Double bill at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) again tonight – after “Spin Your Wax” open turntables at 6 (bring your “records” and play them!), the new monthly belly-dancing showcase is back 7:30-8:30 pm. Highland Park dancer/designer/activist Dina Johnson (who shared the photo from September’s show) forwards the announcement:
Come one, come all for another great night of dancing in West Seattle! Brought to you by Angela, Medea and Raqs Steady Eddie and of course the fair folks of Skylark Cafe. All ages welcome! Free! (but if you like the dancing, please tip us at the end) Delicious food and drinks. October’s show will feature Kat, Odori, Keiko, Pandora, Imei, Raqs, Steady Eddie’s students, Najma, and your hosts.
Skylark is at 3803 Delridge (map).