Followup: Police report from Highland Park teen beating

Over the weekend, after local TV stations reported a teenager had been beaten up in Highland Park early Tuesday and had said his attackers made racist remarks, we promised to work to get the police report as soon as possible. Today’s the first day it’s available; even the SPD media officer who was on call over the weekend did not have access till now. But SPD has now provided the report narrative, and we have transcribed it below in its entirety. One new detail you’ll see in the narrative- an officer spoke with two potential suspects shortly after the victim was discovered:

First, a few notes: This is transcribed from what appears as “officer narrative” on the copy of the report that was made available to media. Where it says “redacted,” that means something was blacked out, which is common practice for names, addresses and other identifying information in most reports provided to the media. HMC means Harborview Medical Center. “Phillipino” is how the report spelled that term, repeatedly, so we have transcribed it as-is. The narrative is by Officer R. Blake:

On 05-25-2010 at approximately 0656 hrs I was dispatched to the area of 17 AV SW and SW Kenyon St to respond with SFD to investigate the report of an assault. On arrival I contacted the Victim (name redacted) (DOB [redacted]) and interviewed him as he was being treated by SFD. SFD believed that he had a broken nose and possibly other internal injuries. (He) was dazed, his face and hands and shirt were covered in blood and his face, ears, head and back were swollen and covered in welts and his teeth were chipped in several places. He stated that he had been walking home [redacted], from a friend’s house (redacted) at about 0200 hrs. He stated that as he approached the stairs located at 14 AV SW and SW Holden St he was confronted by a black male and a Phillipino male (both early 20’s) standing at the top of the stairs. He stated that they asked him for a “light” and when he approached them on the stairs the two surrounded him and started taking items out of his pockets. (He) stated that he tried to push them off and get away but they both began hitting him with their fists and dragging him up the stairs. He stated that as they beat him they also took his Memorex touch screen MP3 player, $27 and change, his black puffy coat, and his belt (black leather with red square shaped studs).

[He] stated that the two males took him to the area where 14 AV SW dead ends just south of SW Holden St and continued to beat him until approximately 0615 hrs when they departed. He stated that during the approximately 4 hours that they held him they continued to beat him with their fists and feet. He stated that they whipped him with his own belt and burned him with lit cigarettes. He also stated that they were both drinking and that they poured energy beer on him (trying to make him drink it) and urinated on him. At several points, he said that one would take a smoke break while the other beat him and they would trade off. He stated that at several points when he started screaming or making noise the Phillipino male brandished a folding knife toward him and threatened to ‘slit his throat if he kept screaming.’ (He) stated that both suspects alluded to having guns but he did not actually see any. He did state that at one point he thought he heard the sound of the slide being racked on a gun.

(He) stated that throughout the assault both suspects kept saying things like “the white man has kept us down” and “how do you like it white boy” and “this is for enslaving our people.” He slated that several times they threatened to kill him.

He stated that when they finally left they pushed his head into an indent in the ground, kicked him, and then he felt something hard pressed against the back of his head and he was told not to look up or they would ‘cap’ him in the head. After he knew they were gone he made his way down to the street and was spotted by a passerby.

(redacted) injuries were photographed, I gathered contact info, and SFD had him transported to HMC in short order. At the time of the initial interview he was unable to provide a more detailed description of his two attackers.

I was able to locate the scene of the assault (at the dead end of the 7700 blk of 14 AV SW) where I located blood smears on the guard rails and a fresh cigarette butt which I collected for DNA analysis. On the stairs directly to the northeast (leading from SW Holden St) of the dead-end I located more fresh cigarette butts, several coins (untarnished), and an empty can of “FOUR loko” energy beer (fresh). The entire location and all located items were photographed.

As I was returning to the precinct to begin paperwork on the Assault, I observed a black male and an (apparently) Phillipino male in their early 20’s walking together eastbound in the 1600 blk of SW Holden St. The black male had what appeared to be an open beer can in his coat pocket and he was attempting to conceal it as he passed by me. I circled around the block and contacted the two individuals sitting on a bench behind the bus stop on the south side of SW Holden St and 16 AV SW. The black male’s beer was unopened but the Phillipino male had an open can of the same beer and attempted to conceal it under the bench as I approached. I immediately noticed that the energy beer that both suspects possessed was the same brand, size and flavor as the empty can I located at the scene of the assault. I asked them for identification and they each provided picture ID. The black male was identified as (name redacted) (DOB [redacted] 87) and the Phillipino male was identified as (name redacted) (DOB [redacted] 89). As I spoke with them I observed that (redacted) had dried blood on the side of his face and on closer inspection I also loated dried blood on both sides of his hands, and the front of his shirt. I inspected (redacted) hands and located dried blood on his right palm. Both suspects were frisked for weapons. I asked if they smoked and they both said yes. (Redacted) pulled out a half-empty pack of Marlboro Reds (the same brand as the cigarette butts at the scene). I asked to look at them and he handed them to me. I observed a half-smoked cigarette in the pack and collected it for DNA comparison. I screened the event with (acting sergeant) and it was decided that due to the lack of a full physical description at the time we would get good contact info for the two and release them. Before releasing them I swabbed the dried blood on both of their hands for DNA comparison.

After releasing the two suspects I returned to the original scene and collected a swab of the blood from the guard rail for DNA comparison.

(Another officer) contacted (redacted) at HMC and obtained a written statement, a signed medical release waiver and collected his clothes for evidence.

I returned to the precinct and officer (name) and I packaged all items for evidence. I completed the GO report and all involved officers completed an officer statement. Lt. Levandowski was notified of the incident as per instruction due to the Malicious Harassment situation.

2 rolls of 35mm film and 2 digital SD cards were submitted to the SPD photo lab for processing. and all other evidence was submitted to the evidence unit by hand.

(redacted) mother (redacted) was contacted and informed of the situation by SFD and met her son at HMC. Upon leaving the hospital (redacted) was planning to stay at his father’s house (redacted).

That’s the end of the narrative. After reading the report, we talked with Det. Mark Jamieson at the SPD media unit. He says that so far today, there is no additional information, and no word of arrests – it remains “an active and ongoing investigation.”

52 Replies to "Followup: Police report from Highland Park teen beating"

  • marty June 1, 2010 (3:48 pm)

    Not enough to arrest them? So how much evidence does it take??

  • alywest June 1, 2010 (4:03 pm)

    I have a son that age and if this had happened to him and they told me that there wasn’t enough proof to make an arrest….you know I would have done… lets just say that I would be sitting behind bars right now. I’m sure if that was the son of any police officer they would have arrested them on the spot.

  • Gordan Gartrell June 1, 2010 (4:05 pm)


  • MJ June 1, 2010 (4:23 pm)

    I would prefer they wait and have all the evidence and an open and shut case than rush into it. I have a 13 year old daughter and I would rather not risk some crazy technicality.

  • meg June 1, 2010 (4:26 pm)

    Couldn’t they have at least arrested them or ticketed them for having an open container in public? or public intoxication? Ridiculous!

  • wsmom June 1, 2010 (4:32 pm)

    It sounds like this officer has done some impressive police work. Now, let’s hope that justice will be served quickly…I for one want these two men off the street today.

  • MLJ June 1, 2010 (4:41 pm)

    Good luck finding them again when there’s enough “evidence”.


  • AnotherIdiotInWS June 1, 2010 (4:53 pm)

    It won’t take long for the DNA results to return. THAT is obviously the evidence needed to link it and arrest the bad guys. Come on, don’t you people watch CSI or any of these shows? :-)
    Hope this kid recovers soon.

  • Alki Resident June 1, 2010 (4:56 pm)

    Blood on their hands and cloths,same items on them as at the scene.Not enough evidence?By the time you catch up with these guys theyll have fled to mexico or have severly injured or maybe killed another person,isnt this attempted murder?what gives?This kid will never be the same.

  • DOC June 1, 2010 (4:58 pm)

    Let’s just hope these two are not smart enough to listen to the news. If they were, they would be in another state right now. Also sounds like there was plenty of evidence for me. You could make the arrest on (possible) underage drinking and public intoxication, get some DNA pretty quick, then hold them on the nice felony that they both have under their belts. Oh if only this report did not have the names edited…

  • kg June 1, 2010 (5:00 pm)

    If the two ‘suspects’ are related to the guy who stole the totem pole they’ll get off with a a small fine and no charges.

  • chch June 1, 2010 (5:06 pm)

    I feel so protected and served knowing that the police officer did good evidence collecting. Who cares if they are still out there ready to jump me or my friends or family, Great Evidence Collecting! (this is sarcasm btw)

  • rdm June 1, 2010 (5:14 pm)

    A 15yo out at 2am on a Tuesday and nobody has a problem with that? He also walked past a Fire Station at 16th and Holden to get to 17th and Kenyon.

  • gtothen June 1, 2010 (5:33 pm)

    I guess I agree with the person who says we want them to do it right – so many technical loopholes & mistakes to be made but seriously, couldn’t they be detained? This was an extremely violent crime! Likely that they were drunk if they were still drinking in the morning. This is so shameful. Disgusting.

  • miws June 1, 2010 (5:35 pm)

    How aggravating that the Officer couldn’t have arrested these two based on evidence he or she observed.


    But, had that happened, there’s a chance that some hotshot defense lawyer would have found an uncrossed “T”, or undotted “I”, which could put the whole case in jeopardy.


    rdm, the victim being out at such an hour was discussed in the comments to the original story, and I don’t believe it needs to be revisited.



  • BobLoblaw June 1, 2010 (5:41 pm)

    wow. good luck finding them when the evidence comes back as obviously linking them. Talk about open and shut.
    Why no arrest? Can someone who knows more about the workings of the police/criminal justice system please weigh in?

  • JanS June 1, 2010 (6:08 pm)

    I am so tired of the “blame the victim” mentality that pervades our society. Yes, if he had been at home like all good, upstanding boys and girls, this wouldn’t have happened to him. But…this is the real world. He was at a friend’s house, was walking home. Have you never had to walk home after dark from somewhere? It could have happened at 10:30pm – it’s dark, then, too. Or should all people be home behind locked doors before it gets dark outside? No one, I mean NO ONE, deserves what happened to this boy, no matter when it happened. We should not have to constantly live in fear, stop our lives, because of people that would do harm. That means they win, game over.

    One of the suspects was born in ’87, one in ’89…looks to me that they were of age to drink…but I’d hardly call them men. There will be no arguing the DNA results. They had ID, and, hopefully, they haven’t skipped town when the positive results come back.

  • Carl June 1, 2010 (6:12 pm)

    The officer did exactly the right thing. These thugs were clearly too clueless to realize the true depravity of their “drunken little game”. They will be up to their eyeballs in legal trouble as soon as all the evidence is processed correctly.
    As mentioned above, the real tragedy would be these pieces of garbage getting off because of some procedural slip-up.

  • Dan June 1, 2010 (6:45 pm)

    It is downright ridiculous that they were not arrested immediately.

  • Fritz June 1, 2010 (6:54 pm)

    The officer did the exact right thing. If they were arrested the prosecutor has 72 hours to charge them. This way the evidence can be processed and solid charges can be filed.

    I know instant gratification is popular these days but thorough and complete investigation is warranted in this case.

    As far as skipping town goes. It is super easy to track down idiots like this. They will be brought to justice. I have no doubt.

  • bridge to somewhere June 1, 2010 (6:58 pm)

    Great work officer! Let’s hope the rest of the system processes these guys approprietly.

  • SomeGuy June 1, 2010 (7:27 pm)

    Nice job Officer Blake! I have to say I was pretty skeptical of the kid’s story when I first heard about it – seemed too detailed and elements just pushed the limits of what I would consider plausible BUT after reading this report, it certainly sounds true. Hope these thugs get the book (and ideally some heavier, more damaging items as well) thrown at them.

  • bridge to somewhere June 1, 2010 (7:40 pm)

    oh, and Fritz is exactly right. like it or not folks, a good prosecution takes time. believe me: SPD wants to put the perps away as much as anyone on the blog.

  • Gyngersnap June 1, 2010 (7:54 pm)

    I agree with Fritz. It sounds like the police did exactly the right things, followed up and handled the evidence thoroughly and correctly. The officer could very easily have not even noticed these guys, or not stopped and questioned them at all. Now THAT would have been shoddy police work.

  • Jenava June 1, 2010 (9:05 pm)

    Let’s hope the police are keeping an eye on these two so if the evidence does point to them they can be gotten off the street. I just can’t fathom the messed up kind of person one would have to be to do this kind of thing. It makes me sick. Hope the kid gets all the support he needs to deal with the aftermath.

  • Roger June 1, 2010 (10:17 pm)

    What the?! This is the first I’ve heard of this. It could have been any one of us who live in West Seattle. That park is less than a five minute drive from my house! The punks who did this will be brought to justice. It’s only a matter of time.

  • Nora June 1, 2010 (11:52 pm)

    Exactly 20 minutes after this report was taken and on nearly the same corner, is a very busy school bus stop for many elementary, middle, and high school students. What if these idiots did something to one of the students? This was a violent crime committed over several hours (regardless of the time of night it started). Why was arrest not a priority? It completely boggles my mind that an arrest was not made, what on earth does it take? Blood stained, physical evidence, and public intoxication is not enough? This sounds like great evidence to gather a case in 72 hours, I could have done in it in 24.

    I live very close to where this happened and generally feel safe in my house and surrounding neighborhood. This story was frightening at first, but the fact that an arrest wasn’t made and these bloodied and drunk boys in all likelihood walked by my 13 year old daughter, at 7am AFTER a police talked with them is beyond comprehension. Thank God nothing else happened that morning, I can only hope nothing else happens before they are arrested.

    Evidence doesn’t do us any good without guys in custody.

  • Brad June 2, 2010 (8:44 am)

    Call it what it is, a Hate Crime, the victim doesn’t have to be Black, Hispanic, Native American for it to be a Racist Act. When the victim is White does that mean that law doesn’t apply?

  • Victims have the burden of proof June 2, 2010 (10:07 am)

    I can get where the officer was coming from, even if he had the preponderance of evidence he (or she) was being cautious. Our family was burgled in March. Three doors were kicked in and our possessions stolen. AMazingly, an officer found and arrested a suspect who had already sold all our stuff. After making all the police reports I already made, now I have to go down to the station and swear an affidavit that the perps were not invited to KICK DOWN MY DOORS AND STEAL MY STUFF. This is because at a hearing recently, a perp claimed that a victim had invited him into her home, that she wasn’t there at the time he went to enter, he didn’t know what door to go in so he had to kick the door down. In our case, the perp identified our house and said “We didn’t know which door went into the house so we kicked them all in.” And now I have to go swear that I didn’t ask the M-F to kick down my door and steal my stuff. Justice works in funny ways. Yet, I believe the malefactors in this current case will be caught and justice will be served. This case is just evil.

  • Metal Jesus June 2, 2010 (10:20 am)

    As frustrating as it is to read this and see the obvious signs of guilt, I’m glad the officer does the right thing to make sure the conviction sticks. It doesn’t do anybody any good to haul them in to only let them go hours later without hard evidence.

  • Ty June 2, 2010 (10:48 am)

    I would not want my kids walking home at 2:00am, but I’d like to think we live in a community where it would be safe for them to do so. Hope these guys are locked up soon. Also, looking forward to seeing their names published.

  • As-If June 2, 2010 (11:05 am)

    HARD EVIDENCE! Why can’t they bring these two in for questioning just to buy some time?! As-if they needed a dead body to justify bringing these two in. So what if you might have to let them go in a few hours, at least you have started an investigation of them and you have warned them not to leave town. I don’t get it!! I mean, I was told the other day on my own door step that I could ultimately be put in jail for not filling out the bloody census for goodness sake. And yet these two and others like them can go around terrorizing people with impunity??? What is this city comming to?? Who do the laws protect anyway? It reminds me of the guy a few years ago that got beatten to death down town right in front of the cops and nothing was done. What, do we need another sacrifice to wake everybody up?
    If the laws and the police won’t protect me and my family, then that only leaves me to take my own protection upon myself. Yes, I mean arm myself.
    I guess I’m wierd, I would rather the two drunk racist criminals be in the hospital with broken teeth instead of the boy walking home late at night.

  • Scott in Seattle June 2, 2010 (11:31 am)

    they could at least have detained them so the victim could positively identify them.

  • BobLoblaw June 2, 2010 (11:31 am)

    Thanks for those who explained why there was no immediate arrest. I’m confident these two will be brought to justice, and that they are being watched until then. Kudos to the officer who did a thorough investigation.

  • HolyKow June 2, 2010 (12:17 pm)

    Here we go again, with the ‘What is a 15yo doing out at that hour’ blame the kid again.

    Get this people:


    This is not that boy’s fault. PERIOD.

    Pertaining to the cops not arresting these ‘individuals’, they did their job. They got dead bang evidence from the scene and the attending officer got top notch cross reference material from the 2 suspects.

    If it is them, they will get them. However, I agree with some of the posters that if this was my kid, no force in the ‘verse could stop me…let’s just say that.

    Can you say Marcellus Wallace?


  • alywest June 2, 2010 (1:38 pm)

    Well now here is another thought….did the Police take pictures of the “person of interest” while swabing for DNA? How hard is it going to be to prove that the blood of the victim was actually on the hands of those men? Reasonable doubt!! Did they take pictures of the crime scene?

    • WSB June 2, 2010 (1:46 pm)

      Not sure about photographing the people but I’m fairly certain without opening the story again that if you read through to the end photography of the scene is mentioned – TR

  • As-If June 2, 2010 (4:45 pm)

    WSB–Please keep this story on the front page so people don’t forget about it. It eats at me that the cops just let the suspects GO!!!! Where does that come from?! Does the Seattle Police department have some mis-guided policy that doesn’t allow police to make their own judgements? What’s the deal? So when the next bank gets robbed, and they find two dudes of ethnic origin in the park with a bag full of money, do they have some union procedure that doesn’t allow them to arrest them??! I don’t get it!

  • lenguamor June 2, 2010 (8:49 pm)

    Let’s be clear: the cop did everything possible on his end and did an admirable job; it was his superior who ordered him to hold off arresting the suspects.
    As always, the real problem is not with the men and women in uniform, but with the bureaucracy. Those two thugs should have been arrested that morning.
    I’ve said it before and this only reinforces my opinion: the criminal justice system in Seattle SUCKS. Even kidnapping, aggravated assault, a hate crime and the threat of murder cannot jolt these pencilneck idiots out of their stupor.
    You’d think they would re-evaluate their ineffectual policies when one of their own cops is beaten like an animal and his attackers serve hardly any time at all, but I guess it’s going to take more than simple bloodshed to wake them up.

  • Guilty White Liberal June 2, 2010 (10:11 pm)

    “When the victim is White does that mean that law doesn’t apply?”

    No…I learned in college that without power one cannot be racist. As white people have power over blacks, black people cannot be racist!

  • Paul Mason June 3, 2010 (8:38 pm)

    How long does it take to get this blood work back?
    Unbelievable they didn’t arrest them!

  • Highland Park\'r June 4, 2010 (1:04 pm)

    Don’t know where else to post this so…

    On Thurs June 3rd at aprox 12 noon, I (white middle aged male) was out jogging in this area and I ran down to the big park on 12th (Riverside park?).

    As I was crossing the parking lot (at the park by the kiddy area) a car with several black males was in the lot and one of them made a comment toward me as I jogged by; “Mother F–ker got an attitude etc..”

    On my return I avoided the lot.

    A few blocks later into my run (at 13th sw and holden area) I was passed by the same car and bunch of people (including another vehicle) which seemed to be with them.

    Then they passed me again and flipped a U turn ahead near Highland Park. Then later again I noticed the same car as it passed me one more time near Highland park school.

    The “neighborhood” is beginning to feel more like the “hood” every day.

    Anyway, I don’t play word games and I have lived in the inner city my whole life so I know a threatening situation when I see one.


    Brown station-wagon (older and slightly beat) with loud exhaust – contained multiple black males (teens to 30’s?) one of whom made the comment to me in the park.

    Black Large SUV (Late model, Chev suburban sized)
    with darkly tinted widows was following other car and turned U turn with them as though together.

  • Paul Mason June 6, 2010 (1:47 pm)

    Any new info on this yet?

    • WSB June 6, 2010 (2:46 pm)

      I checked with police late Friday. From their standpoint, no. A TV station quoted the father as saying his son picked two guys out of some kind of lineup,
      but police weren’t confirming that. I have also been watching the jail register to see if anyone is brought in on malicious harassment, which would be more telltale than watching for assault suspects (which come in fairly frequently); as of a couple hours ago, no.

  • cratewasher June 8, 2010 (8:10 am)

    Two weeks since the incident and still no arrest?

    • WSB June 8, 2010 (8:16 am)

      No arrest as of Monday evening, when I last checked with police. DNA results do not come back quickly – the state crime lab used to have a months-long backlog; I have an inquiry out about current turnaround time … TR

  • cratewasher June 8, 2010 (8:31 am)

    amazing there is not enough to at least formally interview them.

  • Mystery continues June 9, 2010 (3:25 pm)

    Let me guess, one of the guys they talked to after the attack was wearing a puffy black coat and belt with square red studs, but it could not be proven to belong to the victim, lol

    If they had hauled those idiots in, they would have had their fastest solve ever – there must have been something tangible to connect them to the crime.

    Just sucks, we have governed ourselves out of common sense.

  • cratewasher June 11, 2010 (8:40 am)

    It’s been 17 days, still not enough (after photo ID) to bring them in?
    Anybody feeling served and protected?

  • cratewasher June 11, 2010 (11:07 pm)

    Anybody pissed off about this but me?

  • Professor June 19, 2010 (12:56 pm)

    Because of this torture/assault/robbery with no arrests, I’m concerned for all W. Seattle residents and also for my vulnerable and many new-to-the-United States students whom I teach at South Seattle Community College.

    Not only are facts being withheld in this case and no arrests made, this week the Seattle Times came out with the info that there was a very similar case to this one (similar M.O., similar perp descriptions, same area) only a little over a week before this one. That one wasn’t even reported on! Now the police are saying they can’t tell us more because there’s an ongoing investigation of the two cases, according to the Seattle Times. ?

    Doesn’t it make sense to tell us all they know about both crimes in order to see if there are witnesses or acquaintances of the perps who know something.

    South’s campus has huge forested grounds, only 1-2 unarmed security guards at night, and it is extremely isolated on a cliff overhanging the Duwamish. Until this is resolved, my students can keep their cell phones on their desks ready to call 911 in a heartbeat, and my classroom doors will be locked from the inside during our three hour evening classes. Students will be asked to walk in groups to the parking lots using flashlights. What else can we do but become our own watchdogs when the police are leaving us unguarded and uninformed?


    • WSB June 19, 2010 (3:01 pm)

      Hi there – Just for the record, the 2nd case mentioned by the Times was six days later (May 31) – here’s the Times link.
      I hadn’t seen that police report before – it is in the online system now – here for what it’s worth is the entire narrative for context’s sake, with gaps in the spots where police blacked info out – according to the report, it happened 5/31 but was not reported until the next day:

      Victim was with his friends by the , which is on
      16 AV SW. The friends were W/ and W/ . The victim knows them
      from school, but did not have their phone numbers or other information.
      The V/ and two witnesses were walking from to the
      . The two suspects walked up to them and asked the three
      where they were from. The victim and witnesses replied, ” .”
      At the time, the V/ was wearing a red/black baseball cap, red Nike shoes,
      red shorts and a white shirt. The two suspects were wearing blue.
      The Asian S/ asked the V/ if the V/ wanted to go “head up.” S/Asian took
      the V/’s phone and called one of the V/’s friends. S/Asian gave the V/
      back his phone. S/Asian asked the V/ a few more times if the V/ wanted to
      fight him. S/Asian stated that he hated white people a couple of times.
      S/Asian asked the V/ if he wanted to fight, again. Once again, the V/
      declined S/Asian offer to fight. At that time, the two suspects took the
      opportunity to introduce themselves.
      The “I hate white people” comments by S/Asian were made during their casual
      conversation. V/ blew off the comment with a “whatever” attitude. S/Asian
      did not make a racial comment when he took the victim’s hat. V/ did not
      feel the need to be defensive of suspects, and was surprised they took his
      S/Asian introduced himself as ” .” V/ did not recall what S/Black
      introduced himself as. The suspects stated, “stay safe” and walked away.
      A couple of minutes later, S/Asian walked back and stated, “I like your
      hat.” S/Asian then “snatched” the victim’s hat from his head, and punched
      the V/ in his forehead. The suspects then ran off.

Sorry, comment time is over.