West Seattle, Washington
25 Tuesday
Three reader reports to share tonight:
HIT & RUN: Tim says this was one lousy parting gift to get while preparing to move – damage done by a hit-and-run driver near 42nd and Manning (map). It’s been reported to police. Tim says a neighbor believes the car was a Subaru Forester – checking to see if they also mentioned its color.
PLANT THEFTS: The latest case of illegal grab-and-go from a garden:
1:30 am this morning, 2 white women were stealing plants from my driveway where I have
plant sales, when my neighbor came home. They already had the 2-3 Japanese Maples in their car (2 Ukigumo, 1 red Pygmy). They had taken two hostas in 3 gallon containers and placed at the front of the driveway – then they were discovered by my neighbor. They promptly left in their Toyota Sienna, around year 2000, color light gold/silver, partial license (starting with) 522 … My Neighbor was chasing after them on foot. This is a dead end block – one way in and out. 7300 block 19th Avenue SW.
DOOR-TO-DOOR CONCERN: Our final reader report:
I live in the 8500 block of 14th Ave. SW in Highland Park. A little before 4:00 p.m. two young men knocked on my door. The windows were open and the TV was on, but it took me a few seconds from the time I first heard knocking to get to the window and stick my head outside to see who was at the door. In the meantime, it sounded like someone wriggled the door handle and tried to get in. When I stuck my head out the window, they said they were from Century Link and they wanted to talk to neighbors about construction that is going on. We are having wires enhanced in the area. I said I wasn’t interested.
I called Century Link and it was confirmed that none of their representatives are going to houses in the area. They only send out technicians. The young men looked to be in their early 20’s. One was brunet Caucasian with slender build and the other was tall, stocky African American. They wore white shirts and black pants and carried clipboards.
There’s always the chance the person the reader spoke with at CL didn’t have good local info – so if you happen to know these visitors were legit, please advise, does happen sometimes.
Tonight, no excuse for running pretty sunset photos – no weather alerts, for example – James Bratsanos just happened to share the photos, and with the holiday on the way, a sunset-pic break just feels like the right thing to do before the next few stories we’re working on.
Forecasters now say the 4th of July is expected to get into the mid-80s, cooling a bit from temps that they believe will peak on Thursday in the low 90s.
Special event this Wednesday night at Talarico’s in The Junction – the regular weekly trivia night, long hosted by Phillip Tavel – who happens to be a candidate for City Council District 1 – features seven of his current and former fellow candidates, comprising one of the competing teams. Tavel says those who accepted the invite are ex-candidates Tom Koch and Dave Montoure plus current candidates Karl Wirsing, Brianna Thomas, Jody Rushmer, Chas Redmond, and Shannon Braddock. If they win, their prize and his pay get donated to a local nonprofit. You’re invited, 8:30 pm Wednesday at 4718 California SW.
When the city launched a process to come up with three sites to house up to 100 homeless people each, it was promised that they’d come up with a list of city-owned properties as the next step. Now, we have the first list. No West Seattle sites on the “preferred” list, but one familiar site is on the “potential future locations” list – while the address on the new map (7115 2nd Avenue SW) is slightly different, the “Glassyard” description indicates it’s at the site of the original home of the encampment calling itself “Nickelsville” (which was evicted almost two years ago). See the map above; here’s what the mayor’s office announced:
Today Mayor Ed Murray released a map of City-owned properties most suitable for new permitted encampments to serve at least 200 individuals experiencing homelessness. The mayor will transmit a resolution on the encampment sites to the Seattle City Council tomorrow.
The three preferred City-owned sites for 2015 are:
· 2826 NW Market Street for approximately 52 residents.
· 3234 17th Avenue W for approximately 70 residents.
· S. Industrial Way between 5th and 6th Avenue S for approximately 78 residents.Four City-owned sites were identified as potential future locations:
· 8030 15th Avenue NW for approximately 36 residents.
· 3830 4th Avenue NE for approximately 64 residents.
· 7115 2nd Avenue SW for approximately 95 residents.
· 7110 Rainier Avenue S for approximately 32 residents.“Permitted encampments are not a permanent solution to the crisis of homelessness we are experiencing in Seattle,” said Murray. “These encampments will provide a safer community environment than sleeping under a highway overpass or on a park bench. Residents will have improved access to services and we hope to open the door to permanent housing as quickly as we can.”
This year the mayor proposed and the City Council unanimously adopted an ordinance that allows up to three permitted encampments of no more than 100 persons each on City-owned or private property. Each location will be permitted for one year, with the possibility of permit renewal for an additional year. Each site must be vacant for one year between encampments.
“The One Night Count, tells us that there were over 2800 people in our community living without shelter this year,” said Councilmember Mike O’Brien. “Identifying city-owned sites for transitional encampments is an important next step. I look forward to working with community to establish up to three sites where people can stay safely and in community as we seek permanent housing solutions.”
“I am right by Mayor Murray’s side as we create safe spaces for community members who are without shelter,” said Councilmember Sally Bagshaw. “Managed encampments will offer the most basic resources for people, such as a 24-hour shelter with public health services, hygiene facilities, and potentially access to electricity. I wholeheartedly support this approach which will make our city better for all of us.”
Before recommending the sites, Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development reviewed more than 135 vacant City-owned parcels. The ordinance adopted by the Council limits encampment locations to unused property in non-residential zones, excluding park properties. Each encampment must be at least one mile from other legal encampments.
The City estimates that one-time start-up costs for the encampments will be $32,000, with annual lease costs and services for encampment residents of approximately $200,000 already provided in the 2015 budget.
Seattle’s Human Services Department (HSD) has selected two encampment operators through a qualification review process: SHARE and Nickelsville. The encampment ordinance requires that operators have prior experience managing shelters, low-income housing or homeless encampments. The Murray Administration continues to reach out to other faith-based and non-profit organizations that may be interested in operating an encampment.
The encampment operators are responsible for safety and security within the camp and residents will be screened by the operators for acceptance. A third organization, Low Income Housing Institute, will provide case management services to individuals living in the encampments.
HSD contractors and staff will make regular site visits to support SHARE and Nickelsville, and coordinate public health, medical outreach and food assistance.
“A place to store your things, sit and talk with friends, and rest your head at night are taken for granted by most of us,” said Mark Putnam of the Committee to End Homelessness in King County. “For many, however, these are not givens. Encampments can offer a temporary safe place for people to be human, while working to get back into stable housing.”
“The Mayor rightly sees the crisis facing people experiencing homelessness as requiring a response that includes the safety and community of sanctioned encampments,” said Michael Ramos of the Church Council of Greater Seattle. “We welcome this step to expand the continuum of care to meet this most basic of human needs.”
Encampment operators will form a Community Advisory Committee to respond to community concerns, review operations standards, and work with neighbors when encampments move to new permitted sites.
More information is available on HSD’s website.
On that page you’ll find this FAQ as well as backstory. The previous encampment site was known as 7116 W. Marginal Way SW so we have a followup question out to the mayor’s office regarding the address discrepancy.
5:04 PM: Quick reply from Murray spokesperson Jason Kelly, just after we published this: He confirms the “potential future location” on 2nd SW is the same site where there’s been an encampment in the past, an SDOT-owned parcel adjoining state-owned land.
Will the Seattle Board of Park Commissioners – aka the Park Board – recommend approval of new guidelines for the natural areas and greenbelts under Seattle Parks jurisdiction? Intense discussion preceded and followed our preview of the board’s public hearing last Thursday night. Now the video’s available online – embedded above, or watch it directly on the Seattle Channel website here. The board is expected to make its recommendation next month; even if you didn’t get to the hearing, you can get your comment(s) to the board as long as you do it by July 16th.
Another quick lookahead to the holiday weekend: The King County Department of Transportation has just announced the Water Taxi schedule: For the West Seattle route, Friday, July 3rd, and Saturday, July 4th, will both be on the Saturday schedule; for the Vashon route, no service on Friday (Saturday’s already an off-day).
We’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor today, Red 27 Engraving. As a new local sponsor, they have the opportunity to share some information about what they do:
(Red 27 Engraving owner Dana Perreault)
Your local WEST SEATTLE source for trophies, unique gifts and corporate awards, Red 27 Engraving owner Dana Perreault is happy to help you! Ordering is easy! There are 1,000s of awards to choose from and engraving options for one-of-a-kind specials.
Dana is a resident of West Seattle and began his business at his house. When he was ready for a shop and retail location, West Seattle was his only consideration. “I enjoy our community and want to be part of the economic growth as well as supporting a wide variety of my neighbors.” Dana is a member of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, sponsors youth sports in the area, and is always looking for situations that deserve an award!
Red 27 Engraving is located behind Caffé Ladro in south Morgan Junction, with open hours Tuesdays – Fridays 9 AM-5 PM and Saturdays 10 AM-2 PM at 7009 1/2 California SW; come in and let us help you personalize your awards today! Correct spelling guaranteed – Dana will work with you to make it right. RUSH orders, too: For a minimal charge, Red 27 Engraving can work with you to get your customized awards when you need them. Call 206-854-7328 or e-mail red27engraving@gmail.com.
We thank Red 27 Engraving for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
(Live camera for Fauntleroy ferry dock; find it any time on the WSB West Seattle Traffic page)
If state-ferry travel is part of your plan for the 4th of July weekend – Washington State Ferries has just put out a quick guide with reminders and changes. One of the latter affects the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route: On the 4th, an extra run will be added from Vashon to Fauntleroy at 11:25 pm. In general, the biggest crowds are expected westbound this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and then eastbound on Sunday. If you’re traveling through Colman Dock downtown, remember that waterfront construction continues to change the traffic patterns, so your route there or back might be different than last time you used the terminal. Whichever terminal(s) you’re using, you can check conditions via cameras and other info on the WSF site (here’s the full list of links to terminals), and bulletins go out on Twitter, too.
(Young downy woodpecker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Quick look at today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WADING POOLS OPEN: This is the third day of daily operation for the Lincoln Park wading pool, 11 am-8 pm (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), and the first for the Delridge wading pool, noon-6:30 pm (Delridge/Genesee) – see the citywide schedule here.
FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm, the whole family’s welcome at the air-conditioned High Point Library. (35th/Raymond)
HI-YU ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE RECEPTION: 7 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, the celebration of West Seattle Hi-Yu royalty past and present: “Past royalty are encouraged to wear their crowns and bring their memory books.” (3050 California SW)
THEY HAVE QUESTIONS, YOU HAVE ANSWERS: 7:30 pm free all-ages trivia tonight at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm pub quiz at Shadowland (Oregon/California).
9:05 AM: As reported here earlier this month, today is installation day for the second tower crane on the biggest construction project under way in West Seattle, mixed-use The Whittaker at Alaska/Fauntleroy/Edmunds. This one’s going up on the north end of the project, two months after installation of the first one at the site’s south end. The installation staging is happening primarily on 40th SW, so it’s not affecting a major arterial right now, but an engine from temporary Fire Station 32 was parked on the street for quicker access while this is under way.
The Whittaker will include almost 400 apartments and nearly 600 parking spaces, as well as retail including Whole Foods Market (no other tenants have been announced so far). The only other project in West Seattle with a tower crane right now is the mixed-use 4435 35th SW.
1:03 PM: Thanks to Matt for this photo:
That’s the first crane in the foreground at right.
(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:21 AM: Good morning! Quiet in the early going as we start the week leading up to the three-day 4th of July holiday weekend. We’ll take a closer look at holiday changes as the week proceeds, but, for example, if you’re working Friday (July 3rd), keep in mind that Metro will be on a Sunday schedule that day.
8:41 AM: It’s been a very quiet commute, at least in our area. Our occasional reminder: If you see something along the way that might affect how people are getting around, please let us know, when you can do so safely/legally (if you’re commuting solo, a text or call when you get to your destination, for example) – 206-293-6302 is our around-the-clock hotline – we monitor a variety of sources and yet sometimes an incident of significance doesn’t show up in those channels, and one call/tip makes a difference. Thank you!
2:44 PM: Thanks to Sam for sharing info about this in comments, saying it’s affecting the bottom of Admiral too:
Substance spill in center lane of EB West Seattle Bridge from Avalon to mid-span. Crews are en route. Use caution. pic.twitter.com/uzmSSKowVA
— seattledot (@seattledot) June 29, 2015
We’ll be heading over to check, and will also watch for updates from SDOT.
3:51 PM: Our crew checked and didn’t spot any sign of trouble, at least at the Admiral/Avalon surface under the bridge. No update from SDOT re: bridge surface itself.
Three months ago, we published a link to the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s survey about parking – whether you use it, where you use it, do you park on the street even if you have offstreet parking available where you live, and a variety of other questions. WSTC has finally crunched the numbers and published the results, from more than 900 responses. See them here. Among many points of interest, the WSTC reports, “7% of renters [said they] have no cars, compared to 2.6% of home owners,” and a nearly identical percentage of respondents in both categories said they kept their primary vehicle in offstreet parking – 76 percent owners, 74 percent renters. 76 percent of the respondents, meantime, said they live within 10 minutes of a bus stop, though various other responses suggest that proximity alone isn’t enough to make them full-time bus riders.