WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Seeing some snow!

12:40 AM: Just got a text that it’s snowing in Highland Park; looked out the window here in Upper Fauntleroy and there’s a dusting on the ground and parked vehicles. Anybody else?

12:47 AM: The traffic camera at 35th/Holden isn’t far from the highest point in the city (35th/Myrtle), and it’s definitely snowy. But we’ve seen some in the streetlights on the Admiral and Junction cameras, too.

12:57 AM: Now the 35th/Holden camera shows it’s sticking on the road.

1:16 AM: 16th/Roxbury too:

Still no weather advisory … snow was considered more likely on the west side of the Sound and to the south.

1:51 AM: From Mel in Highland Park:

And the streets are even coated in The Junction:

2:29 AM: The snowfall’s much lighter now. Meantime, here’s the view at 35th/Roxbury just a moment ago:

2:55 AM: SDOT‘s winter-weather response map shows some crews out, though none in our area so far. So far the forecast hasn’t changed from “rain/snow mix,” so hard to tell how long this is expected to last.

(Yard view, Upper Fauntleroy)

If you have any problems, changes, cancellations to report, please text or call us at 206-293-6302.

5:31 AM: Back at the keyboard after a couple hours away. Roads look mostly bare and wet – some slush on the 35th/Holden camera – but so far no major problems announced. We’ll launch the morning traffic/weather coverage at 6 am as usual.

19 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Seeing some snow!"

  • Mrs. A February 15, 2024 (12:56 am)

    Still snowing here just West of Fairmount Park. Pretty!!

  • Erithan February 15, 2024 (1:10 am)

    There’s so much!

  • Rhonda February 15, 2024 (1:16 am)

    It’s sticking to the ground here in Arbor Heights ❄

  • Highland park February 15, 2024 (1:24 am)

    Sdot? No trucks at all

  • K February 15, 2024 (1:24 am)

    It’s definitely sticking here at Delridge and Holden and still really coming down. The hill going up Holden is looking pretty coated so be careful out there!

  • WS Girl February 15, 2024 (1:28 am)

    California Ave. / Juneau St. area all white at 1:30 a.m.

  • Lucy February 15, 2024 (1:29 am)

    Snowing in Queen Anne! I don’t want to work tomorrow. 

  • WiseWoman February 15, 2024 (1:30 am)

    Yay Snow ❄️! Beep Beep you all need a Jeep Jeep

  • mj February 15, 2024 (1:32 am)

    it’s coming down where I am too! Just west of Fairmount park

  • John February 15, 2024 (1:33 am)

    Sticking and accumulating quite a bit in Fauntleroy Roads are completely covered from what I can see

  • Neighbor February 15, 2024 (1:42 am)

    Snowing and sticking at Beach Drive and 63rd.

  • em February 15, 2024 (1:49 am)

    I was getting ready for bed and saw it from the window! I ran outside to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. 

  • Gatewood Hill February 15, 2024 (6:34 am)

    At 1:30 am the streets and sidewalks were completely covered! now at 6:30, it’s melted on the street.  41st & Holly

  • Jeepney February 15, 2024 (7:02 am)

    Totally unexpected.  My wife got 6” last night at her place.

    • Eddie February 15, 2024 (7:47 am)

      Snicker  Snicker. 

  • Aaron February 15, 2024 (8:23 am)

    Holy cow, did you sleep at all last night, WSB?

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