Happening now: West Seattle cat-adoption event

Everybody was a little camera-shy but rest assured, the cats that Friends of the Animals Foundation has brought to VCA West Seattle for an adoption event today – their first one there, VCA says – are just waiting for you, or anyone else who can give them a forever home. This event goes on till 2 pm. Seen at left is Frank, who’s 12 years old and needs someplace new because his people just couldn’t keep him any more. Below, Marianne and Barb with a few more candidates:

VCA West Seattle is at 5261 California SW. (P.S. Even if you can’t give someone a new home this Christmas, there are several other ways to help local pets in need, including pet-food donation drives – listed in the “Holiday Giving” section toward the end of the WSB West Seattle Holidays page.)

8 Replies to "Happening now: West Seattle cat-adoption event"

  • Cheryl December 18, 2010 (12:27 pm)

    Oh, I love Frank! Wish I was in a position to become a pet “parent” again. Hope someone takes him home. :)

  • 2krazy4words December 18, 2010 (3:30 pm)

    you can sponsor Frank or any of FAF’ cats via their Petfinder.com page:

  • nuni December 18, 2010 (6:53 pm)

    wow! Frank looks just like my cat! same coloring exactly!

  • 2krazy4words December 18, 2010 (8:34 pm)

    Frank got adopted! along with 5 other kitties. Thank you for giving these kitties a forever home!

    • WSB December 18, 2010 (8:39 pm)

      Thanks for the update, 2krazy. Particularly about Frank. That was the heartbreaker look I got from our cat Miles when he was in a Purrfect Pals cage in Junction Petco five years ago … second time we saw him, a sign was up that said someone was adopting him … then we went back the next week and he was still there, they told us the adoption had fallen through … so we just had to rescue him, and he eventually became best buddies with our other adopted-as-an-adult cat, who we found at a Seattle Animal Shelter foster-cat adopt-a-thon three years earlier.

  • 2krazy4words December 18, 2010 (10:25 pm)

    yeah, rescue cats are awesome! I’ve got 2 and they seem to love you more because they know that special place in your heart that moved you to give them a chance for a better life.

  • lil' gall December 18, 2010 (10:59 pm)

    FAF does a great job and their volunteers are awesome.

  • KB December 19, 2010 (6:44 pm)

    Whew. We were very worried about Frank, because one of our cats also looks a lot like him.

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