Look closely at the lower half of our photo from midday last Sunday and you’ll see the pink tape that has marked the perimeter of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market for months, restricting entry and exit to its south and north ends. Turns out last Sunday was its last hurrah. Market management has notified the West Seattle Junction Association that the reopening changes mean it can drop the tape – so starting this Sunday (July 4th), you’ll be able to move freely between businesses and market booths. The market will no longer require masks for entry, either. And other changes may be ahead – stand by. Throughout the pandemic, despite being an outdoor venue, the market has had to deal with tough restrictions, especially from the city, which wouldn’t even let farmers’ markets open for two months, despite the governor having designated them as “essential.”
ADDED: More from the Farmers’ Market newsletter:
In accordance with the Washington State Department of Health masking order, fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask while in our markets.
-There are no longer capacity restrictions or lines to enter the market!
-Eating and drinking in the markets is allowed.
-NFM and Public Health no longer regulate touching/handling of produce handling, however, individual farm and market businesses may set their own safety requirements; please read signage at stands or ask if you’re unsure.Oh Happy Day! Music, entertainment, and market events will be returning shortly.