MISSING: Have you seen William? – Update: Found

Friday update: William’s family has found him and thanks the community for their help.


William has been missing for a while and his family is asking for community help:

(photo removed)

We just want anyone to report any possible sightings so that we may continue to search for him.

He was seen on Delridge on November 7, 2023. and again on North Admiral on November 12, 2023. Since then there have been no sightings, his phone has been off for over a month, and his car was impounded- presumably for abandonment.

He is 5 foot 10, slim build, blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Distinguishing feature is a gap in his front teeth (think Madonna).

We are lifelong Seattle residents and he has been living in West Seattle for the last several years.

The SPD case number is 23-357562; call 911 if you see him and refer to that case number.

20 Replies to "MISSING: Have you seen William? - Update: Found"

  • Odd son December 13, 2023 (1:49 pm)

    Thinking of William and his family.I think about James Price often. I wonder whatever happened to him. It’s coming up on 3 months missing.

    • West Marge December 13, 2023 (6:14 pm)

      Same. I’ve watched for updates while I’ve watched his missing poster at the end of my street symbolically deteriorate. I hope for closure for his family and friends. 

      • Kadoo December 14, 2023 (6:54 am)

        He is still missing per his family as of early this week. 

    • sharon J PRICE December 14, 2023 (8:44 am)

      There are still no clues about James Price, the 86 yr old missing since Sept. 18.

      • TTT December 14, 2023 (9:04 pm)

        I am sorry. I wondered about that this week too. 

  • BC December 13, 2023 (1:58 pm)

    Fairly certain I saw him last night around 6pm at California Ave SW and Lander St SW at the intersection next to North Admiral Safeway. I have called Seattle Police to have the case updated.

    • TM December 13, 2023 (3:27 pm)

      I appreciate this!! Someone is headed there to check. Thank you!! 

    • May be William December 13, 2023 (6:33 pm)

      I’m pretty sure I saw him twice in the last week feeding crows around SW Lander and California Ave SW. I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

      • RR December 13, 2023 (6:51 pm)

        Did you see if he was standing outside of a vehicle? If so, can you recall what type?

        • May be William December 13, 2023 (7:12 pm)

          He was not standing outside a vehicle. He was just casually walking south-bound on California Ave SW (east side of the street, both times) feeding the crows. I took note of him because the birds were all around him and very comfortable with him. That tells me that they are familiar with him and my guess is that he’s living/staying in the area.

  • shorty December 13, 2023 (5:42 pm)

    He may have been in Roxbury Safeway earlier today wearing that same hoodie. Didn’t get a good look at him though.

  • May be William December 13, 2023 (7:14 pm)

    He was not standing outside a vehicle. He was just casually walking south-bound on California Ave SW (east side of the street, both times) feeding the crows. I took note of him because the birds were all around him and very comfortable with him. That tells me that they are familiar with him and my guess is that he’s living/staying in the area.

  • May be William December 13, 2023 (7:26 pm)

    Also, he looked pretty disheveled, perhaps homeless. But he looked so kind to me and obviously cared about the crows. I too love crows and that’s why I noticed him. I hope it was him and that you are able to locate him.

  • lacivita December 13, 2023 (7:55 pm)

    I think I may have seen him today (Weds, 12/13) crossing Fauntleroy at the stoplight at SW Oregon. I was walking my dog, probably about 3:45 ish. I did not see his teeth but this man had a small, whitish birthmark, almost square, on the upper part of his cheek on the left side of his face

  • AD December 13, 2023 (8:03 pm)

    Not the best with faces, but he looks like someone I saw Tuesday wearing a greenish beanie cap.41st and Admiral sitting on a bench smoking and then walking in and out of the Starbucks around 8:50 am.Then saw the same person again walking in the 7-11 parking lot down the street at 10:39 as I drove by. 

  • Gatewood residents December 13, 2023 (8:12 pm)

    I saw a man feeding seagulls in the Rite Aid parking lot on California around 11/11:30a this morning. Seemed odd since I drive up and down California frequently and never noticed him before. 

    • Also gatewood December 13, 2023 (9:19 pm)

      I saw this too. It was definitely distinctive and unusual. 

  • BMC December 14, 2023 (4:44 pm)

    What’s his age? 19? 29? maybe it doesn’t matter…… but just curious.Thanks

  • RR December 15, 2023 (8:44 am)

    He’s been found! Thanks! 

    • Flores December 21, 2023 (2:52 pm)

      Oh awesome! I just saw him at Costco and wanted to let someone know. I’m happy he’s found. 

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