UPDATE: Water rescue callout off Beach Drive

4:29 PM: 7000 block. More shortly.

4:44 PM: We were in transit from the (unrelated) High Point incident so we missed most of the emergency-radio traffic on this but are en route to the scene in hopes of talking to someone there. In the meantime, though, some of the units on the call have been dismissed.

4:49 PM: The rest of the units are being dismissed, and SFD tells us at the scene that this was a “false alarm.”

10 Replies to "UPDATE: Water rescue callout off Beach Drive"

  • CS December 3, 2021 (4:35 pm)

    Police boat flying by southbound, must be on way to Lohman

  • MJY December 3, 2021 (4:37 pm)

    Watching it now … north side of Lincoln Park

  • CINDY MULLIKEN December 3, 2021 (4:39 pm)

    many fire trucks and emergency units off Lowman Beach.  Rescue boats circling large object.

  • T December 3, 2021 (4:52 pm)

    Can’t tell what the police boats are towing but they’re circling the area south of lowman.

    • WSB December 3, 2021 (5:08 pm)

      There was a scanner call earlier about a possible stolen boat. Trying to determine if it was related.

  • florida December 3, 2021 (4:57 pm)

    I live next to lowman. There are many false alarm water rescues there. Police boats, helicopters, fire trucks etc. aid vehicles. This must be expensive. It’s like someone sees a wind surfer and freaks out.

  • CINDY December 3, 2021 (4:58 pm)

    Most fire units have left but rescue boat still out from beach

  • Gary December 3, 2021 (5:05 pm)

    Saw 2 police boats from the bluff

  • Bryan Bloss December 3, 2021 (5:17 pm)

    From my balcony I could see one rescue boat retrieve what looked like a small upside-down fishing boat.  They got it ashore at Lowman Beach just as it got dark out.   Too many fire trucks to count; roughly a dozen here!

  • Bryan Bloss December 3, 2021 (5:17 pm)

    From my balcony I could see one rescue boat retrieve what looked like a small upside-down fishing boat.  They got it ashore at Lowman Beach just as it got dark out.   Too many fire trucks to count; roughly a dozen here!

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