WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Crash-and-grab burglars steal mini-mart ATM

Thanks for the tips on this. Crash-and-grab burglars in a pickup truck hit the Lincoln Park 76’s minimart just before 4 am today. A 911 caller reported a white Ford pickup with a double cab “ramming into the front of the store,” according to archived dispatch audio; a short time later another caller reported seeing that pickup driving away “with an ATM strapped to (it).” When we went down for a look a short time ago, store staff confirmed their ATM was taken, as did police, who tell WSB: “The vehicle backed up into the business and rammed it about three times, destroying the front doors and burglar bars. Three suspects wrapped a chain around an ATM inside the business and pulled it out. The suspects loaded the ATM on the truck, and they grabbed other items inside the store.” SPD also noted, “The estimated damage and loss to the business is over $20,000” and say detectives obtained fingerprint and video evidence. If you have any information, the incident # is 24-221091.

17 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Crash-and-grab burglars steal mini-mart ATM"

  • WSRob August 8, 2024 (12:49 pm)

    How did they drive around the concrete bollards? 

    • Alki resident August 8, 2024 (2:12 pm)

      They didn’t. They yanked the doors open by hooking them up to the vehicle and driving out. 

    • Adam August 8, 2024 (3:15 pm)

      It looks like the left door’s glass is broken and the right is missing. I’d guess they came from an angle, likely from the right, because of the obstructions on the left with the planter and ice box in the way. 

  • KT August 8, 2024 (2:22 pm)

    Does SPD ever solve any of these business smash and grabs?

    • WSB August 8, 2024 (2:49 pm)

      Can’t speak for the rest of the city. Our archives don’t show anything coming up with “crash-and-grab” – a consistent term we use when the breakin tool is a vehicle – and “charged.” Difficult to trace the vehicles, which are usually stolen and sometimes even abandoned at the scene, although news of fingerprint evidence here is promising.

    • Hello August 8, 2024 (7:55 pm)

      The big theft ring that went around the area 6-8 years ago was broken up because one of the guys dropped a cell phone. 

  • Lola August 8, 2024 (2:45 pm)

    WSB,  not sure if the store owner can still collect from the funds for business’s that get destroyed by culprits like this?  I know I saw on the news for downtown businesses they could fill out the form and the City has a fund that will help with costs for repairs for their business.  

  • wsresident August 8, 2024 (2:57 pm)

    I love this sweet family, I’m so sorry this happened. 

  • Monica Hansen August 8, 2024 (4:53 pm)

    Disgusting and sad. Worthless, evil scumbags. No respect for others property and their hard labor.

  • WS res August 8, 2024 (6:15 pm)

    We were one of the people who reported it. We heard three burn outs that sounded like cars racing more than a crash. Got outside just in time to see them rip the atm. They didn’t ram anything. They hooked chains to the door and ripped the door off. They used chains to then rip the burglar door. Then they used chains to rip out the atm. Whole thing took maybe 10 mins. Cops responded as fast as they could, but no way they could have gotten there in time. They have figured out how to get past the bollards. I suspect the truck is stolen. My guess would be we will see more stolen trucks. If you own a business be aware of this new strategy. Ken and his family are great hopefully we can get some funds raised to support them.

  • I love ideas August 8, 2024 (8:38 pm)

    What do you think of this idea: instead of brick and mortar police stations, have vans like those nice new ones people use for cross country trips, make the vans ‘mobile precincts’ and allocate a parking spot and electricity for it, and have one every few miles, so instead of no police anywhere the sh*t like this happens, we’ve got police all over, they get to be seen and know the neighbors, and every mile or so we have a van/precinct? I dunno, I like it

    • Arbor heights resident August 9, 2024 (4:49 pm)

      They do actually have some of those. They generally bring them out for events as well as stationing them down on alki on a regular basis. I am always confused whenever I see people say there aren’t enough cops on alki because when I drive down alki I usually see they have the mobile precinct there along with usually 1-2 more cars depending on time of night. They don’t have the staff to have one per mile like you are suggesting tho.

    • SoLongDelridge August 10, 2024 (3:09 am)

      Anything to avoid dealing with the root causes.

  • Jw August 8, 2024 (9:15 pm)

    At around 4:05am we heard a vehicle racing south on 37th Ave SW towards 100th. Estimated speed 60mph.

  • Regular Guy August 8, 2024 (10:19 pm)

    I stop at this store almost every morning before work and the family doesn’t deserve this. I hope the culprits are caught and face serious punishment.

  • 76Neighbor August 8, 2024 (10:24 pm)

    And they just got new doors within the past month or so! I was just in there talking to them about how nice the new doors are. Were.
    C’mon West Seattle, we can do better.

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