WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI: Here’s what will change in extended season

Tomorrow was originally set as the end of spring/summer all-day, 7-day service for the West Seattle Water Taxi. Then, by community request, SDOT and King County Metro worked out a plan to keep it going through this winter since the West Seattle Bridge is still closed. There are a few changes to note, though, Water Taxi spokesperson Al Sanders tells WSB:

The extended Water Taxi service, with seven day a week service (M-F: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.—Sat-Sun 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.), starts Saturday, October 16, with funding from the Seattle Department of Transportation. A reminder to bike riders – the vessels are now equipped with racks that can handle up to 26 “fat tire” and electric bikes.

(King County Metro photo)

Starting on Saturday, shuttle service to the Seacrest Dock (773/775) will be available only during peak-commuter hours Mon-Fri. (6:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m./3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.)

Metro plans to keep the regular full-size vessel M/V Doc Maynard on the route through fall and winter.

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI: Here's what will change in extended season"

  • Reb October 15, 2021 (12:25 am)

    Would really like to see this thing expand past 7pm. Would be nice to stay in town, or hop the foot ferry into town, for dinner and then back home again. Any way to include at least one run back to WS by let’s say 10pm? Weekends 12am?? Seahawk game times???

  • AL October 15, 2021 (10:17 am)

    Sunday Night Football would be a bonus! Appreciate the extended service. 

  • Elle October 15, 2021 (9:00 pm)

    This is great and I’m thankful for the added service as I slowly return to my downtown office. I wish the way from pier 50 to my office building was safer though, I have to pass several tent encampments, streets are deserted, and as a woman, I really don’t feel safe, even during peak commuting hours :(

  • JORTS October 16, 2021 (6:04 am)

    I feel like the foot ferry should be free

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