Video: West Seattle High School Homecoming & Huling Bowl

That’s the West Seattle High School varsity football team accepting the Huling Bowl trophy – again – on Homecoming Night, after a 26-8 victory over Chief Sealth High School at West Seattle Stadium. The win put West Seattle in a three-way tie with Rainier Beach and Nathan Hale for first place in the Metro League’s Sound Division. Since that was the last regular-season game, this morning there’ll be a coin flip to determine how everything will shake out in the playoff picture. At this point West Seattle could play as early as Monday night or as late as next Friday. The Wildcats managed to pull off the win despite losing quarterback Ellison Tran early in the second half. Running back Isaiah Jenkins stepped into the QB role and kept the team moving down the field. Tran came back in the fourth quarter and was part of a flea-flicker that led to a West Seattle touchdown. While Tran sat out most of the half, Jenkins and teammate Markeem Adams split the play-calling. Coach Davis Lura talked about it afterward:

Chief Sealth scored with only five seconds left in the game. The Seahawks’ Tracy Manley caught a pass and quarterback Daniel Davis was successful on the two-point conversion. Meantime, the crosstown rivalry made way for good-spirited cheerleader and band action on the field at halftime:

Before the game, a barbecue and rally – with Tom and Steve Huling at the grill, dishing up free hot dogs:

This is the 92nd WSHS homecoming; the school’s Homecoming Dance is tomorrow night at Club One 3 One downtown.

18 Replies to "Video: West Seattle High School Homecoming & Huling Bowl"

  • JH October 24, 2009 (9:32 am)

    Great game! Once again WSHS has about 100 times more fans at the game than Sealth. That speaks for itself…

  • GenHillOne October 24, 2009 (9:48 am)

    uh, no, it doesn’t. But your comment does.

  • JAB October 24, 2009 (11:04 am)

    My son goes to Sealth. 1/2 of his friends went to Sealth for the IB program and 1/2 to WS, they were ALL sitting together last night because this is a community and maybe the lines aren’t drawn as tightly as JH thinks!!!!! BTW I have been totally impressed with the teachers, staff and students at Sealth, they are working hard to provide a good experience and so far nothing but helpful polite people. My other son will probably be going to WS because thats where he wants to go, and because of the new boundry rules. Either way I’d support both schools because thats what we do in a community!

  • JH October 24, 2009 (11:34 am)

    Just saying! Everyone was commenting on it. You look at our side. You look at their side. Nothing more to say! Where’s anyone’s sense of fun here? Geez GenHill, have a little fun. There’s a reason we have the biggest alum club in the nation btw. Not saying anything bad about Sealth. Their principal rocks. Just a little fun rivalry! And by the way, we (alum athletes of WSHS) cheered Sealth when we made a tunnel for WSHS-they ran thru our tunnel. And I know parents are choosing Sealth over WS. This is all said in FUN!!!!

  • JH October 24, 2009 (11:42 am)

    Seriously guys, it was WSHS’s homecoming, not Sealth’s…this is all fun and games. Don’t take me seriously.

  • miws October 24, 2009 (1:13 pm)

    There’s been a long time rivalry between Sealth & WS, which I’ve always figured to be more in fun than anything.


    I actually have loyalties to both. My Mom and her three older Brothers all went to WS,back in the ’30’s & ’40’s, and if life’s circumstances hadn’t taken a sharp turn, and my family would have stayed in the Belvedere are house that I lived in through the end of 5th grade, I would have graduated from WS in ’76.


    As it happened, my Dad remarried in ’69, and we moved over to the Kitsap Peninsula, where I went from 6th grade, through about the first quarter of 10th. Moved back over to this side of the water to Arbor Heights, and ended up at Sealth.


    A few years ago, I was chatting with one of the Checkers at Thriftway, who is a WS alum, that is around my age. When she found out I’d graduated from Sealth, she gave me a bad time, saying something like, “….oh, you’re one of them!” :)



  • WSB October 24, 2009 (2:10 pm)

    Update: Tiebreaker game is vs. Rainier Beach at 6 pm Monday, Memorial Stadium.

  • RKCL October 24, 2009 (7:47 pm)

    Like JAB my child goes to Sealth too. While she has many friends who went there for the IB, majority went to WS and the private schools around Seattle. That being said, they all went and sat together too and had a reunion that was long overdue.
    Even while she and her Sealth friends had red and blue face paint and Sealth shirts, they all sat on the WS side. Actually it seemed like LOTS of Sealth kids were on that side. With new freshmans coming mostly from Madison and going to WS, my daughter had a blast seeing everyone she knows from her school middle school again.
    Yes the rivalry! My husband went to WS in ’86 so no hard feelings. My daughter said that even though she and a few of her sealth friends did get crap about being on the wrong side, they really had fun and enjoyed it. None of them really cared which school was winning but of course would shout that their school was better. You’ve got to show school pride!!
    So its not like Sealth has no fans, kids just want to sit with their friends. Also i thinks its a little unfair how only the home side has a roof. That would be part of why no one was really on the Sealth side too. Its Seattle! What if it rains!!???

  • JH October 24, 2009 (8:16 pm)

    My daughter (a WSHSer) told me a ton of Sealth students came over. They were all cool with that! We only won one game in the three years I went to WSHS-and it was against Sealth. It was the most exciting game ever! WS had such a horrible football team back in the 80s…

  • HAWK October 24, 2009 (9:08 pm)

    I agree, It never really has mattered to Sealth kids if they win. If you notice, none of the Sealth KIDS cared they lost. It seems the battle is between the parents. The students care about having a fun time and seeing old friends, though I have to admit, some WSHS kids did gloat unnecessarily to some Sealth Students. Sealth has had an amazing year winning two games (beating Cleveland and Inghram) and yet when they lost at homecoming you would not have even known. So lets leave it at that.

  • James October 25, 2009 (1:20 pm)

    RKCL has found the simple answer: the WSHS side of the field is covered. I have been to several WSHS/CSHS games, and the fans are always intermixed on the “West Seattle” side. You know, where they won’t get wet.

    Personally, I think it is nice that the kids have a good time and aren’t so caught up in who goes to what school to not hang out with each other.

  • JH October 25, 2009 (5:17 pm)

    I sense a bit of jealousy from Hawk….heee didn’t you have fun with rivalries in high school? No one’s fun here…

  • JH October 25, 2009 (5:19 pm)

    PS Go Indians! Hope we win tomorrow night!!!!!

  • WSB October 25, 2009 (6:13 pm)

    Been kind of an unfun week overall (at least in terms of the news flow) – but I am glad, despite the testiness, to see people talking about high-school football in the comments! – we’ve been covering it closely this fall for the first time (last year we jumped in when WSHS went to the playoffs) and will be continuing on with basketball, and other sports as time/resources allow.
    It’s been great to be out at the stadiums on Friday night (Patrick has covered all the WSHS games and I’ve done my best to pick up some coverage from Sealth – we’ve now visited all the major stadiums in the Seattle system!) and to see all the hard work all local teams, school staffs and boosters put into this – plus the cheerleaders, bands, fans, and everyone else.
    Thanks also to the folks at the schools who have made time to meet with us for everything from the principal interviews before this game to conversations earlier in the season about coverage in general – TR

  • Mr. Defense2012 October 25, 2009 (8:17 pm)

    You think we don’t care to win? This game was bigger than us as individuals but still. Our coach told us in the locker room before we ran out; “You need to go out there and win this football game. I HATE West Seattle. I grew up here, I went to Madison, and the n I came to Chief Sealth. I grew up, I still live around, and I still work with the punks that were on the other sideline. This is one of those times where you need to dig deep, and fight for what you’re proud of.”
    We could’ve won this game. Who gives a damn about the fans? The game’s on the field, not in the stands.

  • Brandon October 26, 2009 (1:24 pm)

    Congrats on the win!

  • zero-to-life in West Seattle October 26, 2009 (8:46 pm)

    We have one “Seahawk” and one “Wildcat” in our home; High school and sibling rivalry under one roof! They are constantly taunting each other about any perceived inferiority of the other’s school, but it’s all in fun. All the generations before me (in my family) went to WSHS, so I do get the whole pride thing of a school that has been around as long as Westside. My wildcat did get a little pushback when she tried to visit her seahawk friends on the other side, but she was completely decked-out in blue and gold and also just turned around and headed back to the WSHS side at the first confrontation.

  • JH October 26, 2009 (10:15 pm)

    Same here Zero! My dad went there in the 40s!

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