CONGRATULATIONS! West Seattle HS Unified Basketball wins second place at statewide tournament

Another jewel in the crown for West Seattle High School‘s basketball prowess – statewide success for the WSHS Unified Basketball team! Here’s the photo and announcement sent to us to share with you:

The West Seattle High School Unified Basketball team has reason to celebrate after placing 2nd at the Special Olympics Washington State Unified Basketball Tournament held in Wenatchee. The team is coached by head coach Tim Bauer and assistant coaches Jessica O’Connor and Brandon Marks.

The tournament was part of the 2024 Winter Games.

4 Replies to "CONGRATULATIONS! West Seattle HS Unified Basketball wins second place at statewide tournament"

  • Star55 March 12, 2024 (12:34 am)

    Congratulations to everyone involved  in this adventure. 

  • Me mama March 12, 2024 (7:59 am)

    Love this so much.  I am utterly in awe how far we’ve come in celebrating people of all abilities.  Thank you to everyone who makes this team happen, and way to go WSHS unified basketball team!

  • sam-c March 12, 2024 (8:56 am)

    Congrats everyone; what an exciting accomplishment!  Many great memories along the way too, I’m sure.

  • Rose March 12, 2024 (6:28 pm)

    CONGRATULATIONS! Very exciting news. Great job, great teamwork!

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