West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
7:20 PM: Yes, it’s raining, but so far, that’s not keeping trick-or-treaters home, and it’s not stopping the spooky shows:
That’s a photo texted (thank you!) from what we’re told is a great front-yard display at 2747 44th SW. Next, we’re stopping at Skeleton Theatre, 36th/Hanford…
7:51 PM: The skeleton crew is in fine form, reprising “The Death of Rock,” telling the tale of the rise and fall of rock superstars Bonaparte.
The 20-minute show is continuous until 9 pm, then 6-9 again tomorrow. Our next stop, Nightmare on 44th (as in 44th SW, between Charlestown and Andover)…
8:10 PM:The rain has lightened considerably (though you can hear it in our clip)!
and a stop at @NightmareOn44th (44th SW between Charlestown & Andover) pic.twitter.com/G2ufXpjkJU
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) November 1, 2016
Nightmare on 44th is on until 9 pm, and this is prime time to go look and listen. New additions this year. We’re heading out for one more stop …the Halloween light show on 38th SW between Genesee and Dakota, running until 10 (maybe a bit later) …
The Halloween light show at West Seattle Yuletide on 38th SW between Dakota & Genesee. Until 10. pic.twitter.com/TlAqjRDS6b
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) November 1, 2016
8:59 PM: Above, a bit of video from the 38th SW light show – we met creator Ken out front, along with visitors delighting in the lights and music. The Wicked Witch of the West from “The Wizard of Oz” appears, too.
For now, that’s the end of our tour; we’ve just seen some late trick-or-treaters, though, so please remain extra watchful as the night goes on.
10:06 PM: Thanks to Lisa for e-mailing this photo:
Lisa explains, “Our neighborhood SOGEN (South of Genesee) donned traffic-cone costumes with Werner. Great fun and it was easy to keep track of our kids. Fun was had by all!”
Photos by Leda Costa for West Seattle Blog
This year’s West Seattle Harvest Festival in The Junction was the biggest ever, and might have been even bigger if it hadn’t started to rain in the last hour.
Rain and all, it was a success, and we have one more round of photos to share – as well as an update from the Chili Cookoff that raised money for the West Seattle Food Bank:
As we reported in yesterday’s as-it-happened coverage, The Westy won – that’s JP Vidican at right, getting congratulated by past winner Jack Miller of Husky Deli. Judi Yazzolino from the Food Bank tells us the cookoff brought in almost $2,000 to help fight hunger.
Meantime, click ahead to see a new Harvest Festival gallery – the costumes, the activities, the pets, and more, as photographed by WSB’s Leda Costa: Read More
5:37 PM: A crash has Roxbury blocked at 8th SW. We’re on our way to find out more.
5:51 PM: Photo added. Deputies at the scene aren’t commenting except to say that one person has been taken to the hospital. Their major crash-investigation unit is responding, so Roxbury is likely to be blocked here for a few hours. Some southbound traffic on 8th SW is getting through, though, our crew says.
6:01 PM: Sgt. Cindi West from KCSO confirms that this is a crash involving a deputy hitting a pedestrian. The pedestrian – male, adult – has been taken to Harborview but Sgt. West says his injuries are not believed to be serious; the transport is precautionary, and the crash investigators are coming to the scene because of the deputy involvement. Also, a traffic update from our crew: Westbound traffic on Roxbury is being diverted; the outside eastbound lane is open.
9:27 PM: We weren’t able to go back to check until now, but we’ve confirmed the intersection is completely clear.
TUESDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Sgt. West says the 65-year-old man who was hit was released from the hospital last night. Here’s how KCSO says it happened: “The deputy was northbound on 8 Ave SW and was stopped at the red light at Roxbury. When the light turned green he waited for traffic to clear so he could make a left turn to go westbound on Roxbury. The pedestrian was in the cross walk on the west side of the intersection crossing from south to north. The man had just reached the first westbound lane when he was hit by the bumper of the police vehicle making the left turn. The northbound light was green and the status of the pedestrian crossing light is unknown.”
She says the deputy was in an unmarked SUV, estimated to have been going 10 mph or less when he hit the pedestrian.
A gas-leak incident that’s been going on in the stadium zone for a few hours now may continue through the commute-home period – so if you usually take southbound 4th Avenue South, find an alternate route.
If you’re not already signed up for this, it’s not too late: Join West Seattle Chamber of Commerce members on cleanup patrol tomorrow afternoon. They’re meeting outside the California/Charlestown 7-11 at 4:30 pm Tuesday “to hand out supplies and form teams” – then they’ll fan out and pick up trash from there south to SW Alaska in The Junction. Last time, they got it all in an hour – the more who get involved, the faster it goes. It’ll be followed up by a visit to “a local establishment for food and drinks.” Want to be part of it? RSVP here.
In case you missed the story last night: A deer has found its way to West Seattle. And it’s been spotted again today, so we’re publishing this update. Last night, Peter tweeted a photo from 21st/Andover on Pigeon Point. Apparently the deer moved directly west/downhill, and has been seen this afternoon by the West Seattle Health Club at 28th/Andover. M, who reported that sighting, says it appears to be injured/limping, but has lost sight of it. If it is injured, the Seattle Animal Shelter should be notified, if it hasn’t been already – 206-386-7387. Deer are rarely seen in Seattle city limits, but commenter Scott pointed out last night that this could be the same deer first seen in the Union Bay area, and more recently in Beacon Hill, directly east of us.
Four notes today, three about in-progress projects, one about a recently completed project going up for sale:
KEY APPROVALS FOR 35TH/GRAHAM: The latest development proposal for much of High Point’s most-visible vacant site has won two key approvals, according to a notice in today’s Land Use Information Bulletin. The project is described in the city files as “two 4-story structures, one containing 61 apartments above 5,604 sq. ft. of retail and one containing 41 apartments above 4,346 sq. ft. of retail and 2 live-work units. Parking for 110 vehicles,” mostly in an underground garage. The decision announced today opens a 2-week appeal period, filing deadline November 14th; here’s how that works. Here’s our April report on final Design Review approval for the project, called (at least at the time) Upton Flats.
DEMOLITION PERMIT FOR 2310 CALIFORNIA: Nine years after the first redevelopment proposal for this site that in the interim was briefly the home of Brickyard BBQ, a demolition permit has been issued. The current redevelopment plan appears to be the same one we mentioned a year ago – a 4-story building for a gym, child care, and four apartments. The demolition permit is for three buildings on the site.
NEW PLAN FOR 6921 CALIFORNIA: Last July, we reported that the then-owners had scrapped a plan for this house in south Morgan Junction to be rezoned and remodeled to include a restaurant. (They explained their decision in this comment.) Now there’s a new plan for the site – tear down the house and replace it with a fourplex. Online records show the site was sold to a construction company earlier this month.
JUNCTION BUILDING FOR SALE: One of the newest apartment buildings in The Junction is up for sale. The year-old Lofts at The Junction, 38 apartments at 4535 44th SW, is listed as an “unpriced offering” – you can find out more via this website.
Family and friends will gather December 4th to remember Kathleen Ramee, and are sharing this remembrance with the community:
Kathleen Rock Ramee, 72, passed away peacefully in her sleep on October 1, 2016. She was born in Seattle to Edward Arthur Rock and Bernice Christine Lunde Rock. As a young adult, she traveled the world and stayed in Norway for a couple of years where she worked as a cook on a farm. She continued to live her Norwegian heritage throughout her life and passed on the traditions to her family. She lived many years in Wyoming, enjoying the wild west, and came back to her home in Seattle in 2004.
Her true calling was raising her girls as a single mom. She loved her kids more than anything and supported them in everything they did. Kathleen was adventurous, brave, independent, a free spirit and a true and wise friend. She loved good food, golfing, crocheting, travel, going to the casino and spending time with her daughters and grandchildren. Kathleen was vibrant and always lit up a room and will be loved and remembered by all that met her. She was a living example of her favorite Sophia Loren quote, “After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It’s better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.”
She is survived by her daughters, Kimberly McDonald and Kelley Murphy, and her grandchildren, Celia and Cypress McDonald, and by her brother, Gordon Rock.
Please join us in celebrating her life on December 4, 2016 from 2:30 – 5:30 pm at the Sanctuary at Admiral in West Seattle. Please dress as mom would have liked – colorful and bright, with some sparkle thrown in for good measure.
In lieu of flowers or donations, please watch a beautiful storm with waves crashing upon the rocks, and hug your loved ones often and tell them you love them. That would make her smile knowing that love abounds.
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
(The entrance to Nightmare on 44th, the only local Halloween attraction with an Instagram feed so far as we know!)
After a very busy Halloweekend, Halloween has arrived. From the WSB West Seattle Halloween (etc.) Guide, here’s what’s happening, where, and when:
TOT GYM PUMPKINPALOOZA: At Hiawatha Community Center, 11 am-1 pm: “The event is designed for kids ages 0-5 and will be $3 per child – games, prizes, costumes, and a bounce house.” (2700 California SW)
STATE FERRIES’ COSTUME CONTEST: First-ever costume competition for walk-on passengers aboard all Washington State Ferries sailing 3-6 pm. WSF is “encouraging all walk-on customers, young and old, to come aboard dressed for Halloween. On all sailings during this time, the captain or a crewmember will watch from the wheelhouse and select their favorite costume from the walk-on passengers. The lucky winner will be invited up to the wheelhouse to meet the captain for a behind-the-scenes tour of the ferry.”
WESTWOOD VILLAGE TRICK-OR-TREATING: Merchants at the shopping center welcome trick-or-treating 5-7 pm. (2600 SW Barton)
LIGHT SHOW: Halloween Light Show at the home of West Seattle Yuletide. 5-10 pm and maybe a bit later. (38th SW between Genesee and Dakota)
KIDS’ KARNIVAL: 6-8 pm, for kids through 5th grade, at West Side Presbyterian Church. Come enjoy crafts, bouncy house, games, slide and prizes! (3601 California SW)
FALL FEST/TRUNK-OR-TREAT: 6 pm at Grace Church: “Games, Prizes, Inflatables, Food Trucks, an appearance by the Seahawks mascot Blitz, and the 10th Annual Trunk or Treat!” (10323 28th SW)
MEEDS MANOR HAUNTED HOUSE: Tonight’s the night for the Meeds Manor Haunted House, 5-9:30 pm: “The haunted house will take you through the outside perimeter of our house with pirates, zombies, clowns, ghosts, and more. This event is FREE for all ages. We are collecting non-perishable food items for the West Seattle Food Bank. (5415 49th Ave SW)
ANIMATRONICS – NIGHTMARE ON 44TH: 6-9 pm, “Nightmare on 44th“: Animatronics and more in a spooky West Seattle yard. 10th anniversary! Rain OR no rain, it’s on, says creator David, who also notes: “This year we have new LED lighting throughout all of the shows – all of the graveyard shows have been rebuilt from scratch with some new music, better lighting sequences and a couple of new graves. The shows run on a 16.5 minute sequence loop.” (44th SW between Charlestown and Andover)
ANIMATRONICS – SKELETON THEATRE: The ST crew says “The Death of Rock” – a favorite from earlier this decade – is back this year. Shows tonight and tomorrow, 20 minutes long and running continuously, 6-9 pm each night – more info and a sneak peek at skeletontheatre.com – which is also where you can donate online to support the labor-intensive animatronic show. (36th SW/SW Hanford)
NON-HALLOWEEN EVENTS: Just a few – check our year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for those!
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:57 AM: No current incidents in/from West Seattle.
One transit note for today – the West Seattle Water Taxi is now on its fall/winter schedule, which is weekdays only, am and pm commute periods only.
7:11 AM: Crash on I-5 northbound near Olive Way downtown is blocking two lanes and that might lead to some trouble before long if you’re headed that way.
7:18 AM: Thanks to Jim for the tip about a crash on 28th SW south of Roxbury: “28th SW is blocked South of the Safeway on Roxbury at about 99th. Cars are squeezing through 1 at a time. Avoid 28th Ave SW between 106th and Roxbury (limited cross streets here).” King County Sheriff’s Deputies and North Highline FD are there.
7:28 AM: WSDOT says the northbound I-5 crash downtown has cleared. Meantime, if you didn’t deduce it from the traffic cameras, yes, it’s raining.
8:02 AM: Reader report of a crash on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge just before the 99 exit. No SFD dispatch so no injuries, but be careful.
8:11 AM: Update on this from Gabriel: “Small fender-bender eastbound left lane before 1st Avenue exit. Large backup.”
8:25 AM: SDOT reports a crash at 2nd SW/Olson.
9:09 AM: Finally got a chance to go look at 28th and Olson lications to confirm they’re clear; they are.