West Seattle, Washington
20 Thursday
A two-car crash and the emergency response to it has Harbor Avenue SW blocked both ways in the 1300 block [map]. No further details on the crash – no major injuries reported so far – just an FYI if you’re headed out from, or back toward, that area.
(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
7:05 PM: Seattle Fire is at the scene of a reported house fire in the 5200 block of 18th SW [map] on Puget Ridge. They’ve just called for two more engines and are reporting the fire is visible through the roof of one side of the house.
7:11 PM: Via scanner, it’s being described as a heavily involved attic fire.
(Added: Reader video, via text – thank you!)
7:14 PM: Also via scanner, they’re pulling crews out of the house and declaring it a “defensive fire,” apparently because of danger from a power line – they won’t go back inside until power is shut off.
(Added 7:18 pm: Thanks to Jon for the photo)
7:21 PM: Neighbors tell our crew at the scene that people were home when this started but made it out OK. Flames are still visible.
7:29 PM: Firefighters have gone back into “offensive” mode and report the fire’s “knocked down.” No word of injuries so far. SFD is calling for the Red Cross to come offer help to the residents.
(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
7:46 PM: SFD spokesperson Lt. Sue Stangl has just briefed media. She says six people were home and all did indeed get out OK, as did their cat (photo above; rescuer was SFD Lt. Kym LeRoy). She said the fire was in the garage, living room, and attic when firefighters arrived, and discussed the electrical-line problems we mentioned earlier. She also confirms, no injuries. We’ll add video of her briefing once we upload it.
8:06 PM: SFD says all six of the people who were displaced are adults. The cause of the fire isn’t known yet – investigators are on scene.
8:53 PM: We’ve added the video of Lt. Stangl’s briefing. She also says via Twitter that “one elderly woman … was carried out of the house by a neighbor.”
This ribbon-cutting in South Delridge celebrated a project that was two years in the making: Completion of the first raingarden/cistern project at a Seattle mosque.
The installation dedicated this past Friday at AlNoor Mosque is not just functional for reducing the runoff that goes into the combined-sewer system, it’s also a teaching tool for the students of Hope Academy, a K-8 private school that’s co-located on the grounds.
Hope Academy’s Mohamed Ahmed talked about the project:
Teachers and students are now involved in maintenance of the raingardens – there are two on the grounds.
Along with runoff reduction and environmental education, the project is expected to help with basement flooding issues at the historic brick building on the grounds of what was once St. James Lutheran Church. Those on hand to celebrate Friday included reps from the project partners at ECOSS (Environmental Coalition Of South Seattle) the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, Seattle Public Utilities, and RainWise, which continues to offer rebates for cistern and raingarden installations in certain target areas.
Quick reminder: If you have something to say about the Port of Seattle‘s environmental review for the Terminal 5 modernization proposal, tomorrow (Monday, November 23rd) is the deadline. Start here. The key comments at this point in the process would be your thoughts on issues that should be reviewed – noise, traffic, air quality, etc. You can review recent coverage in the WSB Port of Seattle-related archives.
1:36 PM: Given other recent flybys, we didn’t immediately assume the ones heard in the past half-hour were for the Seahawks game, until we found this tweeted video from @MiVidaSeattle:
BOOM!!!! FIGHTER JETS GOING LOB OVERHEAD!! #GoHawks pic.twitter.com/pe9438Wihq
— Hugo (@MiVidaSeattle) November 22, 2015
So just in case you wondered too, there we have it.
ADDED 1:40 PM: And the Boeing Field takeoff, tweeted by @HoldenThePilot:
(YouTube video, also by HTP, substituted at 6:25 pm; Holden flagged it as “better video”)
Just back from two of the events in today’s WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide listings:
JF HENRY OPEN HOUSE: Some holiday open houses at local businesses are one-day-only events; at JF Henry in The Junction, they’re continuing until 5 pm today, and in addition to shopping for kitchen/dining ware, you can check out the retro aluminum tree with which proprietor Tom Henry is posing, above, and the little train circling the trees in the front window, as seen in our Instagram clip below:
JF Henry is at 4445 California SW on the north edge of The Junction. Treats and giveaways, too.
PEACE LUTHERAN BAZAAR: Two more hours to bazaar-shop if you can get to Gatewood:
It’s been a successful sale so far, the folks at Peace Lutheran Church (39th SW & SW Thistle) tell us, but items decorative and celebratory still await you in the sun-dappled downstairs room (doors are on 39th) until 3 pm.
Something to add to our Holiday Guide? E-mail us at editor@westseattleblog.com ASAP – we’re updating daily!
ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:36 PM: Car prowls are the crime you’re most likely to fall victim to, SPD says. And from the reader-report files, we have word of another one. From Rebecca:
I wanted to report that my car window broken (Saturday) evening between 4:30 and 5:15. The car was parked on the street, by a lamp post and a bus stop on 63rd near Constellation Park. My black, leather bag was stolen.
It has “1st Aid” on it with a Red Cross like symbol, an adjustable long, cloth handle strap that’s like a thin belt. There’s a purple cloth wallet in it and an orange and white zippered bag like they sell at Pharmaca.
If you see any of those items – please comment; lately readers have found discarded car-prowl loot and it’s subsequently made its way back to its owners. Please also heed police’s advice: Don’t leave ANYTHING in your vehicle, regardless of how well it’s hidden, or whether you think it’s completely worthless to anyone else … thieves do break in on spec, just pulling out anything they find, to be rushed away and combed through later.
FOUND: Not necessarily stolen, but in our experience lately, these tend to be the kinds of items that are bycatch for car prowlers and tossed aside somewhere. Salle reports:
I found a notebook and textbook last night with an exam noting (first name starts with C, second with B). It was found in the alley behind my house in Fauntleroy Cove, between Trenton and Concord Streets, alley being 46th.
She’s been searching for the person online, but no luck yet, so she sent word in case the person missing these items – through a theft or otherwise – reads WSB.
ADDED 1:53 PM: Two more reports just came in, so we’re adding them. From Jason:
Car was prowled near upper Fauntleroy as well around 2 am this morning. We are on 41st ave in a secure garage. Got away with softball and soccer gear that was in the trunk. It tried to take off with the golf clubs but failed. They were found hidden in another part of the garage. It looked like it was coming back for them. Keep an eye open for a North Face Bag and Hershel Bag with dirty sports gear in it. It’s most likely mine and would love it back if found around the neighborhood.
And from Julie, a possibly abandoned bicycle not far from where Salle made her discoveries (mentioned above):
This bike appears to be abandoned — been here, unlocked, for several days. 46th & Trenton. There also were school books and papers scattered in a nearby alley, but someone else has taken that stuff away. (I just heard about that, never saw it myself.) Could be connected.
Two sightings from Saturday, one with photos. First, from Karen in Arbor Heights:
This was taken in front of my neighbor’s house on 98th Ave SW between 37th & 39th (our backyards border Fauntleroy Park). This was my (indoor cat’s) first sighting of the year but normally we have a lot around here starting in October. I assume the warmer weather kept them away?
This coyote had black & gray fur but as you can see, they have lost (molted?) most of it so it must be freezing. At one point, he/she looked like a sweet fawn but I the doubt dog walkers thought that.
People stop & always are surprised they come out during the day. I see them head into the woods at night but I normally see them galloping all over the neighborhood during the day.
Hopefully, the family of seven raccoons living in my storm water drain stays safe (swimming in my community pool).
I have a virtual varmint zoo growing out of my backyard.
She said the coyote showed up around 1 pm on Saturday.
Via text, we received a report a few hours after that: “Very sick, mangy-looking coyote walking west on Thistle near 35th. Just now, very brave, must be desperate for food or warmth.”
Here again is the state’s info-sheet about coyotes and co-existing with them. Our online research suggests the fur problem would be more likely mange than molting, as the latter generally involves shedding winter coats when the weather warms up.
(Bewick’s Wren, photographed by Danny McMillin, shared via the West Seattle Blog Flickr group)
Again today, two sections of what’s up – first, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, starting with a spotlight event:
DONATE TURKEY(S): The White Center Food Bank, which also serves southern West Seattle, still needs turkeys for pre-Thanksgiving distribution. They’ll have a special collection point in WS this morning, outside Fauntleroy UCC, 10 am-noon, so you can drop one (or more!) off. (9140 California SW)
FAIR TRADE SALE: Benefit bazaar/sale, in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Walmesley Center, 9:30 am-1 pm. Student bake sale to benefit WestSide Baby, too. Free Fair Trade coffee and chocolate while you shop! Full details here. (35th/Myrtle)
JF HENRY’S HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: Second and final day at JF Henry in The Junction, 10 am-5 pm. The famous train, treats, more. (4445 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET PRE-THANKSGIVING: 10 am-2 pm, it’s the pre-Thanksgiving edition, and market managers have a few suggestions: “Greenbow Farm will have a limited number of turkeys – or people can reserve one online here … Brady’s Oysters will also be on site, offering fresh and local oysters. … Bloom Creek Cranberries will have delicious cranberries from Olympia at $5/lb. … Cider, hard cider, brandy, and beer from Rockridge Orchards … Also available are local salmon fillets, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, artisan breads and rolls, wild mushrooms, quince, medlars and quince!” (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
‘GREAT BIG BAZAAR’ @ PEACE LUTHERAN: Second and final chance to check out the 3rd annual Great Big Bazaar at Peace Lutheran Church, noon-3 pm. More info here. (39th/Thistle)
And from our regular year-round West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: 10 am at Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point. And check out the Thanksgiving section of our Holiday Guide – they’re among your options for pre-turkey exercise! (34th/Myrtle)
RESONANT ROGUES: 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), the Resonant Rogues bring their “core sound of vocal harmonies, accordion, guitar, fiddle, upright bass, and banjo” to West Seattle. (5612 California SW)
FINAL PERFORMANCE: Closing day for “My Mañana Comes“ at ArtsWest Playhouse, 3 pm. (4711 California SW)
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