VIDEO: #MakeAJoyfulNoise in West Seattle

This morning, we published the citywide call for people to “make a joyful noise” at 8 pm, as a show of appreciation and support for health-care workers, first responders, and others working to keep people safe and healthy. All over West Seattle, people answered the call. This video is from Michelle in Seaview:

We received even more clips via Twitter. (If you have trouble with playback, click the time/date line beneath any tweet to see/hear the clip there.)

And Pete on Pigeon Point summarized what happened in his ‘hood: “I stepped outside and heard neighbors banging pots, yelling greetings to neighbors, singing songs, generous amounts of hollering and just general neighborly coming together to support those who are supporting us. Was joyful to hear my neighbors making noise tonight.”

19 Replies to "VIDEO: #MakeAJoyfulNoise in West Seattle"

  • Trickycoolj March 26, 2020 (11:51 pm)

    Joyful noise in High Point: m80 explosion *facepalm*

    • WSB March 27, 2020 (1:30 am)

      The many other Twitter reports we got indicated fireworks were heard many other places too.

  • TM March 27, 2020 (8:39 am)

    That was uplifting and fun. Was out for just a couple of minutes but family and I were thankful to hear neighbors through the evening air. Hoping we can continue it, and with respect to some of the original thread’s comments I think a 7pm time would make a nice balance. 

    • RME March 27, 2020 (9:38 am)

      This is a worldwide thing, and 8pm is the chosen time. It’s not just West Seattle. 

  • steve March 27, 2020 (9:16 am)

    To the front line workers, thank you!

  • TWST March 27, 2020 (9:24 am)

    My understanding is that this was originally going to happen at 7pm, but it was put out to medical personnel and the community at large and they arrived at some consensus of 8pm.  Hopefully media can help coordinate a new earlier time if it’s a bother for folks!

  • TWST March 27, 2020 (9:49 am)

    Here’s a link to a video covering who started the idea in Seattle :)

    • TWST March 27, 2020 (10:00 am)

      Oh, and in the comment feed, this was quoted as being a response from the organizer, regarding some complaints about the timing of 8pm… fyi!

      This is Mark Siano, the organizer of #MakeAJoyfulNoise here in Seattle. I got the idea from when I was in Paris and one night at 8pm the city did a round of applause for it’s healthcare and front line workers, it was profounding moving and I wanted to see if I could get it going here in my hometown of Seattle.Based on my conversations with healthcare workers they were hoping it would happen at 8pm so that they could actually hear it. Since most get off their shift at 7pm, but few actually make it out the door until 7:20 or so.I understand your concern is this is really my fault and I’m sorry this disruption will happen tonight. I don’t know what kind of neighborhood you live in, but in Paris it wasn’t particularly loud, just a distant cheering and this city is certainly less dense. That may be wishful thinking on my part so you don’t have to deal with a disruption, I know this is a nerve fraying time.The bell has been rung pretty hard today, so 8pm will likely happen tonight. However, if it’s something a ton of people want to continue, but it creates a lot of turmoil for a lot of people, I can attempt to use my sway to move it to an earlier hour.Thanks again, glad you like the idea, sorry about the hour, I was just going off what the healthcare pros told me would be most effective and uplifting.

      Sincerely,Mark S.
      Seattle Cultural Community Organizer

    • TWST March 27, 2020 (10:18 am)

      From the comment feed, a quote from the organizer regarding concerns about the timing:

      This is Mark Siano, the organizer of #MakeAJoyfulNoise here in Seattle. I got the idea from when I was in Paris and one night at 8pm the city did a round of applause for it’s healthcare and front line workers, it was profounding moving and I wanted to see if I could get it going here in my hometown of Seattle.Based on my conversations with healthcare workers they were hoping it would happen at 8pm so that they could actually hear it. Since most get off their shift at 7pm, but few actually make it out the door until 7:20 or so.I understand your concern is this is really my fault and I’m sorry this disruption will happen tonight. I don’t know what kind of neighborhood you live in, but in Paris it wasn’t particularly loud, just a distant cheering and this city is certainly less dense. That may be wishful thinking on my part so you don’t have to deal with a disruption, I know this is a nerve fraying time.The bell has been rung pretty hard today, so 8pm will likely happen tonight. However, if it’s something a ton of people want to continue, but it creates a lot of turmoil for a lot of people, I can attempt to use my sway to move it to an earlier hour.Thanks again, glad you like the idea, sorry about the hour, I was just going off what the healthcare pros told me would be most effective and uplifting.

      Mark S.
      Seattle Cultural Community Organizer#AJoyfulNoise

  • LAURA March 27, 2020 (9:51 am)

    Genesee Hill and toward the junction had a pretty great showing – whoops and hollers, whistles, bells clanging, pots banging could be heard all around our house. If we do this again (please!) I plan to stand on my front deck and play Beethoven’s Ode to Joy on my electric guitar through a Marshall. Be forewarned! :-)

  • Kris March 27, 2020 (10:18 am)

    THANKS TO THE BLOG AND an email from MoCA(Morgan Community Assoc.) for alerting us of the event. I had a fun time blowing my recorder and chatting with neighbors banging pan lids from our nearby porches. We could also hear lots of joyous music from other gatherings nearby in the Seaview ‘hood!  Much gratitude to health workers , first responders ,grocery store staff and everyone following the mandates to keep us moving forward to better days.I look forward to more uplifting events like this!!

  • Deb March 27, 2020 (12:07 pm)

    What a Great turnout by the folks in Seaview. Who knew that there were so many musicians in the neighborhood. Joyful noise indeed!!Let’s REPEAT THIS SOON!!!

  • Molly March 27, 2020 (2:41 pm)

    Are they thinking of making it a weekly thing like every Thursday night ! I would highly encourage it  it was very uplifting for our neighborhood here in the Alaska Junction near California Ave 

    • WSB March 27, 2020 (4:12 pm)

      Organizers say from this point, “it’s all you” …

  • LivesInWS March 27, 2020 (2:57 pm)

    This front-line healthcare worker would appreciate some peace and quiet instead of noise. You can thank us by staying home, keeping distance, washing hands, and voting for people with a history of believing in science. 

    • Different Strokes March 28, 2020 (9:55 am)

      I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this, but please don’t speak for all frontline workers. I know many who truly appreciated it and participated in it, including healthcare workers and first responders. 

  • LyndaB March 27, 2020 (8:07 pm)

    This medical laboratory scientist heard you tonight.  Thank you.  :)

  • HVC April 1, 2020 (5:02 pm)

    shouldn’t we keep doing this every night?

    • WSB April 1, 2020 (6:51 pm)

      You are absolutely welcome to! I’ve heard some individual blocks do.

Sorry, comment time is over.