Alki Beach burger battle? New restaurant on the way, and Blue Moon Burgers owner’s name is on the application

Thanks to Jonathan French for the tip: Online city records say the site of Alki Auto Repair (2504 Alki SW) is proposed for conversion to a restaurant. The site is already next to two – Christo’s and Duke’s. What restaurant is on the way, you ask? The DPD docs offer only one big hint: The “financially responsible party” is listed as Charlie Olson, owner of Blue Moon Burgers, and the address listed on the application, 920 Republican, checks to Blue Moon’s South Lake Union business-district location.

The Blue Moon name is NOT on the publicly viewable city documents, though; they list another company with which he is affiliated, Olson’s Baking Company. (No restaurants in that company, though, so far as we can tell.) Olson declined comment. Blue Moon has three locations – besides SLU, Capitol Hill and Fremont; back in 2007, we mentioned it here on WSB because of a story elsewhere mentioning it was eyeing WS. If the new restaurant does turn out to be a BMB, it would join Fatburger, which opened its first Seattle location on Alki last October, and longtime burgers-and-more Pepperdock. Updates as we get them (including anything we learn about Alki Auto’s future).

ADDED TUESDAY AFTERNOON: Dane at Alki Auto confirms what was mentioned in comments:

We the staff at Alki Auto Repair are pleased to inform you that we will be moving to Avalon way and the site of the british auto center as of April 1. We will continue to operate at the 2504 Address until the end of the month. Our future is bright in the auto repair business and we will continue to strive in helping our customers with quality auto repair.

Dane W. Hurn
Service manager
Alki Auto Repair

43 Replies to "Alki Beach burger battle? New restaurant on the way, and Blue Moon Burgers owner's name is on the application "

  • Curtis March 17, 2014 (11:50 am)

    Ya know – West Seattle would still be the perfect place for a Dick’s – or even local favorite Kidd Valley. Sad to hear that Alki Auto might be going away.

    A quick check of the Blue Moon Menu in order to answer the only real question that matters on Alki……….

    “Beer & Wine

    Come in to see our ever changing selection of Premium Beers and Wines.” Hmmmm………

  • JayD March 17, 2014 (12:05 pm)

    Is Alki Auto moving or closing the doors?

  • Andi March 17, 2014 (12:55 pm)

    Blue Moon has some tasty burgers. It would be fun to have a Dick’s on Alki as well!

  • JanS March 17, 2014 (1:41 pm)

    wait, wait….parking? Ask Fatburger, ask Subway how business is. More restaurants, more businesses, more people…with cars. Something to think about. We are consumed with worry about density in the Alaska Junction and Morgan Junction because of development that doesn’t include parking. We complain how homeowners in those areas are going to suffer because of it. Are we having those same concerns for homeowners in the Alki area that have to deal with all the cars that come from other areas of the city, want to park, enjoy the beach, the restaurants, the businesses. Will we be hearing from GIRWS on this , too?

    • WSB March 17, 2014 (1:49 pm)

      It should be noted that while it doesn’t entirely address the question, Alki has a parking overlay because it’s not an urban village and does not have frequent transit – so residential building is required to have parking. I don’t have details of the remodeling except that it is NOT supposed to include massive construction, so they should have some parking on-site … the auto-repair business usually has some of its client cars out back, on the side, etc. – TR

  • West Seattle since 1979 March 17, 2014 (2:23 pm)

    Nice to see a local business going in there.

  • Sharonn March 17, 2014 (3:08 pm)

    Bring back “The Restaurant”. That was the best burger in Seattle in the 1980’s!

  • Born on Alki March 17, 2014 (3:42 pm)

    The Restaurant was good for sure, but Grouchos was the best. I wish Blue Moon success here. Alki Auto will be missed. I hope they relocate in WS.

  • wetone March 17, 2014 (4:37 pm)

    Heard about this last fall, wonder if this will include checking ground for hazardous waste in ground and total clean up of property if so I would think they would tear down and start new. Ever try pulling a small 250gal. leaky home oil tank out of ground with state involved oh-boy, and to be in an area with a high water table as this place. The way the city is rolling these days they will probably just look the other way.

  • HappyOnAlki March 17, 2014 (5:14 pm)

    We have burger places — can we please have a bakery? Please?

  • News Reader March 17, 2014 (5:16 pm)


    ANOTHER restaurant.

    That’s all Alki needs.

  • NW March 17, 2014 (5:25 pm)

    I don’t know about any Blue Moon Burgers but bring back West Seattle’s original Blew. The Blew Eagle

  • Fiata March 17, 2014 (5:36 pm)

    wetone is in over his/her head with oil tank decommission. Knee-jerk reaction from someone who knows nothing on the subject.

  • wetone March 17, 2014 (5:41 pm)

    Tank decommissioning in 2003 is one thing and that is why they left building there, not disturbing the ground. Probably reason behind them wanting to use existing building for burger joint. Being an auto repair service and gas station prior very long time I thinky that ground has issues. That ground should be checked.

  • ttt March 17, 2014 (5:50 pm)

    Dicks!!!! But a local burger joint (Blue Moon) would be okay too. A bakery would be even better…

  • miws March 17, 2014 (6:14 pm)

    Okay, I often find myself sitting here, typing up facts of West Seattle history, with a feeling that is a mix of fond remembrance, and perhaps a bit of smugness, as I share my knowledge. (Of course, there are many others here with comparable levels of WS history knowledge).


    Anyway, Sharonn’s mention of “The Restaurant”, gave me an “Oh Yeah! I remember that place!” moment. Only thing is, I’ll be danged if I can remember what part of WS it was in.


    I have this very vague picture of the place in my mind, and an equally vague memory of its exact location.


    Where Phoenicia on Alki is, by chance?



  • ScubaFrog March 17, 2014 (6:26 pm)

    Good riddance to Alki Auto’s lackluster service and sky-high pricing. I’d welcome a new burger joint in it’s stead with open arms. Thank goodness for West Seattle Autoworks!

  • wscommuter March 17, 2014 (6:28 pm)

 well said. I’ve come to recognize the virulent/ill-informed wetone comments all over this blog. And yes; tank decommissioning not a big deal. Jeez.

    But Sharonn 
 oh man, you took me back. I miss The Restaurant to this day – best burgers ever!!! Thanks for the wistful flashback.

  • howdy March 17, 2014 (6:34 pm)

    “The Restaurant” haha, I worked there as a dishwasher when I was in high school- those were good times and the burgers were good. It’s the place adjacent to the alley, I think that is Phoenicia

  • wetone March 17, 2014 (6:43 pm)

    Fiata have dealt with city on tank removals multiple times : ) also grew up stones throw away from the X gas station property know history and have seen what happened there. Fiata have something to do with property ?

  • Buddy March 17, 2014 (6:52 pm)

    Yes. The Restaurant is where Phoenicia is now. Line out the door on weekends. LOVED Bob’s bacon, cheese and sour cream omelette!

  • miws March 17, 2014 (7:23 pm)

    Thanks for the confirmation of “The Restaurant”‘s location, howdy and Buddy!


    I don’t recall if I ever ate there, but I think it may have stood out for me because of the cleverness of it’s name. My last restaurant job, 1977-1980, was at the also cleverly named “Rosellini’s Other Place”, in downtown Seattle.


    Folks were more familiar with Rosellini’s 410 and 610 Restaurants, and when I told them where I worked, they would say, “Oh, the 410, or 610? :-)



  • BCH March 17, 2014 (9:01 pm)

    I’d rather see a great Seattle based business (like Blue Moon) on Alki than national chain restaurants like Fatburger and Subway. I also think it would be an improvement over an old gas station/auto repair shop in one of our most scenic areas.
    Welcome Blue Moon!

  • JanS March 17, 2014 (11:47 pm)

    Hey, Mike, I remember my boss at the time taking me to R’s other Place when we found out I was pregnant in 1980….

  • miws March 18, 2014 (1:24 am)

    Jan, if it was for lunch, and before June of 1980, we may have crossed paths!


    I was lunch busboy, and moved on to my next job in (late?) June of ’80!



  • Ray West March 18, 2014 (4:08 am)

    Another restaurant? Another burger joint? Why can’t West Seattle have more retail businesses going in. The Alaska, Morgan Street, and Admiral Junctions are just one long bar-hopping strip with a bunch of nail salons thrown in. Alki is the same. Everyone and their brother wants to run a restaurant whether or not it’s needed or wanted.

  • Al March 18, 2014 (6:07 am)

    Blue Moon is the best! Very excited they might be coming our way.

  • cruzer March 18, 2014 (8:46 am)

    When there’s a burger war, everyone wins!

  • Breezygirl March 18, 2014 (9:01 am)

    I make the Alki Auto guys their coffee every morning and was told by the manager of the shop that they are NOT closing but yes, they are moving to the old British Auto shop on Avalon, just a few doors up from Luna Park.

  • Lynn March 18, 2014 (10:19 am)

    I have to put in a good word for Alki Auto. Besides providing professional service at reasonable rates, they have given me advice and even minor repairs for free. I will miss you!

  • JustAthought March 18, 2014 (11:37 am)

    Do we really need another burger joint?

  • sam-c March 18, 2014 (12:58 pm)

    I like burgers, there is a Blue Moon coupon in my Chinook book.
    I haven’t tried them, but a coworker says their burgers are good.

    you know what we DO NEED on Alki? a molly moons. yes I know we have pepperdocks there and full tilt over in WC, but I like variety. I like my (FT) Mexican chocolate, but I also really like (MM) honey lavender and seasonal flavor ‘peach blondie’ YUUUUMM

  • WSince86 March 18, 2014 (2:42 pm)

    Fiata and Wscommuter – maybe unbeknownst to you, but known to many others in the area, tank decommissioning CAN be a huge issue in the Alki and other areas around. Known of folks having to spend tens of thousands to clean up residential tank removals say nothing of a commercial space where fuel was stored for years. Hope it’s not the case for them.
    Also this is a blog, where people are encouraged to express their opinions. As long as this is America, we are all entitled to have one. My opinion is More Burgers!

  • themightrabbit March 18, 2014 (3:47 pm)

    ok, wait a minute. What about the British Auto Center? Is that guy throwing in the towel after all these years? That place is large – it’s not only the shop, but also the parking area down towards the coffee shop, as well as another house and property behind on the other side of the alley.

    WSB, what’s happening to that business?


  • sgg March 19, 2014 (7:21 am)

    WSince86 – Why would we need a Molly Moon when we have Husky Deli?

  • Rick March 19, 2014 (7:25 am)

    I’ve purchased many,many parts from ‘ole Rusty at British Auto going back more than 40 years. Keeping those old MG’s running was a labor of love. It would be missed if it’s not to re-open.

  • karen g. March 19, 2014 (8:48 am)

    OMG I just remembered there used to be a Sambos?
    or Dennys by the junction? Am i dreaming or was there really….

  • West Seattle since 1979 March 19, 2014 (10:57 am)

    karen g, you aren’t dreaming, there was a Denny’s just south of the Junction! It may have been a Sambo’s before it was a Denny’s.

  • Trish March 20, 2014 (10:55 am)

    Does anyone remember “The Big Dipper” it was an ice cream parlor? I worked there when I was fifteen. I went to work one day and there was a note on the door saying they were closed. Never got paid, never knew what happened. Bankrupt I suppose.

  • britishneighbor March 21, 2014 (2:06 pm)

    Im with themightrabbit…what will become of British auto and will alki auto be making a lot of changes to the existing property and structures? It’s a huge property but the buildings seem really run-down and as it stands there’s not quite the space for all the drive up traffic it seems alki auto sees daily. I live on the same street as British auto and am wondering what’s in store for our neighborhood in terms of construction and traffic/parking.

  • WSince86 March 22, 2014 (3:04 pm)

    Sam- wasn’t me! I don’t even know what Molly Moons is. I love Husky’s !! There’s nothing better!!! Just got a half gallon of ‘Girl Scout Tag Alongs’ last night. Too good!!!

  • sam-c March 24, 2014 (11:19 am)

    hmmm, some confusion about who said what…
    as someone mentioned: “Also this is a blog, where people are encouraged to express their opinions.”
    my opinion: I love molly moons’ ice cream. (and full tilt)

    not a big fan of husky deli ice cream myself. other than standard flavors, seems that most of their specialties have ‘chunks’ in them: nuts, cookie pieces, etc. not my thing (neither are nuts in brownies/ cookies, fruit in yogurt, lumps in my grits, etc.) my boys bought a tub of maple walnut one time, ate about a half of it and then it got freezer burn.

    if we have talarico’s, proletariat, pizzeria 22, slices, pagliacci’s, spiros ..why do we need Zeeks, red star, giannoni’s, pizzeria credo … (feel free to re-arrange the list however you like).

    variety is the spice of life! why not more ice cream places? we have quite the handful of everything else.

Sorry, comment time is over.