(Harlequin duck, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Five options for your Monday:
AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP: 2 pm at Southwest Library. This month’s book is “State of Wonder” by Ann Patchett. (9010 35th SW)
MACRAME MEETUP: 6:30 pm at Bird on a Wire:
Macramé is a making a comeback! With the changing of seasons, what better way to cozy up inside than with some new friends and create some functional art? This is a great way for people to come together and along the way learn a new skill. The host will have some basic materials for the first mini-project (a small plant hanger). If you’ve got any materials you’d like to use, bring them!
Discussion about follow-up Macramé Meetups will be discussed – donations for the next project will be accepted as well as any ideas for what you’d like to make next! We’re looking to make this a monthly event happening at Bird on a Wire.
(3509 SW Henderson)
‘LIKE’: First area showing of this movie about social media and its effect on our lives. 7 pm at Seattle Lutheran High School – all welcome. (4100 SW Genesee)
WEST SEATTLE QUILTERS: Into quilting? Get/share advice and be part of group projects! 7 pm meeting at the Senior Center/Sisson Building. (4217 SW Oregon)
PUB QUIZ: 8 pm trivia at Shadowland in The Junction – info here. (4458 California SW)
LOOK AHEAD via our complete calendar and newly launched Halloween (Etc.) Guide!
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