HOW TO HELP: Sign up for West Seattle Runner’s upcoming blood drive

A few days ago, health authorities warned that the blood-bank system was “in danger of collapse” if more people didn’t/couldn’t donate. West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) has a mobile blood drive scheduled for March 27th – one week from Friday – and is asking donors to sign up now:

We are holding a Blood drive in front of our store on Friday the 27th from 12-6. To donate, people must schedule an appointment time from their website

In regards to COVID-19, they ask the following of potential donors:

Donors, please do not donate today if any of the following apply to you within the last 28 days:

*You traveled to any area with novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
– For example: city of Wuhan China and Hubei Provence of China
*You lived with individuals diagnosed with or suspected of having novel COVID-19 infection.
*You have been diagnosed with or suspected of having novel COVID-19 infection.

West Seattle Runner is at 2743 California SW.

Anybody else with a coordinated way to safely help – let us know – – or text/call 206-293-6302

13 Replies to "HOW TO HELP: Sign up for West Seattle Runner's upcoming blood drive"

  • Lisa March 18, 2020 (3:59 pm)

    I also found out about a mobile blood drive coming up this Saturday 3/21/20 at Westwood Village from 9am-3pm from bloodworks northwest. 

    • WSB March 18, 2020 (4:00 pm)

      Thank you. It might already be in our calendar – team member Katie routinely patrols the Bloodworks website – but I haven’t looked. Tim at WSR sent direct word of this.

  • Curious March 18, 2020 (4:11 pm)

    Do they have any advice for younger people who are working retail type jobs, with lots of exposure,  who want to donate but might have it with no symptoms and no reason to be tested?

    • WSB March 18, 2020 (4:53 pm)

      I don’t have time to skim it but maybe this FAQ on the Bloodworks NW site answers that?

    • Ktrapp March 18, 2020 (7:17 pm)

      Just signed up, and the spots are going quickly!  Although looking at that “don’t donate” list, I’ll note the “if you traveled to an outbreak location” one.  At this point, aren’t we living in an outbreak area?

      • sam-c March 19, 2020 (11:15 am)

        That’s what I thought was weird too… Did they type that up in mid-Feb?

  • DAFFY March 18, 2020 (5:46 pm)

    Just returned from donating directly at the First Hill Seattle [corner of Madison and Terry streets] Bloodworks NW location.  Was informed that only donors with an appointment are being taken at all their sites at this time in order to ensure appropriate social distancing.  Bloodworks NW appointment phone number for all locations is 1-800-266-4033.

  • Rob B March 18, 2020 (9:24 pm)

    Clicked the link, but can’t register online.  Anyone else have this issue? 

  • KellyM March 19, 2020 (8:53 am)

    I emailed them to sign up for a time and the response was that it had been cancelled…..

    • WSB March 19, 2020 (9:08 am)

      We’ll check on that.

      • WSB March 19, 2020 (1:23 pm)

        Tim at WSR says, “apparently they can no longer use the bus, and are in the process of securing a space in the area to accommodate everyone safely.” So if you got a spot, stand by for more info.

    • NickG March 19, 2020 (10:00 am)

      I had the same problem trying to schedule for the West Seattle Runner blood drive. However, the website lists lots of other blood drives, including one in Delridge on Monday, March 23 that still has slots left. I was going to wait for WSB to follow up, but it turns out we can just help ourselves to plenty of other, local, convenient blood drive options! But thanks to WSB for digging into this one anyway :)

      • newnative March 19, 2020 (2:17 pm)

        I can’t find any with openings during the times I can get there. I usually donate right after work at the Central location but I can’t do that now. The good thing is that there seem to be a lot of new donors, so hopefully I will remain healthy long enough to donate later on. 

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