times.  This protects all of us and is respectful of everyone’s circumstances – taxpayers, people who don’t have the means to pay taxes, and so on.  Allowing lawlessness and squalor on public right-of-ways is none of those things.

      • WW Resident September 17, 2024 (11:54 am)

        That’s cute. Like these people at Westwood are looking for housing. I pass by these RVs at around 5 in the morning daily and all I see is 20-30 something year old able bodied people either getting high or standing around in a circle aimlessly 

        • Comassionate September 17, 2024 (10:35 pm)

          You don’t sound very trauma informed. Do you know what they’ve been through? Then they nk about the idea of 🚫 judging.

          • This September 19, 2024 (12:16 am)

            Bump”Able body” doesn’t mean able mind or maybe there’s an underlying physical condition unseen to someone that gets a glance as they drive by in the dark.

  • The Earl September 16, 2024 (6:18 pm)

    Quite unfortunate that this rotating group of folks can’t fly straight. The mess left behind after such a short period of time is a sight for sore eyes. This a epidemic that has taken root all over the world. 

    • RGH September 16, 2024 (10:59 pm)

      Just spent six weeks travelling Europe this summer. The things we see here are definitely not everywhere. 

  • CL September 16, 2024 (8:48 pm)

    I would take the homeless any day over the current criminals. They will never take housing and are only a drain on our system.

  • Lost bike September 16, 2024 (10:21 pm)

    Check for my kid’s bike first, its a bright blue GT Agressor 29 with neon green accents. Stolen two Sundays ago from Walt Hundley in the time it took to pee. Worried it ended up chopped but hope it just gets dumped somewhere. Any tips are appreciated.

  • Keri September 17, 2024 (1:58 am)

    I am a caring and empathetic person who has been homeless/living in van/car before so I get that aspect. However, it is the trashing of their area around them I just do not and will not understand. If ppl would simply be adults and clean up after themselves ppl may not even notice them, especially since they arent on a cul-de-sac (at least where I have seen them and also not many around here to be on lol) and usually are on a public road of some kind. They are so blatantly disrespectful to the area, the community/children especially, and from the looks of it I do not think they take .much pride or respect in themselves/their own bodies. Homeless or not, I could not live with filth around me like that and wouldn’t want to hurt our mother Earth anymore than it in already either. Sorry for ranting! It’s just so frustrating especially having been there myself I KNOW you don’t have to behave this way or have your living space look like this, and certainly do not need to throw your trash/especially needles and paraphernalia about. Like I said, I am not one to judge, when I walk by one of these I am super friendly like I would be to anyone and will give a cigarette usually if I have extra n they ask. I smile at everyone I see, police officer or homeless person or prostitute, we’re all humans. But if I have an off feeling and really dread walking by an area with my child I strongly feel that is not ok. Just like I try to be respectful to them, I wish they would give the same treatment back and at least throw their trash away, especially the paraphernalia, and do/sell drugs inside like houses drug users lol. BUT, then again, being my empathetic self, I doubt when being kicked out they are treated very well (idk I havent witnessed this part first hand) and I assume resentment is built and they feel those ppl are representative of their community and do not care to respect it. I guess overall, we all could try to be better ppl and respect ourselves and each other and be kind, even when doing the job to move these ppl I hope they are treated as human beings, I find it doubtful tho, prove me wrong Seattle PD/whoever kicks them out lol

  • Scarlett September 17, 2024 (7:58 am)

    Safe lots aren’t they solution, they’ve been tried elswhere and they simply create RV “ghetto’s” with all the associated problems that come when you cram desperate people together, e.g. shelters.   Designate certain streets  where RV’ers know they can stay for a few days without being hassled, as long as they follow a few rules.   Not a solution but better than what we have now.  

    These societal problems didn’t just appear overnight, they were created over decades by a self-interested society.  And, as Matthew Desmond says in his new book, “Poverty, by America,” we’re all complicit.  He’s the only author who says what no one else is willing to say – poverty is big business in America.   

    • 1994 September 17, 2024 (10:00 pm)

      So how would designating certain streets for RV dwellers be an improvement over an RV lot? The streets don’t offer sanitation services and the streets have been turned into RV ghettos already over and over again! The RV dwellers on the streets tend not to follow even a few simple & basic rules…..many can’t even follow the parking rules! The RV dwellers simply need to adhere to the rules, keep their area clean, and roll on after their parking limit expired. Or find a long term RV lot to stay.

  • Jay1488 September 17, 2024 (2:39 pm)

    We’re all complicit? Scarlett? Those of us who struggle paycheck to paychecks step way from homeless but still get up and go to work to pay for other people to have and get more than me and mine? We are to blame too? Yeah No.

  • Mike September 17, 2024 (7:05 pm)

    There is unfortunately another encampment taking root behind/above the Delridge Home Depot, in the green belt area above the loading dock. Lock your vehicle and remove valuables when shopping there 

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