West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
As our photo shows, Hey Marseilles drew a crowd to Easy Street Records in The Junction tonight, the first of three live in-store concerts in six nights. Here’s what’s coming up, per Easy Street online guru Rod:
Pickwick – March 4 – 7 pm
*Our #1 soul brothers Pickwick are celebrating the release of their first full-length, Can’t Talk Medicine at Easy Street West Seattle March 4 at 7 pm! We’ll be selling their record early too and who knows, they might even stick around to sign some copies. This one’s also free and all ages!Cave Singers – March 5 – 7 pm
*Get out of your cave and come into ours when we host the release party for the Cave Singers‘ great new record, Naomi! Free and all ages at 4559 California Ave SW.
While researching some real-estate/development sites tonight, we happened onto a new listing that might be of interest, particularly to people in Gatewood/Sunrise Heights: On the northwest corner of 35th and Holden, the “Complete Auto Repair” site at 7617 35th SW is part of a parcel listed for $1,195,000, described as “Rare development opportunity with over 13,000 sq. ft. of level NC-2-40 land with excellent westerly views … Can be assembled with adjacent additional 6,870 sq. ft. of NC-2-40 (with great 35th SW frontage) for almost 20,000 sq. ft.” Here’s the listing.
(UPDATED THURSDAY NIGHT with new charge filed)
(WSB photo of February 15th arrest scene at 48th/Findlay)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Two recent burglary arrests reported here – exactly one week apart – involve the same suspect, WSB has learned. And court documents say he has confessed to more than 20 other break-ins.
The first arrest was at 48th and Findlay in Seaview, on February 15th. Police arrested 24-year-old Justin Wood for allegedly trying to break into a house there. Court documents say Wood told police that day that he had committed other burglaries, as noted in our two updates last week – in the February 20th WSBeat roundup and our February 21st report on last week’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting.
We don’t know why Wood wasn’t booked into jail on February 15th. But we do know now that exactly one week later – last Friday, February 22nd – he was arrested on suspicion of breaking into a home near Camp Long (here’s our report from that day), caught after an alert neighbor called police. This time, Wood was booked into jail – after confessing to more burglaries, none of them, court documents say, covered in the previous confession.
Yesterday, after five days in jail, Wood appeared before King County Superior Court Judge Ronald Kessler, who agreed to set what by any account is an extraordinary bail amount for a property-crime case: Half a million dollars.
While Wood has not yet been charged in the recent burglaries, we are identifying him by name because of the report that he has confessed and because he already was charged in another case – a Morgan Junction burglary last October. Before that, according to court documents, Wood’s history included 2009 charges of theft and trafficking stolen property, which led to a conviction on a lesser charge. According to documents from the October case, Wood was tracked down via fingerprints, and arrested at a Genesee Hill residence in November. Jail records show that his bail was set at $5,000 and he got out less than 24 hours after he was booked.
Now, he’s jailed in lieu of a hundred times that. While charges haven’t been filed in connection with either of this month’s cases, we have a message out to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to find out if there’s an estimate on when that might happen; court records show that Wood was scheduled for a hearing today related to the October burglary, and we’re keeping an eye out for results of that.
Meantime, in case you are wondering – so far as we know, this has no relation to the case reported here on WSB last night, also expected to solve multiple burglaries, though we did come across the new information on this case while talking with police about the other one.
ADDED 9:21 PM: Checking the online case files one more time before they go offline for the night, we discovered that prosecutors charged Wood today with one count of attempted burglary for the 35th SW incident last Friday. They are asking that his bail remain set at half a million dollars, explaining in the charging document:
… the defendant is a serious threat to the West Seattle community and now faces significant jeopardy on numerous charges.
… On February 15, 2013, the defendant was arrested for another Residential Burglary. During the investigation of that case, the defendant confessed to 10 burglaries in West Seattle. The defendant was released from custody on the February 15, 2013, case, and only a week later, was arrested on February 22, 2013, for the Attempted Residential Burglary charged in (the document). During the investigation of that case, the defendant confessed to an additional 13 burglaries in West Seattle, none of which duplicated his earlier confession. The defendant showed officers the location of each burglary and provided specific details about each crime.
In total, Seattle PD is now investigating 24 residential burglaries that the defendant committed in West Seattle from September 2012 to present. At least three of those burglaries involved a theft of firearms. Seattle PD is in the process of investigating all of these cases and contacting the victims and will forward these cases to the prosecutor’s office for filing when the investigation is complete.
(Renderings in this story are courtesy Nicholson Kovalchick Architects)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
When we first reported last month about the five-story apartment building proposed for 3210 California SW – part of the south-of-Admiral block contentiously upzoned in a three-year process – we promised a followup with details.
At the time, we hoped to connect with the developers within a day or two. Didn’t work out that way, but this week, we sat down to talk with the architect, for a preview two weeks before the project’s March 14th Early Design Guidance session with the Southwest Design Review Board.
The 166-apartment building is planned for 400 feet of frontage along California SW – but the design proposed by West Seattleite-owned Nicholson Kovalchick Architects utilizes several means of breaking it up so it’s not, as NK’s Tom Steidl said, “a monolith.”
With 100 comments on the original story, it’s the hottest WSB topic this week, so we just went down for a look at the safety-curb construction now under way on Fauntleroy Way west of California. As first reported Tuesday, this is being put in to prevent people from trying to pass buses while they’re stopped on the south side of Zeeks Pizza (WSB sponsor), since that passing puts westbound drivers in an east/northeastbound lane. While talking to an SDOT manager about a few topics late yesterday, we asked if this treatment was under consideration anywhere else; the reply was “no” – this is the only spot reported to have generated this type of concern, so far. Work is scheduled to continue through tomorrow.
ADDED 12:07 PM: Different angle, courtesy of Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker:
ADDED 12:49 PM: In case you miss it in comments – Chas Redmond, also from MoCA, reminds us that you have a unique opportunity to ask questions of/voice concerns to the head of SDOT, director Peter Hahn, here in West Seattle next week. He’s scheduled to be at the Southwest District Council meeting at 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 6, Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle, next to SW Pool).
(King County Assessor’s Office photo)
A brand-new multi-million-dollar listing on Alki – the 87-year-old Friedlander Court courtyard apartments at 2246 Alki SW (map). The nine-unit complex on a 15,000-square-foot lot has just gone up for sale, listing price $3.8 million. County records say they were built in 1926 and have been under current ownership since 1996, with a purchase price reported as $850,000 that year. The new listing describes the property: “Classic brick 9-unit w/ big units and 5 garages provide immediate income to offset holding costs for future development. Zoning allows 20-unit apartment building or 10 townhomes with unobstructed views of Puget Sound and Olympics.” While the complex has never gone through historic review that we know of, it was held up as a notable example of “Bungalow Court” architecture five years ago when Charlestown Court was being reviewed; The now-dormant Vintage Seattle website took a closeup look at Friedlander Court a year later. (Thanks to Jonathan French for the tip.)
(Photo by Laura McCabe, from the Leschi’s visit to Jack Block Park – land, too! – for training Sunday)
4 highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Even if you don’t usually look at the daily traffic/transit tracker – there’s a lot going on today and throughout the weekend. See it here.
WEST SEATTLE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN: Their monthly meeting is at lunchtime today at the West Seattle Golf Course, after the 10:30 am discussion group; registration starts at 11:15 am. Details here.
DREAM DINNERS ‘TASTE’ EVENT: Curious about how Dream Dinners (WSB sponsor) works? Tonight’s a special “no-host taste event” at which you can sign up to make and take home three dinners – that’s three nights/days you won’t have to spend extra time dealing with the sometimes-dreaded question “what’s for dinner?” DD is on the outer east side of Jefferson Square; details (RSVP ASAP!) in our calendar listing.
BOOMERS AND BEYONDERS: Special event for baby boomers looking at the final third of life – with Pat Cashman and Mike Hearl, at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). 6 pm – details in the calendar listing.
HEY MARSEILLES AT EASY STREET: Live in-store concert tonight, at Easy Street Records in The Junction – as previewed:
Our West Seattle store is where the action will be tonight as Hey Marseilles performs songs from their new album, Lines We Trace, at 7 pm. If you don’t have a ticket for their sold-out Showbox show tomorrow night – or even if you do – this is where you wanna be. Bonus, you can snag an early copy of the album while you’re there! Free and all ages at 4559 California Ave SW!
(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
First, here are the West Seattle Bridge (above) and 99 (below) cams:
Now the reminders – the Delridge/Trenton weekend intersection closure is preceded by a block of Trenton closing for preparation work, starting right now – details here (here’s the weekend Route 120 transit alert for this work). Today is also the scheduled start of the safety-curb installation on Fauntleroy Way just west of California in Morgan Junction.
Then this weekend, the Viaduct/99 is closed all day Saturday plus Sunday morning – details here, and the ramp to southbound I-5 from the eastbound West Seattle Bridge will be closed this weekend too, starting late Friday night, as part of WSDOT’s Spokane St. Interchange Special Bridge Repair Project.