6:02 AM: Good morning. It’s Tuesday, December 6th.


Still cold – with a high near 40 – andcloudy with a chance of rain.


-The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its regular schedule this morning.

-WSF’s Triangle Route is too – check here for alerts/updates.

Metro buses are on regular schedules; watch @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations/reroute alerts.


SDOT crews may are continuing speed-hump wrk on Harbor and Alki Avenues, after weekend prep work. At least one set of humps was installed Monday, as Carolyn’s photo above shows.


High Bridge – here’s the camera at the top.

High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (if SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way).

Low Bridge: Or nearby, depending on where SDOT points the camera.

1st Ave. S. Bridge: The south route.

Highway 99: Here’s the northbound side at Lander.

All functional city traffic cams can be seen here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

If you see a problem on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.

10 Replies to "TRAFFIC, TRANSIT, WEATHER: Tuesday info"

  • HoneyBun December 6, 2022 (9:35 am)

    Jort swears these will only be 1.5” tall. Others claim that all the new changes in parking, traffic flow, and confusing signage in that area won’t burden the already struggling businesses by causing some (maybe only a few or maybe more than just a few) customers to think to themselves ‘this just ain’t worth the hassle’. When this happens, then landowners there will be under even more financial pressure to simply sell up, so yet another multistory condo can be built. Personally, I think the entirety of Alki Ave, from Duwamish Head to Alki Point should be a pedestrian only zone. I bet that would save many, many traffic fatalities and be a heck of a nice public promenade. Some local residents would find that too much I suppose, especially if it burdens them simply so the Venice Beach types can parade their crazy along the waterfront day and night. Maybe we could have it entirely a gated community like Brace Point? There’s the winning ticket; street racing and all manner of crime problems solved by simply discouraging all outside visitors. If discouraging visitors doesn’t work then we can proceed to limit access by declaring it a ‘safe street’ and closing it to all through traffic, as has been done a few blocks away already. If that doesn’t ameliorate all the neighborhood ills then it’s gated community time I suppose. I mean vision zero is sacrosanct, amIright?  /s

    • alki_2008 December 6, 2022 (4:50 pm)

      Does that mean we can drive golf carts?  There are a lot of seniors in the area that will not be able to manage the long walks, so they could benefit from golf carts to get them to the gated borders. /s

  • Jeff December 6, 2022 (10:13 am)

    These speed bumps are deeply stupid. Ruining the aesthetic of Alki in a passive way to handle a societal problem of gun violence and car cruising. 

    • April December 6, 2022 (1:00 pm)

      Agree! And a waste of tax money!

    • Jort December 6, 2022 (2:15 pm)

      “Ruining the aesthetic of Alki?” Seriously? Seriously? The speed bumps?  Literally ruining Alki? Really?! You think the “aesthetic of Alki” is … a road with no speed bumps? Really?

    • Auntie December 6, 2022 (3:17 pm)

      I think the aesthetic of Alki was ruined when the first behemoth condo was built, and so on …

  • lucy December 6, 2022 (10:16 am)

    I’m very pleased with the addition of the speed humps.  I wish we could have more of them.  They are effective at deterring street racing and the ultra low riders that cruise the beach without adequate mufflers.  Thank you DOT for doing something helpful!

  • Marcus December 6, 2022 (1:48 pm)

    I really do not like these bumps, but then again I drive 25mph on Alki.  Sometimes even slower when the sun is shinning and mountains are out.  I would rather see more camera surveillance and agressive ticketing but that would be too harsh for some–but necessary.  Now Alki is for all to enjoy from all over the city.  Speed bumps do not keep people out and the rich in, a speed bump is not a gate.  anyway the more condos and luxury dwelling on Alki the more tax revenue.  And, I hear those jerks at night with their loud exhaust systems revvvvig up and obviously speeding.  Just like I hear the trains, however I can get use to some train noise.  If speed bumps are the key then put more in with the added tax revenues from those luxury dwellings.  actually many of the tailgaters I have seen turn into those places.  I still drive the speed limit, just barely 25.

    • Jeepney December 6, 2022 (4:41 pm)

      Marcus, you say you drive slower than 25 “when the mountains are out”?  Please park your car and admire our amazing scenery on foot, distracted driving is dangerous.

      • marcus December 7, 2022 (9:08 am)

        Jeepney,  good point.  I view Alki as a city park and with all the people crossing the streets and such out of the crosswalks I think it is just wise to be extra cautious.  Also if people really want to make time-maybe another route other than a city park would be more benificial.  And, boy the views are indeed beautiful, more people need to slow down and enjoy them.

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