12:09 AM: Thanks for the tip! Power’s out for 191 customers north of Westwood Village, according to Seattle City Light. The outage started just before midnight and is attributed to “equipment failure.”
9:49 AM: Still out.
11:11 AM: We found two SCL trucks on Thistle by Chief Sealth IHS, but no crews in view.
5:26 PM: Dorinda mentioned in a comment below that the crew is in a nearby alley, so we went over there. They’re using a vacuum truck now. Neighbors say they’d been told the problem is a “conduit break” and that it’s taking so long because they have to excavate to find what’s broken.
7:42 PM: Just talked with Jenn Strang of SCL. She says what’s taking them so long is that the trouble is far beyond what they first thought – at first it was a cable failure, then they got in and discovered “crushed conduit and some other things that needed to be fixed,” and that led to a much longer repair time than they’d usually need. She says they hope to be done “soon” – provided they don’t find anything else that needs to be fixed.
8 PM: Moments later, power returned, after almost 20 hours.