(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:01 AM: Good morning! No incidents or transit advisories for West Seattle and vicinity so far.

7:07 AM: Crash on the eastbound bridge at the Admiral entrance, blocking the bus lane according to a texter.

7:52 AM: That crash is not yet clear, per SDOT.

8:05 AM: And now it is.

2 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday watch"

  • James April 19, 2018 (8:08 am)

    Traffic is so terrible around here and it is only getting worse. Unfortunately, by the time the light rail gets here, I will be retired and living in a warm climate. I have noticed that one thing that causes issues besides the influx of people is the lack of education of basic traffic rules. For example, today I am making a right on SW Spokane from SW Avalon and there are people making a left from Harbor Ave blowing the horn at me even though I have a green light. Sorry, but AFAIK, I have right of way. Blow away!

    • T April 20, 2018 (1:27 am)

      That has happened to me too, people not yielding to me as I turn on a green in the situation you described.

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