BIZNOTE: ‘K-food’ coming to former Wanna space in Highland Park

(Photo sent by John)

Thanks to everyone who has texted and emailed about the sign that just appeared at the space where Wanna Burger and Teriyaki closed back in May, at 1513 SW Holden in Highland Park: Chef Korea Miso. We’ve been watching the space ever since a commenter on the original closure story noticed a sign indicating it was being remodeled and would “reopen” in June. A return of Wanna didn’t seem likely, as the restaurant’s website had been taken down as soon as it closed, but we didn’t know for sure until now. As with so many times we’ve been by on spec, no one was there when we went back this morning, but we did reach someone by phone who was able to tell us a bit about the new restaurant. She said the menu will be “Korean-food based (called K-food).” Hours will be Mondays through Saturdays, 11 am to 9 pm, closed Sundays, and they’re just waiting on the final health permit before they can open.

10 Replies to "BIZNOTE: 'K-food' coming to former Wanna space in Highland Park"

  • Theresa - Highland Park August 2, 2023 (1:28 pm)

    I’m so sad about Wanna leaving. The teriyaki there was seriously good. I love Korean food though, so I’m super excited to see the menu and try this place out! 

    • datamuse August 2, 2023 (2:25 pm)

      Same, it’ll be nice to have something I can walk to in the neighborhood again (the Corner Store is great, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I want something a little more substantial).

      I liked Wanna too, but have to admit my last few orders from them before they closed were not so great. Still sorry to see them go though, they were good for a long time and super nice folks.

  • Fullmouth August 2, 2023 (2:20 pm)


  • Puget ridge August 2, 2023 (2:24 pm)

    super excited for Korean food!

    • Steve August 2, 2023 (6:50 pm)

      Well pooh. After all these years of saying to myself, ” I should go there soon.” It’s too late.  I  promise I’ll try the  K-food.

  • KG August 2, 2023 (3:43 pm)

    I wish this new place all the best and I’m excited to try, but I’m really going to miss Wanna. It was my favorite teriyaki place ever :( 

  • East Coast Cynic August 2, 2023 (5:10 pm)

    I know, Wanna had great teriyaki – old school with the marinade only, not the new wave with multi colored sauces all over the teriyaki.  If he wanted to retire, I understand.  You gotta get old to understand and I hope he enjoys his retirement.

  • Highland Park neighbor August 2, 2023 (5:11 pm)

    I am hoping we can get some delicious bi bim bop!

  • AT August 2, 2023 (6:53 pm)

    Was super excited to see this on the way home today, will definitely give it a try.

  • WS resident August 2, 2023 (11:43 pm)

    I am absolutely excited and my Korean wife even more so. Hope they have some authentic Korean food. Fingers and toes crossed.

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