SATURDAY: Community litter pickup – everywhere!

West Seattle resident Christi came up with an idea for a community-wide cleanup beyond the usual site-specific group gatherings. She’s circulated the idea on social media but wanted to be sure WSB readers knew about it too:

Let’s clean up YOUR neighborhood! Do what you can, with what you have, where you are~

What: Neighborhood Litter pickup
When: Saturday, Feb. 26, 9-11 [or a time of your choosing]

This is a community litter pickup event. Everyone that wants to participate is encouraged to spend two hours on Saturday, Feb. 26 picking up litter in your neighborhood, a block up, a block over, or wherever you feel the need.

No time, but want to participate? Just clean up in front of your house and against the sidewalk. Maybe extend it to the older neighbor next door. Your neighborhood is already clean, but you want to participate? Select your favorite restaurant or shopping area, go to their parking lot and pick up litter there. I am sure the business owners and employees would be thrilled! Your street is good (not two hours worth of picking), but your route to work always breaks your heart? Pick there! Everyone wants to live in a clean community.

I do firmly suggest you only go to sidewalk neighborhoods. It’s pretty dangerous otherwise. Meeting a friend for coffee then? Great! Enjoy your coffee and then stroll and pick up litter in that area. Kids have events at that time? Pick up the ball field – I bet others would join you as you set an example of responsibility; especially younger siblings of those playing. Dog needs a walk? They will enjoy a stroll and a sniff here and there while you pick up litter.

WARNING: You will feel good and will feel so happy when you next drive through that area! You may even want to pick up litter again!

If you decide to do this, consider sending us a pic so we can celebrate your efforts – thanks!

18 Replies to "SATURDAY: Community litter pickup - everywhere!"

  • Sara February 25, 2022 (4:23 pm)

    Great idea! We did this on Xmas and filled so many bags just in our hood (by westcrest.) Another spot I am itching to pick up  is the park across from Target.

  • plastic free sea February 25, 2022 (5:43 pm)

    Great idea, and suggestions Christi! I’ve had a similar thought, to organize this kind of clean up effort, and so happy to see this. Perhaps it could be reoccurring, one day every season or something. And imagine if it expanded to other communities too.

    Thanks for initiating this!👍👍

  • Raye February 25, 2022 (6:37 pm)

    I love this – let’s do it!

  • Jay February 25, 2022 (7:30 pm)

    There are several individuals in the East-Junction area I see out picking up litter most mornings. Everyone has a focus: cigarette butts, dog poo… returning shopping carts. They will love meeting more community-minded neighbors!And please be careful of how you collect and dispose of any needles you find!

  • Kyle February 25, 2022 (9:09 pm)

    Honestly 599 is terrible, but not safe to pickup without high vis vests and other safety precautions. Sad the agencies in charge of that stretch of road neglect it so bad.

    • The Rog February 26, 2022 (7:33 am)

      This is a spot I’ve been concerned about for years. Does anyone know who the right city people are to contact re: safety in a project like trash pick up on highway roadsides?

  • Beetle February 25, 2022 (11:58 pm)

    509 as well, so sad to see how bad it has gotten.

    • Conrad February 28, 2022 (9:12 am)

      Thankfully, there has been some improvement along 509 thanks to A Cleaner Alki! Check out some of the post history from January for photos and context (sorry it’s on Facebook):

  • Nancy February 26, 2022 (7:01 am)

    Walking around Westwood Village is distressing there is so much trash.  That would be a good clean-up area.  Question where to put full trash bags?

  • Lucy February 26, 2022 (9:20 am)

    I just got back from an hour picking up on Alki.  It’s time we assumed responsibility for our own neighborhoods and quit waiting for the City, County or State to clean things up.  We can do it faster, better and cheaper…..   

    • Jay February 26, 2022 (10:48 am)

      Thanks for volunteering! I don’t know what people are waiting for. Is it the City’s responsibility to pick empty beer cans, candy wrappers, smoking waste, and used masks out of your bushes? If you live near an urban village this is just reality. Make picking up trash part of your exercise routine. If everybody, and every business, takes a few minutes to pick up their frontage every morning that would take care of a lot of it. I feel like people used to do that.

  • Also John February 26, 2022 (12:32 pm)

    Thank you to all that have participated.  I just got back from an hour of walking streets.  I picked the Triangle near Alki Lumber/Trader Joes.  I filled my 5 gallon bucket twice.  I’ve done this many times and have really nice pair of garbage picks.  8 masks this morning.  My record is 18.  I found my first ‘trucker bomb’.  That was a surprise.   Always plenty of crushed plastic water bottles.  Our government really needs to ban their use.

  • Christi February 26, 2022 (2:33 pm)

    Thank you WSB for promoting Let’s clean up YOUR neighborhood! I appreciate all the positive responses and thank you to everyone that participated. I will be tallying all the blocks and bags of liter picked up. I’ll count yours, too Jay! Nancy and I picked up on Holden from Delridge to 24th on the northside only. And then down most  of 24th and the edge of Home Depot. Total we captured 5 bags of garbage and loaded up a recycle bin with plastic bottles, cans and paper. People were so grateful. It was great! Thanks everyone!

  • just Bob February 26, 2022 (5:09 pm)

    Hello! Is there a place i can dispose of the garbage i collect if i make a regular garbage walks? My home garbage is small and wont fit anything extra.  Is there a anything like a community dumpster?

    • Conrad February 28, 2022 (9:16 am)

      If you pick up at least two bags, you can leave it on public property (preferably a ROW or something that won’t impede public access to shared spaces) and report it for pick up via the city’s “Find It, Fix It” app. Select ‘Litter/Illegal Dumping/Needles’ and write ‘Volunteer Cleanup on [insert date]’ as a description, and city contractors will be dispatched to pick up the garbage.

  • Lori Kothe February 26, 2022 (5:45 pm)

    Thanks Christi and everyone who pitched in today! Mark your calendars for May 1– CleanupSEA is planning an all-hands community-wide cleanup to continue the cause and connection. We’ll be sending out a survey shortly to identify and prioritize hotspots and to help individuals, groups, businesses, and orgs across West Seattle adopt a spot for a day (and hopefully longer!) for cleaning and renewal. Contact us at if you’d like to get involved. Thanks! Lori 

  • Jenny Frankl February 28, 2022 (11:30 am)

    I can’t possibly love this enough!!! Thank you, Christi!!!! And thank you to all of the volunteers!!!! It makes such a huge difference :-).  I read several comments about ‘how to dispose of collected litter’. Echoing Lori’s comment about Adopt a Street – we provide clean up tools and trash pick-up services. – let us know how we can further help your clean up efforts! 

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