WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Woman robbed, assaulted at Westwood Village (updated Monday)

ORIGINAL SATURDAY NIGHT REPORT: Firefighters treated a 58-year-old woman for minor injuries after what was reported to police as a strong-arm robbery and assault at Westwood Village tonight. We don’t have full details of the circumstances, but it was reported to have happened near the Rite Aid store just before 5:30 pm. The victim told police that at least five teenagers – some boys, some girls – attacked her, taking her purse and wallet, according to dispatch. Officers found suspects a few blocks away and made at least one arrest. We’ll be following up.

MONDAY UPDATE, 11:37 AM: We asked SPD for the report narrative. Here’s their reply in its entirety:

On April 6 at about 5:20 p.m., Seattle police were called to a pharmacy in the 2600 block of Southwest Barton Street for reports of a strong-arm robbery. A woman (the victim) reported an employee confronted a group of teens inside the store for not paying for items and she also commented on the situation. She told police one of the teens, a 13-year-old boy, approached her and took her purse before running toward the exit. The woman chased after him. She told police she caught up to him at the store entrance and he grabbed her shirt and threw her to the ground. As she got back up and chased him, he punched her in the face. The suspect and the group ran eastbound on Southwest Barton Street. The victim called police. Officers found the suspect and two other teens near 18th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Barton Street. The 13-year-old boy was arrested and booked into the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center for investigation of robbery. The two others were identified and released. The victim was treated by Seattle fire crews on the scene.

We’re also following up with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to find out what happens next with the 13-year-old suspect.

43 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Woman robbed, assaulted at Westwood Village (updated Monday)"

  • Pelicans April 7, 2024 (3:40 am)

    I’m sending best wishes for justice and recovery to this lady.  Please, dear, if you have the energy, hunt down nearby video from stores and those surveillance thingys with the blue lights. If you are able to acquire video of your robbery/assault,  download it to a thumb drive, go downtown in person and give it to SPD. Don’t bother trying to provide evidence by phone. God bless you  and best of luck. Been There.B.

    • Pelicans April 7, 2024 (7:11 pm)

      Also, if you can, go to the businesses where the perps are using your credit/debit cards.  A lot of gas stations and convenience stores have many HD cameras. If they won’t let you download the video, ask them to let you record it using your phone. Then, take it to SPD. Also, look around the ground along the roads leading away from where the crime happened. You may find things thrown away from your wallet. I did. And a good samaritan mailed me my driver’s license, too. Good luck to you.

  • Mike April 7, 2024 (4:04 am)

    To the victim, I’m sorry you had to endure this violent assault and robbery.  WSB, please name the judges these criminals will be facing.  The public deserves to know.

  • santa pop April 7, 2024 (8:50 am)

    There are no morals left with teenagers lately (not all teenagers).  Don’t know if it was the couple years of bumpy schooling that many experienced during the pandemic.  But someone needs to figure out why current teenagers seem to think it’s a free for all, their attitude is like life’s a joke with no boundaries. 

    • Oh Seattle April 7, 2024 (11:37 am)

      For a certain type of adolescent (I was one of them) if there are no
      consequences, you keep pushing the boundaries as far as you can until
      someone stops you. On top of that, they now have social media to
      challenge them to do ever increasing dangerous and harmful things and
      audiences cheering them on. They do the risk vs reward analysis (yes,
      teenagers do this) and are very aware that the worst thing that will happen to them is home monitoring unless they kill someone, so there is no incentive to stop. Of course some of these kids come from poverty and abuse, but I can promise you, more than you’d like to think come from “good” homes and are having the time of their lives.

      • Al King April 7, 2024 (1:57 pm)

        Oh Seattle. Still doesn’t excuse what they are doing. Still makes them criminals. Still means they must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

    • Same Old April 7, 2024 (12:51 pm)

      Teenagers have been doing this since forever. A group of teens who think they have nothing to lose egging each other on to take increasingly bigger risks until something goes horribly wrong is how many learn the biggest lessons in life. There are thousands of movies that celebrate this truth. Be safe out there.

      • East Coast Cynic April 7, 2024 (4:06 pm)

        Teens have been doing Juvenile crime since forever, but in the last couple of years or so, teen crime in the Seattle area has gone on steroids.  Way more noticeable than ever and in some cases way more dangerous to the public.  Presumably taking advantage of the lack of police presence whenever possible.

        • Yeah April 7, 2024 (5:07 pm)

          On the state level, the legislature has been gutting the child welfare system the last couple years so youth in abusive or dysfunctional homes don’t have the resources they did previously to help them onto a different path than the one they see at home.

          • PotKettleBlack April 7, 2024 (6:01 pm)

            Ding Ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Cut services and education and this is what you end up with. Not a surprise at all.

    • 1994 April 7, 2024 (11:11 pm)

      I suspect the teens have heard about the science that says their brains aren’t fully developed until about age 25. Isn’t that the new science, about age 25? Probably the teens figure they can get away with their bad behavior since adults have determined the teen brain can’t figure out right from wrong behavior……

    • Mariem April 8, 2024 (12:22 am)

      First of all sympathy to the woman victim at WWV and all victims of crime. I have been a crime victim myself and I have also seen children suffer because of neglectful or abusive parents, which is perhaps turning into these acts of violence. It may not always be the case, but generally if teens are committing crimes there is something Very wrong at home. To say it’s because the teens aren’t being “disciplined” at home is not getting at the core of the issue in many cases. It’s not to excuse the crimes of these teens or anyone, but we have many people in crisis raising children, so what do we expect will happen when as a society we don’t have adequate systems and community to help and hold accountable /sick/ even abusive parents? Our child welfare systems are underfunded and our laws are often not effective. There are NO simple fixes sadly. The idea of a posse at WWV is nearly as frightening to me, thank you. We do need better public safety and security to be provided by our police, but I understand we may not have enough officers. Not getting into the “ why” of that however as it would  surely blow up the commentary! 

  • heyalki April 7, 2024 (9:24 am)

    And pple ask why I avoid Westwood like the plague

  • Dog Whisperer April 7, 2024 (10:44 am)

    Might be time for we men to organize. We cannot call ourselves civilized if elders aren’t safe at 5:30 pm in a grocery store.  Who’s available?

    • Pelicans April 7, 2024 (6:52 pm)

      I’ve avoided Westwood Village Mall for almost a year now. Since BBB, Staples and Barnes and Noble left, Target, NK Nails and Ulta were the only businesses I patronized.  The place is so unsafe that now I buy from Amazon rather than take a chance there, even in daylight hours.

      • Jethro Marx April 7, 2024 (10:26 pm)

        So is that a ‘no’ to joining Dog Whisperer’s clandestine band of ruffians or posse or mob or whatever he cooks up?

        I am assuming you’re a person and not some sort of Amazon program, yes?

        • Dog Whisperer April 8, 2024 (12:32 am)

          It takes a village to raise a child. We were taught that in the early nineties and never forgot it. Ruffians, slackjaws and posse’s all have something to contribute. Naturally they’re welcome. 

        • Pelicans April 8, 2024 (4:44 am)

          Jethro Marx, Yes, that is a “no.” If you’d paid attention, you’d realize who the longtime commenters are, such as yourself.

  • UGH! April 7, 2024 (1:38 pm)

    So 5 punk attackers that have no moral compass. Suspects located – How many? Only 1 is arrested? Why?

  • GC April 7, 2024 (2:09 pm)

    It’s not just Westwood unfortunately, this has been happening other places too like the Admiral District. As a retired teacher I can tell you many  kids have a lack of respect  these days and many parents don’t discipline or have boundaries for their kids . So sad that adults can’t even get what they need during daylight hours without the fear of being attacked and robbed. This needs to stop and these perpetrators need to have real consequences, maybe their parents should have some too.

  • Josh April 7, 2024 (3:23 pm)

    We just got back from Westwood today (Saturday, 3pm). Walked into QFC and were asked by two small kids if we’d buy some random candy they were selling (in middle of Annie); Left QFC and man followed us to the car and asked my wife and family next to us for money.Parking lot seems more sketchy today than typical. It’s discouraging. 

    • Just wondering April 7, 2024 (9:38 pm)


      • Josh April 8, 2024 (7:08 am)

        * isle (not Annie);typed on phone in parking lot, I meant kids in the isle approaching people (not just me) selling random candy. 

        • Westwood April 9, 2024 (10:49 am)


  • Jenben April 7, 2024 (4:55 pm)

    Wtf Westwood. Get some security!! People will stop going there without adequate safety 

  • Kt April 7, 2024 (4:57 pm)

    I have NEVER seen security patrolling Westwood Village.  Why doesn’t the mall owner/operator have visibile security.  Can you reach out to them, Tracy, and find out what they are doing to keep this property safe?  As Landlord they have a duty to their tenants to provide a viable shopping center.

    • HS April 9, 2024 (11:47 am)

      I have seen security patrolling this area; however, I’ve only ever seen one or two people.

      • B April 25, 2024 (5:51 pm)

        Any WWV security I see on foot normally have their heads down their phones, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

  • Julia April 7, 2024 (5:28 pm)

    This afternoon we were at Starbucks, Happy Lemon, and QFC. All were busy, we felt completely safe. The two middle-school brothers in QFC asked for money for their school, and even though I was suspicious I gave them a few bucks. They were cute and non-threatening. My husband and I did discuss the purse-snatching incident and agreed we need to have situational awareness, but that is necessary all the time and everywhere.

    • Pelicans April 7, 2024 (7:23 pm)

      Who sends kids to beg for money in a grocery store? 

      You may feel you’re safe, and you are, until you’re not.

    • Josh April 7, 2024 (10:42 pm)

      The problem is when we say no either to the beggars inside the store, or outside in the parking lot, it’s a sense of fear. Not knowing whether they will instantly get mad, attack, steal from you, or shoot you. It’s totally out of control at Westwood. We get used to the slow subtle changes but it’s not normal outside our bubble. Security guards at every store, bollards at Big 5, police at Target, blue lights/cameras, locked doors… its just discouraging, and yes, scary not knowing whether saying no to someone will cause harm. 

  • Beth April 7, 2024 (8:05 pm)


  • Seattlite April 7, 2024 (10:37 pm)

    What is Saka doing to protect West Seattleites?

    • Jeepney April 8, 2024 (4:55 am)

      Have you asked Rob?  He has been very engaged with his constituents since his election and has been very accessible.   Please keep in mind that our current council members have inherited quite a mess, and change will not be overnight.  

      • Jeff April 9, 2024 (11:35 am)

        Saka doesn’t even answer emails  The previous council inherited the real mess and were given 0 days to turn things around. They were also dealt the WSB problems and pandemic. Saka has it easy, let’s not baby him.

  • Terremoto April 8, 2024 (8:15 am)

    I urge all women NOT to carry purses.  Keep wallet and phone out of sight, in pockets or waist belts.  These are the times we live in.  When in Italy, moped thieves were grabbing purses, knocking down victims. I see this is now happening again in NYC.  Please be safe!  I grew up in a big city and our mantra was, “Someone is always watching.” Criminals are on the prowl 24/7.  

    • Al King April 8, 2024 (9:06 am)

      To Terremoto’s point. Sisters best friend and husband were visiting Italy. He had their expensive camera in their backpack. On a BUSY street thief was behind him with a sharp knife and cut the camera out of the backpack without them knowing it! Nobody else on the street noticed(or if they did didn’t say anything). While ALL criminals are bad people-some are slick and smart.

    • Greg April 8, 2024 (9:30 am)

      Oh, you mean this isn’t a Seattle specific thing that just started up within the past few years? /sCareful with that info. You’re really going to screw up the rhetoric of those who want to blame Seattle leadership for anything and everything that goes wrong in the world. 

      • Byron James April 10, 2024 (6:34 pm)

        @Greg. Local problems can be dealt with locally. It’s not hard to understand this.

  • WSB April 8, 2024 (11:42 am)

    SPD’s report narrative, obtained this morning, added above.

  • Jamason S April 9, 2024 (4:21 am)

    I see so many comments here just saying “this is just the way things are now” and that’s dangerous to accept this as normal and now ok. I do think the majority of violent crimes post pandemic in Seattle and surrounding areas is attributed to gangs especially with these juveniles. We shouldn’t just be accepting this as the new norm. Police did their job to apprehend and arrest said criminals now it’s up to the prosecutor to prosecute and most importantly a judge to hold them accountable and not be a social justice warrior who gives them a slap on the wrist, releases them back into the public or even home motoring which they won’t abide by and actually lock them up. Once they are behind bars that’s when we can find out the root causes of this behavior and address it. But just because they are juveniles doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous to our society. I’d even go as far as to say they may be more dangerous knowing the judicial system will be more lenient on them in the courtroom vs their adult counterparts and potentially gang leaders know this and are using them as pawns to conduct dangerous criminal behavior such as robberies and carjackings. We must get back to holding criminals accountable and not allowing this to be the new norm! 

    • Mariem April 9, 2024 (9:45 am)

      I’m not saying I am against jailing anyone, but truly when a teen is behind bars does anyone really think the prison system is going to do anything to get to “the root cause” ? Sadly probably not, because this would mean our country, we taxpayers adequately supporting social safety net systems. Prisons create more criminals oftentimes, i would venture to say more so for teens. 

      • oerthehillz April 10, 2024 (5:35 am)

        Very true. I worked with teens in the early 90’s when gang crime was so bad. I was told by teens who had been in and out of juvenile detention that it does nothing other than increase connections, and lend opportunity for drugs. It makes them tougher.

Sorry, comment time is over.