day : 10/02/2016 11 results

VIDEO: 34th District Democrats hear from congressional candidates, endorse Joe McDermott

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Tonight the 34th District Democrats endorsed King County Council chair Joe McDermott for the 7th Congressional District seat that longtime Rep. Jim McDermott is giving up.

He pointed out that he’s never run for something without his home district’s endorsement. More than 70 34th DD members were eligible to vote; 44 of them supported him.

Before the endorsement vote, the group heard from six candidates:

CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES SPEAK: 5 minutes were allotted to each declared candidate who was present – roughly 3 minutes of speech, then a few questions. They spoke in alphabetical order. We recorded each on video – the text does not cover everything they said, but the video does (updated 1:47 am: we’ve added all candidates’ clips):

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‘Transforming the Triangle’ and more @ Fauntleroy Community Association

(WSB photos)

Traffic-calming changes ahead for the Fauntleroy/Endolyne Triangle in Fauntleroy were unveiled at a briefing that preceded last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting. The Triangle is a confusing, sometimes dangerous multi-point series of intersections between 45th, Wildwood, and Brace Point, and SDOT‘s Jim Curtin came to the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse to review plans with community members. “Transforming the triangle,” is how he described the changes, a long time coming, discussed in forums including FCA’s 2014 community gathering about traffic and a walking tour last year with then-City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen.


Features shown in the schematic design include back-in angled parking on the south side of the commercial heart of the triangle, two painted curb bulbs along the Brace Point Drive side of the triangle (paint colors haven’t been chosen yet), and a bicycle corral in front of Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor), where a parking space needed to be removed anyway to improve visibility from the parking lot south of the restaurant.


One point yet to be worked out: The stop sign on the northeast edge of the area. The city wants to remove it; community members want to keep it. Curtin plans to bring out city traffic engineer Dongho Chang for a firsthand look, at the behest of FCA. As for the timeline overall, the work could be done in one day, March or April. It’s funded because some other area projects have come in under budget, Curtin said.

Then it was on to the board meeting in the schoolhouse’s smaller conference room, led by vice president David Haggerty:

ANNUAL MEETING/FOOD FEST: Next month, FCA throws its biggest party of the year. Lots has happened since last time, as Marty Westerman pointed out – Cove Park is open again and better than ever, Endolyne Triangle is being beautified (as part of the work mentioned above) and made safer, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is getting more support from FCA than ever – so there is much to celebrate. This is also a time for residents to come renew their FCA memberships. The group works on a variety of advocacy issues and even has welcome bags for new area residents. Along with local restaurants and food purveyors (including Tuxedoes and Tennis Shoes, which has its exclusive event venue in the schoolhouse), the meeting also brings out local-interest organizations to distribute information.

As part of the annual meeting, officers will be elected. Haggerty is not planning to run for re-election as vice president. A few other positions are open.

CITY LIGHT PROPERTY: FCA has been given a year to come up with a way to buy the former substation property at 46th SW and Brace Point Drive. Surveys were distributed to about 60 neighbors and almost half turned them back in; a team of four talked with other neighbors. Most support keeping it as greenspace; a few were interested in housing: “I feel like we got a good read now and what folks around there want. Now we have to try to figure out the next step … I don’t know how many (neighbors) would actually be willing to pull out their wallets.” Still a work in progress.

SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES PUMP STATION PROJECT: We had just heard about this, before the meeting, and we’re gathering information from SPU. Some work will be under way to upgrade a pump station that’s on the south side of the Fauntleroy ferry dock, timeline TBA, and it will encroach to some degree on the small parking lot on the southeast end of the dock – more info to come.

NEW FAUNTLEROY UCC MINISTER: The group spent a few minutes talking with recently arrived Rev. Leah Bilinski at the meeting’s start. In her fifth month leading Fauntleroy UCC Church, she’s continuing to work on getting to know Fauntleroy and Seattle.

The Fauntleroy Community Association has board meetings on second Tuesdays, 7 pm, in the conference room at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. Watch for updates between meetings.

West Seattle Crime Watch: School-zone hit-run; rash of car prowls; more window-shooting

(UPDATED 6 PM with added reader report of window shootings overnight)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:44 PM: In West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon – half a dozen reader reports:

HIT-RUN IN SCHOOL ZONE: Robin sent the photo of a vehicle found abandoned after what started as a hit-run and continued as a near-collision in the crosswalk outside the Louisa Boren STEM/Arbor Heights Elementary building at 5950 Delridge on Tuesday afternoon. Wendy tells the story of the near-collision:

The family that was almost struck in the crosswalk was me, my two kids, and a friend. We were crossing as directed by our crossing guard and I heard someone blaring their horn on Delridge (south of the crosswalk). It looked like two cars had rear-ended when out if no where a man can flying down the turn lane, narrowly missing us. The STEM crossing guard started yelling for us to watch out- and I’m grateful for her attentive eyes.

We checked with SPD; the full report on this isn’t available yet, but traffic investigators spent quite some time on it Tuesday; an SPD spokesperson tells us the car was found, unoccupied. If you have any information, contact SPD and refer to case #16000048247.

Next – it was a busy night for car prowlers:


I just want to send an FYI of at least 3 car prowls on the 5300 block, between Andover and Dakota, between 10:00 pm [corrected] Feb. 9th and 7:00 am Feb. 10th. All three cars are parked in the street, about a house length apart. Prowler went in through the street side doors. No one said if anything of real value was gone. Pretty certain I locked my daughter’s car. Other neighbors thought they had locked theirs as well.


My work truck back passenger window was smashed out early this morning between 3 am and 5 am. Nothing stolen. Do not keep any thing of value in the truck. Might have scared them away when I got up. Location 5000 block of 49th Ave SW. Just want to get the word out.


Last “night”, ie probably early this morning, 2/10, our gray Toyota Prius had its contents rifled through along the 4900 block of SW Bruce St. (Bruce St is a 2 block long road just south of Dawson, between 49th and 51st, FYI). So far, only my wife’s makeup bag is missing. It appeared another car along Bruce St but closer to 49th Ave had a window broken out when my wife drove past this morning.


Just wanted to share with the neighbors to be extra vigilant. My car near 49th & Bruce was broken into late night on 2/9 or early morning 2/10. The thief took a teal and black messenger bag containing important, irreplaceable work documents. In the unlikely event you heard something, or saw something or know anything about the incident, it would be greatly appreciated.

And a reminder about scammers:


Heavily accented caller says your Visa was charged $2000, and if not your charge, they will cancel card and send new one. Of course, they then want last four digits and expiration date “to confirm you are the card holder.” JUST HANG UP!

ADDED 6 PM: Just in from David:

Five cars on Sunset Avenue had their windows shot out with a BB gun last night between 3am and 4am. Property was stolen from several of them. Two males in a white four door sedan. Police responded and have a description.

This follows a string of window-shootings a week and a half ago in various West Seattle neighborhoods.

FOLLOWUP: Will West Seattle get a permanent ballot dropbox again?

The day after another low-turnout election – only 1 in 4 Seattle ballots was in by the close of voting last night – the County Council is following up on its directive for more permanent ballot dropboxes around the county. The one above, for example, is the last one West Seattle had – removed more than five years ago, with only temporary dropoff vans sent here, during the last few days before the close of voting, since then.

Right now, only 10 permanent dropboxes are in place around King County, but the in-progress proposal from Elections Director Julie Wise – with funding approved by the County Council today – would quadruple that to 40. No locations finalized yet, though. The proposal also will pay for increased voter outreach in communities where English is not the primary language. That would include printing voter materials in Spanish and Korean as well as Chinese and Vietnamese, the two languages in which they’re offered now. More details on the added-dropboxes plan are due in April; read today’s announcement in full here.

FOLLOWUP: Gatewood burglary suspect charged

February 10, 2016 2:19 pm
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 |   Crime | Gatewood | West Seattle news

Just in from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office: 22-year-old Malik R. Jones is charged with first-degree burglary in connection with the Saturday morning break-in (WSB coverage here) in which a Gatewood woman was startled awake by an intruder touching her. State law incorporates assault in this particular charge (read the law here), so it covers the alleged touching as well as the burglary itself.

Prosecutors are asking that Jones’s bail remain set at $100,000, though his only criminal history is described as a “reduced DUI charge” resolved three months ago in Pierce County, where he is believed to live. Allegations in the document are largely what we reported on Monday, after his bail hearing, except for the added information that the cell phone stolen from the victim was later found outside the house, “smashed to bits.” More to come …

THINK SUMMER: Float Dodger 5K registration starts, with a discount

February 10, 2016 2:13 pm
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(WSB photo from 2015 Float Dodger 5K)

July 23rd might sound like a long way away. But it’s less than half a year – and today there’s reason to look forward to the Float Dodger 5K walk/run that precedes the West Seattle Grand Parade. Lori McConnell from Float Dodger-presenting West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) explains:

Today our race went LIVE! Special discount registration price of $17!!

This year it is benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as always. BUT we are ADDING the West Seattle Food Bank as the other beneficiary. We are excited to announce this new partnership/collaboration.

Tonight at 7 pm at the store, we we will host an info night about Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training program so folks can learn more. Complete with wine and snacks!

WSR is at 2743 California SW in The Admiral District.

West Seattle development: Demolition at 3219-3221 California SW


12:40 PM: Thanks to Christine for the photo from the 3200 block of California SW, where part of the old commercial building on the west side of the street was demolished this morning. This is part of the area upzoned more than five years ago, across from the biggest development that resulted from the upzoning, Springline on the east side of the street (seen in the background, under construction now for exactly a year). While a medium-size apartment building was once proposed for the west side – which also is owned by Intracorp – the plans were later changed, and today’s demolition location is planned for a mix of townhouses and live-work units, as reported here early last year.

2:07 PM: Adding video of this morning’s demolition, from WSB’s Christopher Boffoli:

Highland Park RV ‘safe lot’ update: 12 vehicles now expected, and other new information

(WSB photo)

New information about the RV “safe lot” that the city is setting up at West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way, on a paved lot adjacent to the former longterm unauthorized-encampment site (our photo above is from Tuesday morning – part of the canvas-covered chain-link fence at the site has fallen down). As reported here Monday night, the lot could open as soon as February 19th; this afternoon it’s part of the discussion at the City Council’s Human Services and Public Health Committee meeting (2 pm at City Hall).

Documents prepared for the meeting include updates on various city initiatives responding to the homelessness emergency; “targeted vehicle response” is the one that includes the “RV safe lots” about to go into operation in Highland Park and in Ballard. That particular update answers some questions that have been asked, including answers we had been pursuing from the city and its designated operator. From the document:

Each safe lot is located in a zoned industrial area and together, are expected to accommodate 32 RVs in Ballard and 12 in (Highland Park). Each lot will also have sanitation and garbage service and meet several other criteria identified by the City Council in Resolution 31649. All residents must abide by a code of conduct policy that will prohibit drugs and violence and require residents to be good neighbors. The two safe lots are expected to be operational some time in February 2016.

R2H staff will conduct needs assessments and program intakes, distribute rapid re-housing, diversion and flex funds, provide housing navigation services, and connect clients to other resources as appropriate. The Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) will manage site operations, including round-the-clock security.

The update goes on to mention the three interim lots the city has set up, none of which is in West Seattle, then continues:

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Your West Seattle Wednesday highlights

February 10, 2016 9:58 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Thanks to Paula for the sunrise view from West Seattle High School)

The day has turned gray, but we appreciate the vivid color in the great photos from this morning’s sunrise! We’re sharing two along with today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

SCHOOL TOURS: Several under way right now – so we wanted to remind you to use the calendar to look ahead beyond our same-day highlight lists – you can sort by categories, for example, and choosing “tours” brings up this list so you can look ahead.

LOCAL BIZ MEETUP: Noon-1:15 pm at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor) – take a break, bring your lunch, go network! (6040 California SW)

‘YOUTH VOICE, YOUTH CHOICE’: 4-6 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, all are welcome to an “idea assembly” as part of the “participatory budgeting” process in which local youth will help decide how the city should spend $700,000 of the next budget. Brainstorming is open to all ages. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

(Thanks to Cat for this sunrise view)

HIGH-SCHOOL BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: The girls’ and boys’ teams from both West Seattle HS and Chief Sealth IHS all have playoff games tonight. None are at home. As noted here last night, the Sealth girls play Rainier Beach at 5:45 pm tonight at Ballard HS (1418 NW 65th), while the Sealth boys play Franklin at Garfield HS (400 23rd Ave.); the WSHS girls play Roosevelt at 7:30 pm at Nathan Hale, while the West Seattle boys play Rainier Beach at 5:45 pm at Ingraham HS (1819 N. 135th).

AMERICAN LEGION POST 160: Monthly meeting, 6 pm, open to all who have served or are serving in America’s armed forces. (3618 SW Alaska)

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Big election year means lots on the agenda for tonight’s 7 pm meeting of our area’s biggest political group at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Chair Marcee Stone-Vekich says, “We will have all 6 candidates for the 7th (Congressional District) speaking tonight. Also, 2 candidates for Lieutenant Governor and 1 for State Auditor. We will also be giving a tribute to (former City Councilmember) Tom Rasmussen. We’ll then do a review of the caucus process later in the meeting.” (9131 California SW)

THINKING ABOUT THIS YEAR’S FLOAT DODGER 5K? Come to the Team in Training meeting at 7 pm tonight at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) – here’s why. (2743 California SW)

FERRY DRILL TODAY: What you might see

If you notice a state ferry off West Seattle making unusual maneuvers, and/or with notable law-enforcement presence, this is likely what it’s about. Just received from Kyle Moore of the State Patrol:

Today, the Washington State Patrol is conducting drills on the Washington State Ferries vessel Hyak. This drill will also involve the U.S. Coast Guard, the Bainbridge Island Police Department and the Seattle Police Department.

The drills will occur between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. between Bainbridge and Seattle. No passengers will be aboard the ferry during the exercise. The Hyak will be out-of-service during these drills. Regular ferry traffic will not be impacted by the drill.

The public may notice a large law enforcement presence aboard the ferry and should be aware this is just a drill. shows the Hyak (here’s what it looks like) still in Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge right now, so it hasn’t headed this way yet.


(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:35 AM: Good morning! Just checked around the area – no incidents right now in, or from, West Seattle and vicinity.

NIGHTTIME TRAFFIC ALERT: We don’t have night-by-night previews, but last night’s closure for the work at Fauntleroy/Alaska involved the block west of the site, on Alaska between Fauntleroy/39th and 40th; the previous night was a block of Fauntleroy.

7:58 AM: First incident reported anywhere in the area – a stalled vehicle blocking the HOV lane on southbound 99 just north of the 1st Avenue S. Bridge.