BIZNOTES: 3 from Alki

Three quick notes from Alki:

EX-TULLY’S SPACE: We noticed the tape and dug-up front while passing by today. The space – now vacant almost 10 months – is still posted as “for lease” and there’s nothing in permit files. So we’re mentioning this just in case you wondered too.

VACATION CLOSURE: B’s Po Boy is closed for vacation until early February, according to the sign on the door.

PERMANENT CLOSURE: As announced in October, Phoenecia‘s last night on Alki was Christmas Eve. No word of a new location yet.

6 Replies to "BIZNOTES: 3 from Alki"

  • TheGreatKate December 28, 2018 (12:06 am)

    I am absolutely heartbroken to learn of Phoenecia’s closure!! It’s such a fantastic place; great service, incredible food and wine, beautiful view, delightful ambiance… Goodbye, my love! Until we meet again (I do so hope that’s soon!)…

  • robert December 28, 2018 (9:11 am)

    How can you close for 2 months and stay in business?

  • Sean December 28, 2018 (12:58 pm)

    Good question. You don’t.  There’s no such thing as a two month vacation in the retail restaurant world.  Not including the fixed costs (rent, etc), employees don’t hang around for two months without a paycheck.  They won’t reopen.  

    • WSB December 28, 2018 (1:22 pm)

      (A) It’s not a two-month closure. Six weeks.
      (B) Sunfish down the block (forgot to check this the other day or it also would have been in this roundup) closes for a long stretch every year and manages to reopen. (Back January 20th, says the sign, when we went back to look today.)

    • Swede. December 29, 2018 (10:29 am)

      Besides ‘B’s’ have other businesses out of state I remember being reported here when they opened. So they might run all of them under one umbrella and subsidies one with the others. 

    • alki_2008 December 30, 2018 (1:39 am)

      Some businesses pay rent as a percentage of gross, along with a small base rent. With that type of rent structure, businesses can more easily take time off and/or survive during the slower seasons.

      I’m not saying that B’s rent is structured that way, because it’s not my place to say. But I will say that the rent structure I described does exist on the Alki strip. 

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