West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
(Andrea Wilmot with customer during last week’s farm-stand session)
By Linda Ball
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Andrea Wilmot works full-time as a financial analyst at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor). But in her off-hours, she is motivated to bring healthy food to an area of West Seattle that she – and many others – describe as a food desert.
With no nearby supermarket, every Thursday this summer, from 4 to 7 p.m. she has been setting up a tent between the Delridge P-Patch and the Full Gospel Pentecostal Federated Church, for the farm stand operated by volunteers from the Delridge Grocery Co-op, which just might be on track to finally open as a real grocery store on the ground level of Cottage Grove Commons, the DESC-owned supportive-housing complex that opened almost three years ago in the 5400 block of Delridge Way SW.
Wilmot is president of the Delridge Grocery Co-op and manager of its farm stand.
(WSB photo from 2015)
The only West Seattle swimming event of its kind is back next week at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club! In case you haven’t seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar yet, here’s the heads-up:
Bring your furry friends for a swim in the AHSTC pool during the week after the club closes.
11003 31st Ave SW
Tuesday-Friday, September 20-23, 5-7 pm
Saturday, September 24, 11 am-1:00 pmWe have some new treats in store for the pups this year!
This is a fundraiser for AHSTC teams used to purchase big ticket items and helps us to keep our team fees down. Suggested donation is $10/dog for one day or $25/dog for a pass and come as many days as you want! Be sure to invite your friends!
Basic details: Dogs must be healthy, up to date on shots and well socialized. Humans are responsible for their dog’s behavior (and poop). Running on the pool deck is encouraged! No people in the poo,l but you will get wet so dress accordingly.
Thank you for supporting AHSTC teams!
If you haven’t heard about this event before – this is after the last swim of the year in the pool for PEOPLE, and before the pool gets its post-season cleaning, and again, it’s dogs-only, no people. Here’s our report from last year’s event.
(August 31st photo by Vlad Oustimovitch)
WSDOT announced this afternoon that the Highway 99 tunneling machine is back on the move after a two-week stop to change cutterhead tools. Above is a photo of a used “tooth,” taken by Vlad Oustimovitch, a West Seattle resident who is a longtime member of the citizens’ advisory group and shared photos with WSB after a tour of the machine toward the start of the stopdown. Today’s WSDOT update says that as of lunchtime, “crews were tunneling north approximately 170 feet below First Avenue, just north of Union Street” and that the contractor “replaced a total of 14 large cutting tools during the two-week maintenance period. Bertha has moved from clay to a mixture of sand and gravel that wears down cutting tools more quickly. … The tools STP changed during this maintenance stop are the first parts of the cutterhead that contact the ground, making them crucial to the machine’s ability to excavate soil. STP will continue to inspect and replace these tools as needed during the course of mining. … The machine has tunneled more than 4,135 feet and is nearing the halfway point of its 9,270-foot-long journey.”
The Fauntleroy fish-ladder overlook hasn’t been the same since the fish were stolen from its art installation in June of last year. But new fish are arriving, thanks to the artist. The photo and report are from Fauntleroy Creek steward Judy Pickens:
Artist Tom Jay brought a big drill to begin installation of new coho and cutthroat sculptures at the fish-ladder viewpoint (upper Fauntleroy Way SW & SW Director). The original aluminum fish were stolen in June 2015. This time, Jay built the sculptures using several techniques that have proven to protect art from such vandalism. His “Stream Echo” installation at the viewpoint dates from 1998, when the city built the fish ladder and applied 1% of the construction cost to public art. The new fish will be duly welcomed at the annual salmon drumming on Sunday, October 30, at 5 pm.
The overlook is across Fauntleroy Way (and up the embankment) from the ferry dock.
The morning got away without our daily calendar preview, but we do want you to know about two meetings tonight involving groups that need more helping hands:
NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: Live and/or work and/or study and/or play in North Delridge? 6:30 pm, be at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center for tonight’s NDNC meeting. Agenda highlights announced today:
*SDOT’s plan to lower the speed limit on Delridge to 30
*Discuss the Top 5 in the next round of Neighborhoods projects which the District Council should be discussing and voting on this Wednesday, September 21st, at the monthly Delridge District Council meeting. Scroll down in this link to see the details.
*Talk about possible solutions for addressing problems with the convenience stores in our neighborhood.
Upcoming elections
(Regarding the first item – here’s our most-recent coverage.) Youngstown is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.
WEST SEATTLE HI-YU: 7 pm, Admiral Congregational Church. From outgoing president Jay Murray:
This will be the last West Seattle Hi-Yu meeting for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.Please come and bring a friend to celebrate the end of the West Seattle Hi-Yu summer festival year.
There will be a lot of decisions to be made about the continuation and re-organization of the West Seattle Hi-Yu, Inc.
Volunteers are needed to serve as officers and board members during the interim period. Volunteers are also needed to serve on the committee to re-organize as a 501 c 3 non-profit organization.
Membership applications will be available for the fiscal year of 2016-2017.
Thank you to all of the volunteer members of the board, parents and members of the Sr. Court, Jr. Court and Teen Ambassadors and all of the other individual, Service Club, and business members that have been a part of the West Seattle Hi-Yu organization to make it a success.
Admiral Church is at California SW/SW Hill.
Two notes from the West Seattle food world:
ENDOLYNE JOE’S, ORIGINAL BAKERY CLOSED ALL WEEK: Thanks to Cindi for the tip. The owner of the Fauntleroy/Endolyne building (45th SW/SW Wildwood) that is home to Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) and The Original Bakery is doing work this week – so both are closed all week. Joe’s even made the cute altered logo at right and has this statement: “Due to landlord-related building improvements for other tenants, Endolyne Joe’s will be closed Monday, September 12th- Monday, September 19th. Regular business will resume September 20th.” The bakery, meantime, is usually closed Mondays anyway, and has posted that it too will reopen September 20th.
A LA MODE PIES FINALIZES WEST SEATTLE OPENING DATE: We’ve been reporting since April that A la Mode Pies is expanding to West Seattle – the official white-neon sign is now up outside its future storefront at 4225 SW Alaska (left photo, courtesy ALMP). Today, A la Mode has finalized the opening date first mentioned here last month: Monday, October 3rd. Hours will be 8 am-10 pm Sundays-Thursdays, 8 am-11 pm Fridays-Saturdays, with a happy-hour-style “pie time” starting at 3:14 pm daily. Savory pies (“with flavors like Slow Braised Beef and Potato, Spinach and Feta, Chicken Pot Pie, BBQ Pulled Pork”) will be offered as well as the “boozy milkshakes” that WSB readers were asked to help name (mentioned in the announcement, Admiral Apple and Genesee Grasshopper), six flavors of ice cream, and “PieFries – shreds of buttery pie dough sprinkled with parmesan and herbs or cinnamon and sugar.” As mentioned in earlier coverage, weekly pie-making classes are planned and regular customers will have “a front-row seat to the pie-making process.”
We just got details of an armed robbery on Sunday afternoon that started in Roxhill Park and ended at the nearby Safeway store. Thanks to the person who tipped us about it last night; they had heard about it secondhand but only knew about the part that happened at the supermarket, which is in unincorporated King County, so we contacted KC Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West for details. She says it happened around noon, and that the victim was “walking in the area of Roxhill Park when he was approached by … a lone black male on foot,” who “displayed a handgun and told the victim that if he did something wrong, he would shoot him.” The robber took the victim’s backpack and cash, Sgt. West says, but “told the victim he would give him his property back for $1,000.” So they went together to the ATM at the Shell station across Roxbury, but the victim couldn’t get money there, and they proceeded to the ATM inside Safeway. “There were other people waiting in line at the ATM so the victim yelled ‘he has a gun!’,” says Sgt. West, and with that, the robber ran away, “southbound.” He is described as around 18 years old, black, with a goatee, about 5’4″, 120 pounds, last seen wearing a black hooded jacket, camo pants, and “red basketball-type shoes.”
The first-ever Orca Half (Marathon) on Alki is now less than two weeks away – one of three big events on Sunday, September 25th, along with Seattle Summer Parkways (the latest incarnation of “car-free day”) and the Disaster Relief Cargo Bike Trials. Orca Half organizers tell us that they DO have some spots open for the run, so you can register now if you haven’t already (even though some parts of their website might say it’s sold out). West Seattle-headquartered The Whale Trail is the beneficiary (as previously announced here). Go here to find out more about signing up.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:52 AM: Good morning. The main traffic problem right now is affecting northbound I-5 – a fatal crash by the exit at 50th is reported to have led to a backup all the way past the West Seattle Bridge offramp and on toward Boeing Field.
7:01 AM: The aforementioned backup was compounded by a crash on NB I-5 at I-90, but that has cleared. If you’re heading north of downtown, the investigation at 50th continues.
ROAD WORK: The surface Spokane Street work east of the low bridge continues. This week it will include repaving between 11th and Manning.
METRO’S FALL SERVICE CHANGES: Most of the Metro changes that kicked in over the weekend do not involve routes in this area. But busy Route 120 does have a few. From the Metro website:
On weekdays, a new northbound Route 120 trip to downtown Seattle will leave 15th Ave SW & SW Roxbury St at 4:37 am. The two current northbound Route 120 trips leaving 15th Ave SW & SW Roxbury St at 6:14 and 7:53 am will be revised to leave at 6:17 and 7:55 am instead. Also, the northbound trip leaving Bay 3 at the Burien TC at 7:37 am will be revised to leave three minutes later at 7:40 am. These improvements are funded through a mobility contract between Metro and the City of Seattle.
7:58 AM: Nothing unusual reported right now in the immediate West Seattle/outbound-from-WS area. North of downtown, the 50th exit will remain closed until about 9 am, according to the State Patrol.
8:47 AM: From the scanner – crash on NB 99 in the stadium zone, vehicle and school bus, no children on school bus.
9:19 AM: SDOT is also showing a crash scene closer to the West Seattle Bridge exit.