Turn it off! Free mini-workshop on Sunday to help you handle utilities post-disaster

The p-word – preparedness – is big around here. We know it’s tough to take time to plan or learn something you hope to never have to use – but this Sunday, if you can spare *half an hour*, it’ll be well worth it. A free city-presented mini-workshop at Southwest Branch Library will teach you what you need to know about handling household utilities in case of disaster, 1:40-2 pm:

In just 30 minutes, find out how to safely power down your household electric panel and how and when to turn off your natural gas at the meter. Join us for hands-on practice using real equipment and pick up other tips on how to secure your household water supply. Class is free, no RSVP. Come one and all.

The SW Library is at 35th/Henderson.

P.S. Also in the preparedness vein – remember that local volunteers are having a drill at Ercolini Park tomorrow morning (9-noon), so don’t be startled if you happen onto it!

3 Replies to "Turn it off! Free mini-workshop on Sunday to help you handle utilities post-disaster"

  • Michelle May 16, 2014 (6:26 pm)

    What time are the workshops?

    • WSB May 16, 2014 (6:38 pm)

      Sorry, that was a bad thing to omit (although if you click through to the library link, you’d find it there) – 1:30 to 2 pm Saturday! Not in our calendar because we just heard about it today (thanks to preparedness advocate Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared). – TR

  • Fregirl May 17, 2014 (8:27 am)

    They should post a video online for those not able to attend. That would be great.

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