BIZNOTE: Best of Hands Barrelhouse announces it will close at the end of November

(WSB file photo)

Thanks for the tips. 3 1/2 years after opening at 35th/Webster, Best of Hands Barrelhouse announced today that it will close as of November 30th. From the announcement made via social media:

As many of you know we were only open for normal operations for a year before the pandemic hit. Unfortunately, among other things, the toll of the pandemic, the slower than expected recovery, and the skyrocketing costs of everything from CO2 to raw ingredients has made it unsustainable for us to continue to operate even with our current skeleton crew. We’d like to thank everybody for their support and interest through the years.

If you have any questions or know of anybody looking for two talented brewers, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

Thank you West Seattle!

Best of Hands opened in the cow-topped former Corner Deli spot in March 2019.

40 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Best of Hands Barrelhouse announces it will close at the end of November"

  • CP October 26, 2022 (2:31 pm)

    So sad to hear! I know this must have been an incredibly difficult decision. We have loved this place – they have such a great variety of beer and all of it is stellar. They will be missed and hope they can land somewhere nearby so West Seattle can continue to benefit from their talent. Wishing them all the best in what’s next!

  • Codad October 26, 2022 (3:14 pm)

    :_(  You guys worked so hard to get this place up and running. You will be missed. One of the best breweries in West Seattle. 

  • North Delridge October 26, 2022 (3:16 pm)

    Noo! So sad to hear this as they had some of the best beer in town! Their first IPA named something like “not another hipster joint” based off a snide blog comment from when they first opened was my 1000th check-in on Untappd and that and many others were soo good.  Wishing them the best of luck!

    • M October 26, 2022 (5:32 pm)

      Hopefully they can find new brew paths in the future with a beer named “Kyle’s Kids Not Welcome Here” They will be missed!

      • Kyle October 26, 2022 (7:55 pm)

        Wow lots of hate for kids you never met. This actually hurt that you would make a comment like this. Good thing you were never a kid!

        • PDiddy October 26, 2022 (10:33 pm)

          I thought it was kinda funny. your kids must be super annoying. :D I am kidding of course. 

        • Mark October 27, 2022 (7:33 am)

          My old man would leave us kids in the car when he went to the tavern .  But that was in the 70’s

          • Conrad October 27, 2022 (5:28 pm)

            Lol me too.  We’re so much better than that.  But then why are our kids so maladjusted?  Sad to hear this place is closing.  My friend that does Wolves & People in Newburg OR just lost a brewer I think.

  • Kyle October 26, 2022 (3:28 pm)

    Unfortunately they didn’t allow kids, so we went to kid friendly breweries instead.

    • Jim October 26, 2022 (4:49 pm)

      Not sure your comment was helpful. Doesn’t mean they should fail because they don’t allow kids. Bars don’t allow kids either. There are babysitters unless you need your kids to see you drink all the time.

      • Lisab October 26, 2022 (7:04 pm)

        Well said.  Breweries and kids don’t mix well.

    • Oscar October 26, 2022 (4:51 pm)

      Unfortunately one less place to go where we don’t have to put up with loud children and their oblivious parents taking over every available seat. It’s why I refuse to go to ounces.They will be missed!

      • April October 27, 2022 (10:14 am)

        Oscar, I agree with you. Wish there were more eateries with alcohol that were adults only! 

        • sam-c October 27, 2022 (10:28 am)

          try locol and the Westy. They are 21+ aren’t they?

          • sam-c October 27, 2022 (10:33 am)

            Can Bar, New Luck Toy, the Bridge, box bar… there are plenty of 21+ options and most of those have pretty good food, too.

          • sam-c October 27, 2022 (1:14 pm)

            Beveridge Place, Whisky West … Lots of WS businesses to enjoy your kid-free drinking.

    • Tony October 26, 2022 (4:57 pm)


    • Pietro October 26, 2022 (5:14 pm)

      Oh boy!  We haven’t had a good “NO KIDS in my hangout place” thread in a while!

      • Duffy October 26, 2022 (5:36 pm)

        Yep! (Grabs popcorn). I don’t think the comment above is a “good riddance†because they didnt let his kids in. I think he’s pointing out that business owner’s decision regarding that policy can affect sales. And certainly that isn’t the only hardship that is sadly closing BoHBH, but one wonders how much more frequently a place would be visited if they allowed the whole fam to show up. Oh and there are only a gazillion bars to go to if you want some libations sans kids. It’s been like that since, let me check real quick, forever.

        • Kyle October 26, 2022 (7:53 pm)

          Exactly! We tried to go when they opened up that big nice patio but we’re turned away due to the kid policy. No hard feelings, we just went other places our family could go. My wife and I do get a babysitter every once in awhile, it’s just infrequent and expensive. We go places much more often with our kids as we want them to be part of society one day lol. If they do allow kids now, I wish I knew earlier as I don’t think I ever saw something about the policy change! Although, it wasn’t like I was looking for an announcement. Will try to have the family in before they close!

      • Ken Adams October 26, 2022 (9:27 pm)

        Lol – it always amazes me when this topic comes up and the sheer angst of the “kids ruin everything†crowd. I’m sad BoH is closing, but understand their plight. Timing is everything in the biz, and just one too many things went against them. Please know you created a great space with great product and the community valued you!  You did everything right and were just victims of circumstance. Best of luck in your new ventures – we know you will be successful. 

      • Dawson October 28, 2022 (10:29 am)

        You kids get out of my brewery….and off my lawn!!!

    • KristinaD October 26, 2022 (5:27 pm)

      Actually they recently started allowing kids – I enjoyed going there before I could take my kids, I enjoyed going there with my kids once that was possible, and I’ll miss it terribly. Hope the talented brewers can find other good opportunities locally.

    • Peter October 26, 2022 (5:33 pm)

      That is incorrect, they do allow kids. 

      • sam-c October 27, 2022 (9:00 am)

        Yes, we went a couple weeks ago (w/ out kids), and were surprised to see lots of folk with kids of the ‘under 6 months old’ variety.   Anyway, whether we were going to go with our kids or without, we will miss this place.     

    • grocerylist October 26, 2022 (8:48 pm)

      They used to have a sales window where they’d sell to you if your kid was there but that got closed down sometime during the pandemic. I emailed them asking for them to reopen it but they said they wouldn’t be reopening it. Due to that I was never able to buy their beer again. They also stopped having the NWTX BBQ guy come buy which probably didn’t help as there aren’t many food options in the area.Best of Hand’s beer was ok, better than West Seattle Brewing (not saying much) but I prefer more variety, so I usually go to beer bars like Ounces and Beer Star or brewpubs like Good Society. 

  • Peter October 26, 2022 (3:59 pm)

    Noooo! I love best of hands and their delicious creative beers, they really were unique. This is a painful loss for the neighborhood and West Seattle in general. 

  • Iml October 26, 2022 (4:06 pm)

    Very sad indeed.  The best brewery in West Seattle.

  • heyalki October 26, 2022 (4:38 pm)

    Sorry to hear. I hope the cow stays.

  • IPA Fan October 26, 2022 (5:23 pm)

    Well this is sad news.  Thank you for making tasty local beer.  Wish you the best in the future…

  • Eric October 26, 2022 (5:28 pm)

    Top 3 brewery in Seattle. Very sad news, such great brewers, Nick and Greg…they’ll get swiped up quickly by another brewery.  We will miss y’all! And they did allow kids at certain times (a business decision they didn’t want it to come to), which I honestly wish they didn’t have to do since there are enough drinking establishments that already do and I’m not sure it’s the greatest idea for most patrons, nor the kids.

  • Valerie October 26, 2022 (5:52 pm)

    HANDS down the best brewery in WS. *sob* 

  • Gay October 26, 2022 (6:18 pm)

    That was a good space…nice vibes.

  • Brian S. October 26, 2022 (10:11 pm)

    Their beer brought me so much joy and was a bright spot during the pandemic. My first Best of Hands beer was the “Spirit Journey” crowler that Circa happened to be offering when they first reopened for take-out after the world shut down in March of 2020. I went to the brewhouse for the first time on April 4, 2020 for take-out crowlers and went back every few weeks to restock my fridge. The staff was always friendly and shared my terrible, early-2000s Vans Warped Tour taste in music, and the beer was always delicious. Whatever style, from IPAs to saisons to sours to dark beers, they were fantastic. I will always be grateful to them for sharing their incredible craft, especially during those dark days of the pandemic when heading out to the brewery for a couple of crowlers felt like a major adventure. It sucks that they had to make the difficult decision to close shop and that they never got the wider audience they deserved.

  • HS October 26, 2022 (11:14 pm)

    I’ve enjoyed going there and had some excellent beer. It’s been really quiet the last few times I’ve gone so I was a bit worried this might happen. Really sad to see a neighborhood business close.

  • Eb Crawford October 27, 2022 (7:39 am)

    Sorry to hear this. You’ve been a great addition to the neighborhood.  Best wishes and thank you

  • Steven October 27, 2022 (9:42 am)

    So sad to hear about this. BoH was our favorite neighborhood hangout. Good luck, and thanks for the great beer and memories the last few years, you’ll be missed!

  • Revilo October 27, 2022 (12:54 pm)

    Bring back Little John’s !

  • Paul October 27, 2022 (4:11 pm)

    Man! Best beer in West Seattle BY FAR!Will miss this place!

  • skeeter October 27, 2022 (6:01 pm)

    Best of Hands helped us through Covid too!  My wife and I had a couple freezing cold date nights out on the generous patio area when we were uncomfortable taking our masks off anywhere indoors.  

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