CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 4/4 roundup

A quiet day, as we start the sixth week since King County’s first confirmed case of COVID-19:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the daily Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

2,898 confirmed positive cases (up 111 from yesterday)

200 confirmed deaths (up 14 from yesterday)

One week ago, the numbers were 2,077 cases and 136 deaths. No additional deaths in local zip codes, per the COVID-19 data dashboard.

TOP HAT QUARANTINE/ISOLATION SITE NOT OPEN YET: The county’s daily update says 38 people are in quarantine/isolation facilities, but none at the Top Hat (east of White Center) site, because it’s not open yet – maybe next week.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 7,591 cases, 310 deaths; other state stats are here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

SATURDAY SHOPPING: For the past three Saturdays, we’ve started the day’s coverage with a grocery-store update. Commenters have shared their stories every week – here are the ones that came in today.

DRIVER LICENSE EXPIRING? If that’s happening soon, don’t worry – you get a 90-day extension.

STUDENTS’ FUNDRAISER: South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) United Students Association president Krisna Mandujano emailed to let us know about this student-created crowdfunding campaign:

As students, we are supporting undocumented folks amidst this crisis. This is not a non-profit effort, it’s simply a couple of students coming together to help undocumented folks.

We’re currently at 34,000 dollars but our goal is 50,000. We have 369 requests from folks in need of assistance. Unfortunately, our funding is limited and we need more momentum to increase donations.

Families are in urgent need. Pregnant women, elderly folks, single mothers/fathers will benefit from our organizing efforts.

If you can help, here’s how.

GRATITUDE: We don’t get to spend much time on social media, but during a quick check, we just spotted this (thanks for the tag):

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

3 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 4/4 roundup"

  • Mrs. Watts April 4, 2020 (10:29 pm)

    Thanks for your coverage of grocery stores and takeout/delivery food choices! I wanted to share a positive experience with Srivilai Thai. Ordered online and got pickup from them tonight and it was delicious! Plus, they have super cheap beer – $3 for a bottle of Space Dust, $2.50 for Rainier Tallboy. Recommended if you’re looking for Thai takeout.

  • J April 5, 2020 (10:21 am)

    Very small increases King County positive rates 13.3%. —- Now I will channel my inner cheerleader that never was.—— Let’s continue to give this coronavirus the Seattle Freeze! When we need to go grocery shopping, let’s cover our faces like dust bowl bandits, or like it’s 1918, and respect Florida’s large alligator distancing guidelines. Let’s share immunity and donate plasma when we’re able. Then, when we’re all vaccinated let’s celebrate like we’re dancing Louisianians, and pat each other on the back like a bunch of New Yorkers.  Go team! Go vaccine! Go Seattle Freeze!

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