(Golden-crowned Kinglet in Lincoln Park, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
Before we get much further into the day, a few notes from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:
DOUGHNUT DEADLINE: Last day to order Krispy Kreme doughnuts to pick up at Madison MS on Friday, benefiting the PTSA.
BOOK BENEFIT: As noted here, this is the first day you can make a purchase at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW) and help Louisa Boren STEM K-8 by mentioning the school when you check out.
CITY COUNCIL: Their weekly meeting is at 2 pm, online. The agenda explains how to comment; Seattle Channel is where to watch.
DEMONSTRATION FOR RACIAL JUSTICE: 4:30-6 pm at 16th/Holden, Scott leads the weekly demonstration for racial justice. Signs available if you don’t have your own.
NORTH HIGHLINE TOWN HALL: Live in White Center or other points just south of West Seattle? 6-8:30 pm, online, your local government – King County – presents the annual town hall to share information and answer questions about its programs and services. Our calendar listing has attendance info.
FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Meeples Games (3727 California SW) welcomes families 6-8 pm to this weekly hosted game-playing night.
SKYLINK PRESENTATION: Advocates of a gondola as an alternative to Sound Transit light rail in West Seattle have an online presentation tonight, 7 pm. Our calendar listing has info on how to attend.
TRIVIA X 2: Two of the venues where you can play tonight – 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW), 7:30 and 8:30 pm at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska).
BELLE OF THE BALLS BINGO: Play bingo with Cookie Couture at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm. Free, all ages!
There’s more on our calendar – and if you have something to add for the future, email us the info at westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!