WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Window of ‘old Subaru’ smashed

One West Seattle Crime Watch reader report today, from Eric:

Went out to the car this afternoon to do some Christmas things around West Seattle, and discovered that the driver’s side of my old Subie had been vandalized. There was nothing in the car except a small dog bed, which was still in the car when I discovered the damage. Police report has been filed and there are plenty cameras around here, so maybe something will turn up. This probably happened in the early hours of this morning, Dec. 16th.

Eric says this happened “just south of Jefferson Square on 41st Ave SW, close to the Hudson Steps” and that a neighbor reported a similar incident recently.

16 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Window of 'old Subaru' smashed"

  • Miller December 16, 2023 (11:24 pm)

    Eric,It’s maddening.  I’ve had my 2002 ford pickup broken into several times and stolen once.  My door lock cylinders are broken and my ignition is damaged and my doors are dented from having the locks punched.  I go to work every day, pay my taxes, vote, raise my kids to be good people, and have to deal with this crap.  I’m sorry that you woke up to this, I’m sorry that it seems our city does not care, I hope Saka will go beyond saying that we need to hire more police and demand this city instead start treating these public servants with respect which they haven’t done in years, and then maybe some honorable young folks will step forward to risk their lives for blue collar wages and provide the public safety that the city charter mandates.  

    • Mike December 17, 2023 (7:18 am)

      I am 100% in agreement with your sentiment, Miller.  The key thing I feel Saka understands that most government leaders seem to forget or not care about is that they are public servants, voted into public office to serve the public.  We hire (vote for) and fire (not vote for or recall) public servants.  If you want to see the outside influence on the city of Seattle, look at where donors live that fund the politicians you are disgusted with. https://web6.seattle.gov/ethics/elections/campaigns.aspx and https://www.pdc.wa.gov/political-disclosure-reporting-data/browse-search-data/candidates

    • Mike December 17, 2023 (7:32 am)

      Here’s the list of individual contributors to Andrew Lewis in the 2023 https://www.pdc.wa.gov/political-disclosure-reporting-data/browse-search-data/candidates/689086/contributions Why, you might ask, are people outside of Seattle so concerned with getting Andrew Lewis elected again?

      • CAM December 18, 2023 (1:19 am)

        What are you getting upset about Mike? Andrew Lewis had over 2,000 individual contributions according to your link. Of those, 42 contributions used addresses from states other than Washington. To go more granular, of the over 2,000 contributions, only 190 used addresses outside of Seattle when making the contribution. This is not an issue and all you’re doing is starting conspiracies about nonsense. 

      • WS Res December 18, 2023 (9:01 am)

        Now do Rob Saka!

  • Al King December 17, 2023 (7:06 am)

    Last Saturday on my morning walk on Alki Ave saw 4 cars with windows busted out and a couple with windows cleared off to look inside. Having nothing inside is no guarantee of not being hit. All this was between 58th and 59th.

  • Josh December 17, 2023 (8:49 am)

    A cop for every 2002 ford pickup, I will be sure to thank them as they stand posted outside every parked vehicle in the city.  Surely that is a winning equation to combat property crime.You will come to find that Rob Saka will care more about things that make it harder for him to make a left hand turn while running his errands than he will about anything that actually matters or benefits anyone else.

    • m December 17, 2023 (5:22 pm)

      Sounds like we met Rob under the same circumstances!

  • Science27 December 17, 2023 (8:58 am)

    I’ve had my van broken into twice in the exact manor of your truck. Punched locks, drilled out ignition. The police have said they have no leads on any of these break ins though they come across many every night. The thieves seem to be well organized. A single glove found in my van, had its pair found in a van down the street, with all the same damage. 

  • Nadmiral2 December 17, 2023 (9:00 am)

    That happened over here on 41st Ave., Southwest just north of Metropolitan market. They smashed in the rear window of a Chrysler 300 and then went through the glove box, which had nothing in it of value.. thankfully this was filmed on camera. Police report submitted with photos.

    • CARGUY December 17, 2023 (11:01 am)

      You’re lucky you were able to submit the images. I had a dash cam of 2 thieves stealing my catalytic converter while my car was parked and I was checking out from a store, including clear video truck they drove (early 2000,s white GMC/Chevy truck with very unique work bed and headache rack,, with what looked like piles of stolen items in the back, stands out like a sour thumb) Called police and made report and they would not take my video. Saw truck with thieves in it 30min later parked at Home Depot, called police. Again, nothing. While leaving Home Depot I see a police officer at a red light in front of me. I pull over and start waving my hands to get attention of the police officer to tell them that the catalytic converter thieves are in the truck that was just parked in the home depot parking lot next door…. The police officer makes eye contact as she passes me while I’m trying to get her attention and keeps driving. Let’s just say I have a sour taste in my mouth after that interaction with our law enforcement. 

      • East Coast Cynic December 17, 2023 (8:37 pm)

        You may want to consider filing a complaint with the OPA if they take them for ignoring a citizen in need.

        • thanks, repubs December 17, 2023 (9:21 pm)

          sadly, cops are free to ignore you.  republican supreme court justices ruled that police have no obligation or constitutional duty to protect you.  so, yeah, they’re perfectly free to ignore a citizen in need.  thanks cops, thanks republicans–and everyone else, wake up and be outraged and vote anybody-but-republican all down the line.

          • Wseattleite December 18, 2023 (12:35 pm)

            You are blaming R for cop response in Seattle?  If you mean this to be serious and not satire, please troll elsewhere.  There is a distinct lack of R influence anywhere near our city. Current state can only reflect those that have had strong influence in the last 10 years. Nobody else seems to be confused about which party that is. 

          • thanks, repubs December 19, 2023 (12:50 pm)

            You don’t understand that supreme court rulings influence the goings on in the world?  You don’t think the supreme court ruling that cops have no obligation to serve and protect is going to influence the behavior of cops?  I wonder if you are actually an adult or just a couple kids in a trench coat because your limited understanding of the world points to the latter.

  • west sea neighbor December 18, 2023 (7:38 am)

    This really stinks, so sorry Eric. That’s a really sweet Baja!

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