WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 followups and 2 reader reports

Four notes in West Seattle Crime Watch – first, two followups:

MANSLAUGHTER SENTENCING: We reported in February on a plea bargain in a 2020 Delridge hit-run death. 40-year-old Steven J. Abrahamson now has been sentenced in the hit-run death of his longtime friend 34-year-old Derrick Lacomb. For first-degree manslaughter and hit-run, he will serve 9 1/2 years in prison, which is what prosecutors had recommended as part of the plea bargain.

CHARGES IN CHILD SEX ABUSE IMAGES CASE: Last month, we reported on an Upper Alki man arrested and accused of accessing child-sexual-abuse images online. He was charged less than two weeks later, but his case was filed under a misspelled surname so we didn’t find out about it until a reader tip. 37-year-old Robert M. Glass is charged with two felonies, Dealing in Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct in the First Degree and one count of Possession of Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct in the First Degree. As previously described in court documents, investigators were tipped by an internet service provider that a particular user had accessed these types of illegal images in April of last year; subsequent online tracing by detectives led them to Glass. He pleaded not guilty at arraignment last week and remains out of jail after posting bond on $50,000 bail.

Also – two reader reports:

DRIVEWAY THEFT: Elena says this was the third time in 10 days that vandals/thieves have targeted her home in the Fairmount Park area:

We recently had our rooftop charge box stolen from our driveway off the alley. We took it off to wash our car and two minutes after we left, this guy came through and loaded it up. It was noon on a Friday, broad daylight.

After reviewing all our ring camera footage from the week we saw this same van roll through our alley 3 different times last week. His own cargo box has stickers all over it and seems fairly recognizable. I’d love to get this image out there to see if anyone knows where he lives or has a shot of his license plate so I can contact police. At minimum just make sure people are looking out for him.

The initial tracking number for the police report is T230077618.

PACKAGE THIEF FOLLOWING DELIVERY TRUCK: Also in the Fairmount Park area, Ben reported a package thief following a delivery truck, pinching a package within minutes:

It’s a package thief that followed behind the Amazon truck, and swapped an empty box with my package 6 minutes after Amazon dropped it off.

This happened on Sunday.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 followups and 2 reader reports"

  • No Name April 11, 2023 (12:23 pm)

    If this is the same guy – I’ve seen a silver Dodge van with a stickered cargo carrier on top, 50+ man around West Seattle for a couple years now. I remember him because he has male bloodhound that hangs out the side of the van and barks at dogs on the sidewalk. I’ve never been able to place where he lives, but I’ve seen him at Trader Joe’s, walking his dog around Lincoln Park and driving through the area. 

  • sbre April 11, 2023 (3:24 pm)

    That silver van with the stickered cargo box on top goes up & down 48th between Graham and Lowman beach multiple times most days of the week, he’s not too hard to spot at all.

  • Jonathan April 12, 2023 (7:27 am)

    Yes, I’ve encountered this guy in our alley before too (between 45th and 46th in Seaview). We had a cargo box in the alley at the back of our property, but he actually knocked on our front door and asked if he could he have it (we gave it to him, as we had planned to give it away anyway). He said he had a bunch of friends that liked to climb and could use it. I think he said he lived somewhere near Lowman Beach and at the time offered to exchange handyman services for the cargo box. I don’t remember his name, but I have seen him driving around the neighborhood since then too. 

  • Kravitz April 13, 2023 (5:53 pm)

    Confirming I just saw the van guy (April 13, 5:20pm) with his Bloodhound drive up Raymond and 45th, and venture down the alley southbound towards Graham (between 44th/45th). Tried to get a plate, but he saw me and another neighbor notice him and sped off. I’ve seen him before in the Seaview area, and he gives me a gut feeling that he’s looking for opportunities to case properties and/or take what isn’t nailed down.

  • SeaviewNHwatxh April 21, 2023 (8:49 pm)

    Just saw this guy driving down an alley between 44th & 45th (between Raymond and Graham) @ 8:30 and I’ve seen him in the neighborhood before with his bloodhound. Likely scoping out easy items to steal tonight.

  • Winter May 1, 2023 (9:40 am)

    This van is parked on the street right across from south Lincoln park right now at 930am on Monday 5/1

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