As we say “so long” to the snow, four more scenes to share: Josh found the hot-chocolate vendors above, and reports, “These enterprising locals turned my trek along Beach Drive from frosty to toasty!” Next, a scene from Lincoln Park:

Trileigh notes, “It’s not just us humans who are feeling the pinch of that Arctic air mass that’s come to visit! Here’s a photo from today of a juvenile eagle in Lincoln Park, getting snowed on like the rest of us – and holding up one foot close to his or her chest for warmth. You can see the orange toes tucked up under the feathers. Eagles remain highly active in the park, even in the snow, calling back and forth and “yodeling” together. What an exciting time of year.” Another snowy bird shot from a Lincoln Park-favoring photographer:

Machel Spence spotted that little bird in the snow. And a little person was frolicking in Lincoln Park too:

Krista took her kids to see about some sledding – not much snow at midday for that, but she says they had a great time anyway. Thanks to everyone for sharing photos!