State Sen. Sharon Nelson decries ‘new payday-lending scheme’

Four years ago, our area’s State Sen. Sharon Nelson (D-Maury Island) was hailed for successfully pushing payday-lending reform. Today, she issued a statement warning that a new bill, SB 5312, passed by the Senate, could bring back that type of high-interest loan:

The new payday-lending scheme that passed off the Senate floor today will ensure that middle class families and military personnel can once again be trapped in a spiral of debt.

In 2009, we passed payday lending reform. It put safeguards on a predatory lending product, allowing borrowers to make reasonable payments and not end up buried in high-interest loans.

But the payday industry is back, marketing this new consumer installment loan as having a ‘36 percent interest rate.’ In reality, these loans include massive fees and penalties that take the rate as high as 220 percent. As a former banker, I’m confident that if a money lender can’t make a profit at 45 percent interest, as allowed in existing law, they have a failed business model.

As a legislator, I am shocked that a majority of my colleagues in the Senate voted to sidestep effective protections for Washington families and instead put high-interest lenders back in charge of people’s lives.

The bill, which you can read in its entirety here, passed the State Senate 30-18 today. Its companion House Bill 1657 is still in committee.

11 Replies to "State Sen. Sharon Nelson decries 'new payday-lending scheme'"

  • Lamont February 21, 2013 (12:31 am)

    The interest rate cap should be 20%… anyone desperate enough to need a higher interest rate loan should get cut off…

  • ws_suzanne February 21, 2013 (1:35 am)

    How do we stop this?

  • redblack February 21, 2013 (5:40 am)

    ever read the fine print for those western sky financial “loans?”
    “The typical APR for a $10,000 loan is 89.95%.”
    i guess the non-native american payday lenders need to keep up with the competition.

  • CandrewB February 21, 2013 (5:49 am)

    “As a legislator, I am shocked that a majority of my colleagues in the Senate voted to sidestep effective protections for Washington families and instead put high-interest lenders back in charge of people’s lives.”

    You shouldn’t be that shocked. Just take a look at all of your colleagues (at all levels of government) who have taken money from the owners of Moneytree:

    The Bassfords sure “believe” in a lot of politicians.

  • Mike February 21, 2013 (7:00 am)


    Also from the fine print of those ads (and just confirmed by a loan calculator :) ), that $10,000 loan can be paid off in just 5 years with a monthly payment of $759.52. Legal loan sharks.

  • Carol February 21, 2013 (7:18 am)

    ws_suzanne and others who want to stop this, if you go to the “read in it’s entirety here” link, you’ll then find a link where you can oppose/support any new bill up for consideration. This is a brand new feature being tested out by our WA state gov’t and you just need to furnish your name, address and e-mail to register…it just took a minute.
    I think this is GREAT to be able to let our elected officials know our thoughts on what’s going on in Olympia.

  • work downtown February 21, 2013 (7:27 am)

    Senator Nelson has always been one of the good guys! Thank you Sharon.

  • Me mama February 21, 2013 (8:39 am)

    Carol- thanks! What a great tool. Will use!

  • Marcee Stone-Vekich February 21, 2013 (9:23 am)

    Thank you, Senator Nelson! The fight against predatory lending continues.

  • toodles February 21, 2013 (12:39 pm)

    Capitalism is awesome!

  • nolongerusingthestreets February 21, 2013 (8:26 pm)

    I don’t know the whole cast of sponsors, but with people like Rodney Tom and Pam Roach on the list I sure wouldn’t expect any good to come from it.

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