WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Lightning, thunder, sunset

Thanks to Kevin Freitas for that photo of lightning seen to the east from his home near The Mount; he published more photos here. We’ve heard some thunder this past half-hour, and you might have notice thunderheads like this late in the day:

Jim Edwards photographed that formation looking east from Shorewood. Rosalie Miller caught pink clouds, looking south from Lincoln Park:

And to the west, the sunset was a spectacle. Thanks to everyone who sent photos – this one is by David Hutchinson:

All this followed another hot day – but the Heat Advisory alert expired as scheduled at 8 pm, and now we’re on to simply “warm” weather, though it’ll still be about 10 degrees above the normal mid-May highs in the upper 60s.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Lightning, thunder, sunset"

  • Suzanne May 16, 2023 (3:09 am)

    Phenomenal photos! Kevin — your photos of last night’s clouds and lightning are especially beautiful .  With last night’s shift in weather, the refreshingly cooler air smells intensely sweet. What a welcome relief from the shock of the intense August… I mean May heat.

  • 1994 May 16, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    The sunset was so beautifully colored up last night, shining so vibrant through the clouds.

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