West Seattle, Washington
05 Wednesday
Four notes in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:
GAS-STATION ROCK-THROWING: Ladder 11 was parked at the Fauntleroy/Alaska gas station early this evening not to fuel up, but because firefighters were helping with the aftermath of a rock-throwing attack. Police were there too and told us that a man, apparently under the influence, threw a large rock through the station mini-mart window, near the clerk. No one was hurt but firefighters were helping clean up the glass when we arrived. Police took the suspect into custody.
From the WSB inbox this weekend:
We believe two packages were stolen within 2 hours of their delivery from our house in Arbor Heights! Was curious if any other people in the area have mentioned anything. One of the packages had a dark purple raincoat in it that we were donating to the Pike Place giving tree. Unfortunate to have this sort of thing taken. We live in the 3700 block on SW 100th Street.
UPDATE: See Amanda‘s comment – misdelivered, not stolen!
STOLEN ELEMENT FOUND: Last Thursday, we published Kanti‘s report about a black 2004 Honda Element stolen from 30th/Henderson. It’s been found – just a few minutes east, Kanti reports, near 16th/Cambridge, with one person arrested.
Finally, if you don’t get City Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s weekly newsletter (which she also publishes online in blog format), you might not have seen this:
NEIGHBORHOOD PER-CAPITA CRIME COMPARISONS: While it was included in Herbold’s followup about crime concerns in South Park, this per-capita crime comparison covered West Seattle neighborhoods too:
(Click here for full-size version on seattle.gov)
The first two pages of this slide deck also break down crime trends by SW Precinct neighborhoods. You’ll note that not all West Seattle neighborhoods are mentioned. That’s because they don’t all have “micro-community policing plans” which in turn lead to ongoing SPD neighborhood-by-neighborhood tracking. Those plans were initially developed a few years back in collaboration with the neighborhoods that had established community councils/groups. SPD still keeps overall precinct-wide info too. And you can look up trends/stats any time on the SPD website; even more links are part of Councilmember Herbold’s writeup.
Our featured lights tonight are on the west side of 40th SW, just north of SW Charlestown. Wendy e-mailed to say, “Check out 40th Ave SW between Charlestown and Hinds for awesome Xmas lights. Practically every house on the street (both sides) is lit up.” And indeed they are. She also pointed out that this is right around the corner from music-synched West Seattle Lights (39th/Charlestown), so while you’re checking out that show, explore the blocks nearby – we saw plenty of brightness on 41st and 42nd in the area, too.
Thanks for the West Seattle Christmas lights tips – more welcome, editor@westseattleblog.com – and check out the shows listed in our Holiday Guide!
(December 2016 WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
One year ago, the sun decided to show up for Alice Enevoldsen‘s Winter Solstice sunset watch at West Seattle’s Solstice Park. Will we see it happen this year? The forecast so far is inconclusive. But Alice, who’s been a volunteer NASA Solar System Ambassador since 2010, will be at the park for Thursday’s sunset, 4-5 pm, presenting her quarterly info-and-demonstration event marking the changing of the seasons. All welcome! If you haven’t been there, here’s how to find the park. (The actual solstice moment is on Thursday morning – just before 8:30 am our time – but Alice’s events are always at sunset, taking advantage of the park’s unique markers showing where the sunset lines up at solstices and equinoxes.)
Thanks to Jennifer for the photos taken just before school got out for winter break:
Holy Rosary Preschoolers met with West Seattle Food Bank rep Chris Dickie, who shared WSFB’s mission with them. Everyone helped load the WSFB van with diapers and board games that were collected which will be distributed to local families in our community.
Want to join the preschoolers in helping WSFB this week before Christmas? Find out more about hours – and needs – here.
The video is from “Diver Laura” James, who continues to experiment with 360-degree video equipment, and shared that clip from one of her most-recent experiments. It was recorded in the Cove 2 area off north/northeast West Seattle.
P.S. If you haven’t viewed 360-degree video before – just “grab” it in the player window while it’s playing, and pull it around to look above, below, behind, around!
UPDATED MONDAY EVENING: If you have trouble with the clip as embedded above, try this version.
Besides the farmers’ stands – and holiday greenery! – at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market until 2 pm, here’s some of what else you’ll find:
SANTA TROLLEY: With the weather chillier, cloudier, and breezier than last week, it’s an even-more-perfect day to take a trolley ride around The Junction!
Catch it at California/Alaska by Easy Street Records. And steps away…
COAT DRIVE: The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle and WS Christian Church are teamed up with the Junction Association today to collect coats and other warm clothing for the West Seattle Helpline.
Toward the northeast side of the market …
ROTARY POP-UP: Outside the Sisson Building on the east side of California just south of Oregon, say hi to Ann and Len of the Rotary Club of West Seattle:
Just look for their blue-and-gold tent. And yes, the market WILL be open the next two Sundays!
11:24 AM: SFD divers and rescuers are headed out for a report of a possible paddleboarder in trouble off Fauntleroy. Medics are headed for Don Armeni/Seacrest, where they would bring anyone they find. More to come.
11:32 AM UPDATE: SFD says it’s made contact with the paddleboarder and they don’t need help. Units are being dismissed (we see one leaving the south end of Lincoln Park just as we were arriving). (added) We also talked with police officers who were still on the shore in the park (photo above) – they confirmed the paddleboarder is OK, and still out paddleboarding at last report.
(The Junction Plaza Park Christmas tree by day, photographed by Laura Goodrich, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Welcome to Sunday! Our first set of highlights is from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:
HOLY ROSARY TREE LOT: Final day for the Holy Rosary Tree Lot, north of the school, with trees, wreaths and garlands. Scheduled hours, 8:30 am-9 pm. Part of this lot’s proceeds benefit West Seattle Helpline, Hickman House (domestic-violence shelter), and West Seattle Food Bank. (41st/Dakota)
SANTA PHOTOS & FOOD BANK BENEFIT: Santa photos at CAPERS in The Junction, 9 am-noon. Donations benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. (4525 California SW)
DUWAMISH NATIVE ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET: One more chance to shop the last Duwamish Native Arts and Crafts Market before Christmas, 10 am-6 pm at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
SANTA TROLLEY! 10 am-2 pm at the Farmers’ Market, second and final Sunday for this new West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays event. Emerald City Trolley takes you around The Junction, sponsored by Westside School (WSB sponsor) – catch the trolley at the south end of the market. Free. (California/Alaska)
COCOA AND COAT DRIVE: 10 am-2 pm. “Join the Junction Association, West Seattle Kiwanis, and West Seattle Christian Church at the Farmers Market for a taste of the holidays and several activities to enjoy, and to share warmth with those in need as we collect coats, hats and gloves – all donated to the West Seattle Helpline.” (California/Alaska)
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: 10 am at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor). “The Children’s Christmas Pageant highlights the Third Sunday of Advent. Don’t miss this warm, wonderful and occasionally spontaneous event!” (3940 41st SW)
HOLIDAY DOG COSTUME CONTEST during Seahawks viewing party at Ounces, 1-4 pm. Details here. (3809 Delridge Way SW)
‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’: 3 pm matinee today is the final performance of Twelfth Night Productions‘ presentation of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Show” at Kenyon Hall. Buy ticket(s) online at this Brown Paper Tickets link, or at the venue box office. (7904 35th SW)
OPEN HOUSE: West Side Presbyterian Church invites you to a Community Open House, 4-6 pm: “A gathering of family, friends and neighbors for light refreshments, festive music and Christmas carols as we connect with those around us.” (3601 California SW)
FAUNTLEROY CHURCH CONCERT: Enjoy both new and familiar music of the season in a free vocal and instrumental concert by the chancel choir at Fauntleroy Church, starting at 5 pm in the sanctuary. Fully accessible by elevator from parking. (9140 California SW)
NORTHWEST BOYCHOIR: The choir’s annual “Festival of Lessons and Carols” at Holy Rosary Church, 7 pm. More info, including ticketing, here. (42nd SW/SW Genesee)
And from the year-round Event Calendar:
ROTARY POP-UP: Meet West Seattle Rotary Club members and find out what Rotary is all about. 10 am-2 pm in front of the Quail Park Memory Care of West Seattle Discovery Center in The Junction. (4506 California SW)
JAMTIME: Bluegrass and old-time music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm. (5612 California SW)
SEATTLE OPERA PREVIEW LECTURE: “Cosi fan tutti” by Mozart is coming up at the Seattle Opera, and at 2 pm today at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, you can enjoy a free preview lecture. (2306 42nd SW)
Something for the calendar or Holiday Guide (which has listings through New Year’s)? editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!