ROAD-WORK ALERT: Dates set for Spokane Street Viaduct repaving closures

We’ve been reporting for two years on the SDOT plan for resurfacing work on the Spokane Street Viaduct – the West Seattle Bridge section east of the Highway 99 overpass – and today, they’ve announced the dates for the closures that’ll be needed to get the work done – both lane closures and full closures of one side of the roadway. SDOT says work will start “as soon as” next Monday (July 29):

This work will require multiple weekend closures of all eastbound travel lanes and one weekend closure of the westbound travel lanes. There will also be overnight closures of one or two lanes at a time on weeknights this summer and fall.

These closures are necessary to repair damaged pavement which is prone to potholes and “alligator skin” cracking. Crews will repave the bridge deck and apply a synthetic polymer sealant to the road surface to help ensure it remains in good condition over time. Crews will also make drainage improvements and bridge deck repairs on the westbound lanes.

Weekend Directional Closures (schedule subject to change):

10 PM Friday, August 2 to 5 AM Monday, August 5: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 9 to 5 AM Monday, August 12: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 16 to 5 AM Monday, August 19: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 23 to 5 AM Monday, August 26: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 30 to 5 AM Tuesday, September 2: All westbound lanes closed.

Weeknight Overnight Lane Reductions:

Crews will close one or two lanes at a time on weeknights between 10 PM and 5 AM starting as soon as July 29, 2024. These weeknight lane closures will continue through the summer and fall of 2024.

SDOT notes that the project “is funded by a $5 million federal grant from the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Improvement Program, which is funded in part by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and then passed to WSDOT’s Local Bridge Program.” (We first reported on that grant two years ago.) That’s not the entirety of the funding, though, as we reported in June that Combined Construction won the project with a bid of $7.5 million.

19 Replies to "ROAD-WORK ALERT: Dates set for Spokane Street Viaduct repaving closures"

  • Admiral-2009 July 23, 2024 (1:57 pm)

    Thank you 

  • Paul July 23, 2024 (2:51 pm)

    Just out of curiosity, wasn’t this repaved about 15 years ago? And if so, is that normal a normal lifespan? 

  • Jon Wright July 23, 2024 (3:00 pm)

    ¡Por fin!

  • Westside July 23, 2024 (3:01 pm)

    During the closure, you will still be able to get to 99 North going Eastbound, but nothing past that (not the 1st Ave exit for instance). Is that correct?

  • Deb still wondering July 23, 2024 (3:47 pm)

    My comment from 2 years ago:  “Here’s some ADVANCE NOTICE  to WSDOT: PLEASE TRY to coordinate your repair of the NB on-ramp from EB Spokane viaduct onto I-5 with the future Spokane Viaduct roadway work. Sincerely -West Seattle.”  DRAT –  I can’t tell from SDOT’s map above if the NB onramp to I-5 will be included in SDOT’s work,  or will that section still have to wait for WSDOT to pave it. Thank you to anyone who knows the answer. 

    • WSB July 23, 2024 (6:57 pm)

      Not likely since that is a state structure but I’ve asked our SDOT contacts and they’re looking into it.

      • WSB July 25, 2024 (2:07 am)

        Got the answer: No.

  • Brockton K. July 23, 2024 (4:49 pm)

    This is another example of poor planning , management and lack of concern for those that live in WS. Why announce less than a week before you start the project. It tkaes months to get permits and when you submit them you need to have project timelines and dates, but yet the City decided not to share that with those that pay their salaries. Vote then out and fire the lot of them.  Stop over taxing us and not being lean with our hard earned tax dollars. Show some leadership! 

    • platypus July 25, 2024 (10:47 am)

      What planning would you have done with more time?

  • Marty2 July 23, 2024 (5:03 pm)

    Looks like I’ll be spending my August weekends on the Island.

    • Derp July 23, 2024 (8:54 pm)

      There are other ways out of West Seattle. 

  • Admiral-2009 July 23, 2024 (5:13 pm)

    A thought:  if SDoT does the repaving from the west end to east could the future closures occur east of 1st Ave exit, thus reducing the impact of the future closures.

  • Hammer in Hand July 23, 2024 (7:08 pm)

    I can’t  help to wonder if there is a completion date that has rewards for an early finishand teeth for each day it is late to fully open

  • K July 23, 2024 (7:29 pm)

    September 2 is a Monday (Labor Day).  Did they mean the 3rd?  Or Monday?

  • True North July 23, 2024 (8:07 pm)

    Obviously SDOT needs to be more clear about the traffic impacts of this work.. Things like which exits both off and on the bridge will be closed, I.e. can we exit to I-5,  north and south, 99 north? How will we access entrance to the bridge going east bound? How about west bound.? Will those on ramps all be accessible ? What about the exit closures to 1st ave, 4th and 6th, how will we access those streets?  After all this time why would they schedule this work to be done during the busiest time of the summer for tourists and local traffic, Sea Fair week and weekend?  What ill informed or sadistic individual  made this “brilliant” decision?????? We need informative answers. 

  • Seth July 23, 2024 (9:33 pm)

    You know when would have been a really good time to have done this work would have been a few years ago when the bridge was closed gasp

  • bolo July 23, 2024 (10:10 pm)

    “Crews will also make drainage improvements and bridge deck repairs on the westbound lanes.”

    The eastbound lanes also need drainage improvements, at least as much as, if not more, than the westbound lanes. Water pools deeply along the center barriers. What is the inform mechanism?

  • Sparky July 24, 2024 (8:01 am)

    SDOT hates West Seattle.  

  • WGA July 25, 2024 (12:11 am)

    Reading the WSDOT project update, the eastbound 1st Ave exit/detour will be open after the first full weekend of work. That will allow surface street access to I-5. The EB 99 exit will be open at all times.I understand that to mean the re-surfacing will begin at the 99 overpass and work its way east.

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