FOLLOWUP: Roxbury repaving expected before month’s end

As reported here last Friday, Councilmember Lisa Herbold announced SDOT planned to repave two blocks of SW Roxbury, the badly rutted section between 16th SW and 18th SW. We subsequently asked SDOT about the timeline, and today the department confirmed the work will be done before the end of the month, and once it starts, will last up to a week. They also sent this flyer that will be mailed to nearby homes and businesses this week:

(You can also see it here in PDF.)

17 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Roxbury repaving expected before month's end"

  • Greg May 14, 2020 (6:21 pm)

    If the city announces closing Meyers Way and West Marginal for repaving or turns both into one lane and a bike lane, I’m giving up and will just start sleeping in my work parking lot. 

    • WSB May 14, 2020 (6:35 pm)

      There have been no changes announced for either of those roads.

      • George May 15, 2020 (9:34 am)


  • local May 14, 2020 (7:34 pm)

    Should be 17th to 21st. That’s the worst!

    • AMD May 14, 2020 (8:46 pm)

      16th to 15th is buckling pretty badly now, on the north side.  It’s starting to buckle between 15th and 13th or so, then again between like 7th and 9th.  It gets better after 21st, but I’d like to see it repaved up to 24th.  And BOTH sides of the street, not just the west bound lanes.

    • BBILL May 14, 2020 (8:50 pm)

      “This work does not preclude any potential future safety improvements in this area.”

  • Graciano May 14, 2020 (9:02 pm)

    Since SDOT changed the speed limit on the city and county side of Roxbury, they should re-pave both sides and not just the city side.  25mph is ridicules. 

    • WSB May 14, 2020 (9:04 pm)

      CM Herbold said in tonight’s event that the county side will be paved too, which I will be checking with KC Roads tomorrow.

    • Question Mark May 16, 2020 (11:01 am)

      I’ve always understood that the entire roadway is Seattle’s responsibility/ownership. Presumably to facilitate utility location and/or avoid complicated road maintenance coordination.

  • Rick May 14, 2020 (10:09 pm)

    Just fix the bullet holes!

  • 1994 May 14, 2020 (10:48 pm)

    Maybe they should consider doing the work from 8 PM to 6 AM and leave it open during the day with reduced speeds through the work zone?

  • Roxbury commuter May 15, 2020 (9:12 am)

    16th all the way to 26th is a pocked and pitted stretch of road. Maybe now would be a good time to do a complete job before everyone heads back to work.

  • Mj May 15, 2020 (10:15 am)

    Graciano – Agreed 25 MPH on a Principal Arterial is not reasonable, and frankly is likely to reduce Traffic Safety based on my 30+ years of experience. 

    Contact the City and complain, Olympia tried to do a similar change a few years back and push back from the public foisted them to change it back to 35 MPH.

    • Question Mark May 16, 2020 (11:04 am)

      Please drive safely. Everyone deserves to get to their intended destination uninjured.

  • Lou May 16, 2020 (8:32 am)

    25 mph on roxbury hasnt stopped anyone from going 50 to 70 mph or using the middle lane as a passing lane.  The scary part is how close the sidewalk is to cars traveling at high speeds.  

  • Wlcg06 May 16, 2020 (9:15 am)

    Glad they are doing both directions at least for the worst couple of blocks.  The city and county need to partner and come up with a long term plan for the full stretch of Roxbury from 35th to Olson Place and Meyers Way. I always dread taking my car on that route from Sodo to Arbor Heights.  This will be the major route for a long time during bridge reconstruction. I have to give Lisa Herbold credit for listening and helping get this done.

  • Raina Brainz May 21, 2020 (11:30 am)

    Historically, white center, Seattle and king county sides, are built over a catacomb of speakeasy tunnels. To what were later attempted to be converted for a mixed idea of making it the future site of the Airforce Academy (now Colorado springs CO.) What we should be more concerned with is the reenforcing of these tunnels. Some of which lay right under residential streets. this is causing sewer backups (20th and 18th), multiple city blocks, into people’s basements. No word from the city, and small hush hush work crew repairs after it’s too late. Own the issue. Roxbury has NOTORIOUSLY been known for its potholes. As long as I can remember. I’m 39 and I walked it daily to school. Quit gangstalking and bullying those who are in the know and spend some if those resources repairing the root cause. You have to disclose sometime

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