WEST SEATTLE SCENE: SPD Mounted Patrol at Alki

Thanks to the texter who sent that photo with word that the Seattle Police Mounted Patrol had arrived on Alki. We were out photographing something else at the time and went right over to see if we could catch up with them; saw the empty truck and trailer, but couldn’t find the horses/officers. They’re often out for training/acclimation rides this time of year; the unit is based in West Seattle, on the west side of Westcrest Park. Citywide media reported that the unit got two new horses last fall.

36 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENE: SPD Mounted Patrol at Alki"

  • CarDriver March 1, 2022 (2:29 pm)

    Had seen the(empty)trailer also. I thought their budget had been axed. Luckily I’m wrong as they’re excellent options for large crowd wrangling.

  • Joe March 1, 2022 (2:50 pm)

    Why in the world do we spend money so police can play cowboy? What possible benefits to crime fighting comes from cops on horses?  Guess the money’s better spent on horses than on militarizing cops but jeez.

    • wscommuter March 1, 2022 (5:07 pm)

      2 benefits leap to mind: great accessibility/approachability between officers and the public, and visible deterrence while present – you don’t get that with a drive by in a patrol car.  This is akin to an officer walking a beat.  That said, we can all have our own opinions as to whether that is a wise use of finite law enforcement budgets.  The comments here reflect those differing opinions.  My own observation is that those who think this ill-advised mostly tend to not approve of much about the police.  Which is their – your -right.  Unfortunate, but there it is.  

    • SGK March 2, 2022 (5:02 pm)

      Mounted patrols are highly effective with crowd control, chase, visible presence and positive PR. Well worth the $.

  • WSeaRes March 1, 2022 (3:10 pm)

    I thought this was one of the cuts made during the “defund” movement? I’m curious as to how mounted patrol is beneficial, especially in a time when SPD is severely understaffed. I’d rather have the patrol officers in vehicle to respond to calls quicker than on horseback at Alki (even if it was just training). Maybe add bicycle officers to Alki for spring and summer but only if the staffing levels allow it by then… Instead of a horseback officers trotting around uselessly in the city. SMH. 

    • WSB March 1, 2022 (3:50 pm)

      There was a lot PROPOSED back then. Contrary to popular misconception, little of it happened.

    • rocket March 1, 2022 (8:32 pm)

      Its almost as if there was no defunding done and it was just talked about.  Its almost as if any perceived reduction of the budget was due to adjusting it downward for the actual size of the department rather than the hoped for size, as there was a lot of turnover because the officers didnt  like we werent appreciative enough of them.  Whatever that means.

      • K March 1, 2022 (10:20 pm)

        High turnover in other industries is because of labor shortages, or workers increasingly choosing jobs that give them better work/life balance.  But when the police are short staffed it HAS to be because of a trendy political slogan (with no actual defunding attached to it).  Weird.

  • anonyme March 1, 2022 (3:58 pm)

    I see this as a practical way to patrol the beach.  Hope they hand out some tickets to off-leash dog owners while they’re at it.

    • sunny March 1, 2022 (5:28 pm)

      I agree but the problem is that police don’t write tickets for off leash violations. Only animal control can do that and they have so much ground to cover and not enough officers or too many scofflaws.

  • Michael Waldo March 1, 2022 (4:25 pm)

    Police on horseback are great public relations. Seeing a cop drive by, or the ones on bikes whizzing by, makes them seem aloof and separate from the community. Cops on horseback give off a welcoming vibe. It can make you smile instead of paranoid. And as mentioned above, they are good for crowd control. I am all for our cops on horses.

    • James March 1, 2022 (4:50 pm)

      I have to disagree 100%. It makes me feel uneased. And it’s not necessary to the idea of enforcing the law. 

    • Lucy March 1, 2022 (4:54 pm)

      Agreed.   And horses can get through a crowd easier, especially on the beach, than a bike or a vehicle.  

  • JunctionResident March 1, 2022 (4:32 pm)

    Very cool. I love SPD.

  • CarDriver March 1, 2022 (4:39 pm)

    Joe. Please define “militarizing police”. Do you only want the criminals to have weapons? WSEARES. I’m betting these officers aren’t riding around on horses 8 hours a day.  

  • Auntie March 1, 2022 (6:01 pm)

    My only complaint about the mounted police is that they don’t scoop their horses’ poop. If I scoop my dog’s poop, why don’t they have to do the same (and theirs is so much larger!)?

    • Orca Matriarch March 2, 2022 (11:09 am)

      Because Police are rarely held accountable for their actions…you already know the answer. If it means they have to sacrifice even a penny or millisecond of their time their union will fight it. 

      • Rhonda March 2, 2022 (12:44 pm)

        We’re held to a FAR higher level of accountability than anyone else in the community, including the lawmakers who direct us.

        • Joe March 3, 2022 (8:25 am)


  • Guy Olson March 1, 2022 (6:52 pm)

    Standing on the bike path, great job!

    • Ciclista March 1, 2022 (7:57 pm)

      As a fellow cyclist, it most definitely is not a bike path. It is a multi-use path which includes walkers, runners, bladers, skateboarders, and people who use any number of the things available to rent down there.I like the horse patrol. They aren’t going to catch people in cars but they’re a good deterrent to those on foot.

  • Mitch March 1, 2022 (7:27 pm)

    I like it. As long as they don’t stomp on little old ladies like they did in Canada.

  • Mr Ed March 1, 2022 (7:55 pm)

    I was a kid in an east coast city and mounted police were a frequent presence.  There are some real advantages to mobility and access to areas a vehicle cannot gain….the height advantage helps too…police can see more of what’s going on around them…….horses appeal to some bystanders, and individuals with bad intentions are more intimidated by the power and presence of this animal than a foot patrol officer. “Flying wedges” of mounted police were very effective for crowd control and less lethal than other current measures…although,  when and where to use them has been subject to debate. 

    • Pessoa March 2, 2022 (7:21 am)

      Yes, they are quite useful when it comes to intimidating and beating down crowds – just don’t be in the wrong crowd or wrong protest. Not a fan.  Police officer duties can be done on foot, on bike, or patrol car.   

    • UselessPoliticians March 2, 2022 (9:53 am)

      Agreed, it is a longstanding and non-lethal method of policing that has worked effectively  in many ways over the years.  Maybe some of these people have never left Seattle?

    • max34 March 2, 2022 (1:28 pm)

      yeah agreed.   the mounted police in new orleans are a huge asset for crowd control, and for safety purposes.  they’re obviously the tallest “people” for hundreds of yards and, if someone is in trouble, they can wave them down much much faster than if they were on foot or in a car.  kind of like a life guard.  

  • Mike March 1, 2022 (11:05 pm)

    Defund politicians, boost funding for first responders.

  • StopCuttingDownTrees March 2, 2022 (1:47 am)

    It’s extremely nice to see the SPD mounted unit operating in public, as they should be. A class act.

  • GT March 2, 2022 (4:44 am)

    Awesome. Sure a lot of dumb comments here. More police need to be hired, more patrols, more bikes, and more horses, all good. Send them to 3rd Ave downtown. 

  • ofcoursethismakessense March 2, 2022 (12:12 pm)

    Yes, this is why I am purchasing a horse for myself so I can also move around the beach with ease. There is no other way. It inconceivable to move around Alki and West Seattle without horsies, duh.

  • SGK March 2, 2022 (5:04 pm)

    Love the mounted patrol.  Extremely effective in certain situations.  Well worth the expense.

  • Marcus March 2, 2022 (10:53 pm)

    I am so happy to have the mounted patrols in West Seattle.  It is more like a community services patrol rather than hardcore police.   We have to start thinking again that police are also part of our community, and here to help.

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