Happening this morning: Pancake breakfast; Farmers’ Market

Lots going on today, so we’re issuing reminders in installments: This morning, 8-noon, you can support youth basketball programs at Hiawatha Community Center by enjoying the 21st annual Hiawatha Pancake Breakfast. All the pancakes you can eat. Side dishes and beverages provided too. $5 for 13-64; $4 for older and (most) younger (under 5’s free). Need a map to Hiawatha? Here’s one.

Then, 10 am is opening time as always for the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, continuing till 2 pm. Here’s the link to this week’s Ripe and Ready fresh sheet; new offerings include cheese with a cocoa/chipotle-dusted rind!

4 Replies to "Happening this morning: Pancake breakfast; Farmers' Market"

  • OP February 8, 2009 (2:44 pm)

    Thank you, WSB, for having the presence of mind to place an apostrophe where it’s desperately needed. *sigh*

  • WSB February 8, 2009 (5:11 pm)

    Copy editing R us. Purists may quibble with our overly colloquial grammar on occasion, but punctuation and spelling, we’ve got them covered … my third job was as a proofreader for an all-classified weekly in Las Vegas at age 17 (with a fascinating glossary … had to learn how to spell “Landau” top for all those used ’70s car ads …).

  • miws February 8, 2009 (7:20 pm)

    Heh, I’d like to think that I’m pretty good at punctuation, but sometimes, including a couple posts I’ve made this afternoon, worry about comma placement.


    I end up being self-critical, and on some sentences that end up becoming rather long ones, I worry about using too many commas, and find myself going back and deleting some, and then worry if that was the right thing! :)



  • OP February 8, 2009 (10:19 pm)

    miws: The rules b diffiernt 4 da internet-thang. Just so’s long as peeps be nowing wot you r throughing down… (Or so I’m told….)

    We all make mistakes. I’m an editor, and I still need a proofreader. I tend to over-comma too.

Sorry, comment time is over.