GRATITUDE: Food-drive success!

Earlier this month, we published the John L. Scott Real Estate-Westwood (WSB sponsor) call for pre-Thanksgiving donations to be delivered to the White Center Food Bank. What you see above is just part of what generous donors brought in. The office wanted to share its gratitude:

Thank you, everyone, for making the John L Scott Westwood food drive, benefiting the White Center Food Bank, a success. People came from all over, and our bins were overflowing!

Please remember this holiday season to continue to give to our local food banks, as the need is great this year.

Donation information for the WCFB, which also serves part of West Seattle, is here.

2 Replies to "GRATITUDE: Food-drive success!"

  • WS_Steve November 26, 2020 (3:15 pm)

    A good way to help West Seattle Food Bank is to order things off of their Amazon Wish List: also made them my Amazon Smile charity recipient. People are losing jobs and homes due to the pandemic so it’s critical for those of us who can help, to do so.

    I’ve also donated cash directly to White Center Food Bank. I’m sure both are under a lot of pressure right now to support people in need.

  • Rob November 27, 2020 (9:22 pm)

    WC Food Bank are an amazing group of people, and they’re serving far more of our neighbors than ever before. Helping them is a great way to help our community through this. 

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