day : 04/01/2009 10 results

West Seattle snow: Widespread power outages (including WSB HQ)

(photo of official WSB “outages can’t stop us” setup added 11:41 pm)
ORIGINAL 10:46 PM POST: Our power’s out too, but we have laptop power backups and two forms of wireless Internet, so we will continue reporting on the storm and its effects. Can’t see lights anywhere around, for a couple blocks north on California from Thistle, or eastbound up Thistle, or down the hill. Also got a text message saying power is out in North Shorewood. Several other areas posted comments about power flickers shortly before this outage – which followed several LONG flickers (power on for a moment, off for a few seconds, repeat, repeat). More to come. There are numerous outages listed on the City Light page now.

10:58 PM UPDATE: We’ve closed the earlier post; this one will be our overnight storm coverage post, with the power outage the biggest story right now, but also feel free to post about anything else storm-related, and we will add whatever else we find out, too. Hauling out the battery-operated hand-held TV (which won’t work after next month’s DTV transition, darn) to check on 11 pm news. Also got this snow note from Celeste:

A fire truck just tried to go up 40th between Genesee and Dakota got stuck maybe a third of the way up the hill and had to back down and go up Genesee.

TV news just quoted City Light as reporting “four separate outages” totaling about 4,000 customers (hmm, the City Light site lists more than that), with the West Seattle-Burien outage being the biggest one.

11:07 PM UPDATE: The comment section is reporting outage zones faster than we can repost them here, so be sure to keep an eye there too. We’re also watching Twitter; Hopey here in West Seattle tweeted that KING5 reported “a little salt” is mixed in with the sand that’s being used on roads tonight. In addition to what’s in the comments, we’ve received e-mail from the Westwood Village vicinity, where The House is in the dark, and Ann from Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center tells us friends on Vashon lost their power around 9:30 tonight. Seems a lot of us (comments indicate this too) saw flashes before the outage – if it was lightning, sure didn’t hear thunder. Looks like at this point the south half of West Seattle is hit hardest, generalizing from comments, tweets, FB.

11:40 PM UPDATE: Just stepped outside. Snow seems to have stopped. No rain falling either but it SOUNDS like rain – the snow falling off the branches, slipping off the roof, the branches, etc.

12:04 AM UPDATE: No official outage info yet. Here’s a link you might find interesting if you’re wondering about your fridge full of food (that was our only loss back in the ’06 multi-day outage) – a Red Cross info-sheet we linked to before the windstorm-that-wasn’t last month. A radio report says the outages total more than 19,000 customers (homes/businesses) around the city and may not be resolved before morning. Meantime, a few more photos we were in the process of getting to, before the outage shifted the emphasis away from the snow – this one from MarkB at 41st/Dakota:

From Chas Redmond in Gatewood:

Looking ahead at practicalities for the morning: Metro continues to update its “adverse weather” page with changes; find it here. (We’ll start a new morning-commute post later, but this one will keep going overnight for power updates etc.)

12:40 PM UPDATE: City Light’s update line went through a long list of outages but didn’t list this particular one. So we’re on hold to see if we can get a live person with their latest guesstimate on restoration. Of the ones around the city that WERE listed on the line, estimated restoration time was either 3 am or 6 am. So don’t expect power back on soon.

1:08 AM UPDATE: Good news and bad news. Good news, the plow that Mike mentioned in comments, southbound on California from Morgan Junction, is the big yellow snow-clearing grader that the city started deploying about midway through the December snow – we just saw it at California/Thistle. Bad news, we finally got a live person at SCL who said there’s no specific estimated time of restoration yet for the outage we’re in the middle of (the biggest one in WS). P.S. Radio says more than 2,000 are powerless on Vashon – we mentioned their outage earlier, and have visual confirmation via our “peek view” that no lights are visible on north Vashon (aside from those of docked ferries).

2:07 AM UPDATE: No new word on the outage status. A few more photos to share, though. First, before the snow’s all gone, a few more scenes: First, a snowman by Lauren Jacobs, home from college:

Next, a Japanese maple coated in snow, from Frank in Westwood:

Those two came in earlier tonight — but this one just arrived in the WSB inbox a short time ago, from Karen in Hansen View (south of Providence Mount St. Vincent):

Karen explains:

Was about to call it a night a few minutes ago & then noticed through one of our windows that a giant limb on the neighbor’s birch tree was missing. It had broken off & fallen between our two houses! We have no idea how it did so without anyone hearing it. Amazingly, it didn’t take out our fence & it didn’t seem to damage either house…

West Seattle Weather Watch: Snow now, rain (supposedly) later


(video added 5:13 pm, shot just after 5 o'clock in Upper Fauntleroy)
ORIGINAL 3:26 PM POST: Multiple reports from various areas of West Seattle (and, via Twitter, elsewhere in the city). Web/radio weather celebrity Cliff Mass explains what it's all about. The official National Weather Service "forecast discussion" posted minutes ago alludes to it too - insists it'll turn to rain by midnight - and warns of a windy night ahead. Keep us updated on what's happening where you are ...

4:55 PM UPDATE: Sticking on the top of the car now. (minutes later) And on the street.

5:26 PM UPDATE: Thanks for sending photos! First one, from Lari at 53rd/Charlestown (map):

And this one from Creighton, taken in The Junction:

We're getting lots of snow reports via Facebook (we're WS Blog) and Twitter (@westseattleblog), too. Some areas say they have almost an inch already!

6:07 PM UPDATE: If you haven't gone outside, do note that - as some have observed already - this is NOT the same snow that fell last month. This is wet, slippery, slushy, and sloppy. But to reiterate, this is what the 3:30 forecast update said - half an hour after this started:



6:25 PM UPDATE: Reminder that if you are wondering about the bridge, the cameras (and others) are all on our WSB Traffic page. From Morgan Junction, Tamsen sent this photo taken within the past half-hour:

Pamela sent this photo captioned "High Point snow" with the note, "We ARE going to school tomorrow - no matter what!"

6:52 PM UPDATE: Scott C has measured more than an inch already (he says the mark is "submerged"):

At least two inches of snow on Pigeon Point, according to Lora from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) - here's her photographic proof:

Via Twitter, Nathan just reported: "gnarly driving on the west seattle bridge now, about 10 feet of visibility, wind and lots of snow." Here's the latest live image from the camera pointing east on The Bridge (refresh for the latest view):

7:03 PM UPDATE: Guess what! The National Weather Service updated its forecast last hour (which usually isn't done between mid-afternoon and late evening) to add a "Winter Weather Advisory," in effect till 9 pm.

7:20 PM UPDATE: Also rest assured, we're watching the various official sources for any hint of possible changes tomorrow, but given that the forecast continues to insist this will go away, don't expect any decisions to be made before very early morning. We'll be on watch here well into the night, and then again very early. Meantime - besides the Twitter-watching link we shared earlier, you can also see some of the West Seattle snow tweets on the WSB Twitter page (also catching others' tweets that mention WS). And let us know if you see a snowplow/sander - we're still awaiting any official city word of deployment.

7:33 PM UPDATE: Multiple reports of satellite-TV (DirecTV) outage. On a forecast note: Cliff Mass has published an update - he says it will continue snowing till 10 or 11 pm.

7:45 PM UPDATE: From the scanner, all police precincts are "chaining up." Comment from Dan reports a power outage:

Power is out on Sylvan Way between 16th and (it looks like) at least 28th SW. No power at the traffic lights or for the ARCO/Shell stations @Delridge and Sylvan.

City Light power-outage phone line says there are "numerous" storm-related outages citywide - too numerous to list specifically. The City Light website for power outages, meantime, lists nothing. Also NOT reflecting any storm-related trouble, the Metro home page (at least as of now). And another road report via Twitter: "SW Oregon to SW Dawson very slippery uphill btw delridge and 16th SW." Also for the record, just re-timestamped this post to 5:22 pm (it originally was published at 3:26 pm) so it will appear at the top of the home page TFN (we'll open a late-night post in a few hours, but this will keep going till then). Another photo now from Scott C, who says his "neighbors have been busy!"

This snowman photo's from Lisa L, who reports "We built a Shriner snowman!"

Just measured almost 2" of snow at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy.

8:19 PM UPDATE: Two things - First, in comments, Yumpears reports seeing sand trucks on The Bridge, going eastbound:

Just drove home from Children’s Theater in lower Queen Anne. We were in an old toyota camry and made it just fine. Saw two sand truck on the high bridge heading east about 15 minutes ago. The westbound lanes don’t appear to be sanded yet.

Second, since we currently are using the "newest info at the bottom of the post" format to keep it close to the comments, which are full of important information too, we are going to try something new for the people who keep refreshing and then having to scroll down - We are putting a link at the top of the post (right under the headline) that will always take you to the start of the newest thing we've added. Might help a little. It will be in place in a few minutes. But right now, the first city news release of the night:

Facing the first major snowfall of 2009, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is aggressively plowing, de-icing and sanding arterials around the city. The department advises motorists to drive with care as they move around Seattle on Sunday evening. Currently, the main arterials are slushy but passable.

SDOT currently has 16 trucks plowing, sanding and de-icing city streets, with two devoted solely to the West Seattle Bridge and the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Within the next hour there will be 24 trucks total clearing major city roadways. Though rain and rising temperatures are forecasted, the department will work through the night to clear primary and secondary arterials, with an eye on routes for the morning commute.

8:37 PM UPDATE: Photo and bus update from Paul Gould:

Paul says: "Metro 54 bus stuck on Barton at 38th (by water tower) heading uphill. It is one of the articulated buses, apparently with bald tires, as the rear tires have zero traction. The driver has been trying for quite a while and some of the residents had to move their cars out of the way. He has now slid his back wheels into the curb. He may have to wait until it starts raining." No weather updates on Metro home page yet, if you're wondering. We sent County Executive Ron Sims a message via Twitter asking if the Metro web team is heading in to do something about that; no reply - most recent tweet was about a Shoreline blog post re: jail-site fight. (later note: he did reply at 8:52, "We're working on it")

8:55 PM UPDATE: First word of a closure/change for tomorrow morning - Jason at The Bohemian e-mailed this:

Due to the weather, and the possibility of a more severe development... We are closed tomorrow for a.m. service. The Bohemian will be open at 4 pm for Happy Hour and Supper service @ 5 pm.

As many West Seattleites are all too well aware, tomorrow is supposed to be trash and yard-waste pickup day for many neighborhoods - also, recycling catch-up day for many who are still awaiting the delayed Friday (Saturday) pickup - here's what we reported about that earlier today. No word YET of any city changes on that front; we'll of course be on the lookout. For now, trash cans and Christmas trees are gathering a fresh coat of snow:

Second photo is courtesy Jack Loblaw. Inspires us to suggest we may be to blame for First Snow '09 - we took down and put out our tree this afternoon, shortly before the snow began; back on December 13th, the first round of snow started hours after we BOUGHT said tree and brought it home.

9:04 PM UPDATE: Both the county and city have finally started sending out some snow info via Twitter. (You can find the county at @kingcountynews and the city at @sdotsnow - those links take you to the websites that archive the Twitter messages, so you can read them even if you don't have a Twitter account.) Uh oh - our favorite ex-co-worker meteorologist Walter Kelley from Channel 13 (they do a 9 pm newscast on cable channel 10) says up to three MORE inches before the snow stops?! 2 bus tidbits in the past few minutes from that King County Twitter account:

Some of the buses on the road this evening are encountering difficult driving conditions, but none are on snow routing yet ... KC Staff will be working overnight to chain buses if necessary and to drive the bus routes to see where problems await the buses

9:33 PM UPDATE: More info via Twitter. First, from the county (@kingcountynews): "Metro Transit is experiencing some snow-related service disruptions this evening, but there are not many buses on the road at this time." Second, from the City of Tacoma (@CityofTacoma), a note that the snow has changed to rain down there; that's the direction this came from at mid-afternoon, so perhaps there indeed is hope! (Also, the county info has just appeared here in short news-release form.)

9:45 PM UPDATE: New video clip from outside WSB HQ a short time ago - just in case you haven't gone outside in a few hours and are wondering what it looks like up close:

Dunsany e-mails from Highland Park about something that you're likely seeing too - branches heavy with snow, in danger of snapping and breaking power and phone lines, among other potential problems. Illustrated, in fact, by another photo from Hotwire's Lora on Pigeon Point:

10:01 PM UPDATE: First bus-route changes listed here. For WS, 21 "is not operating south of Roxbury."

10:21 PM UPDATE: More than seven hours of snow now; many people are reporting at least five inches on the ground. Definitely enough for snowmen - we showed you a few earlier, and here's another one: Alison and her husband made this one at 44th/Admiral and call your attention in particular to the sign:

Still no word of any school delays for tomorrow; we expect those (if any) to be decided early in the morning, so we'll be updating live starting around 4 am. We'll also be switching to an "overnight snow notes" post sometime after 11 pm.

10:36 PM UPDATE: Power is out here at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy. We have a big supply of batteries plus two forms of wireless Internet backup, so we'll be continuing our coverage. Not sure how far this outage extends; we'll go outside and look down California in a moment.

10:55 PM UPDATE: We’re closing this post – had planned to open a new one right about now for overnight coverage anyway. The new one is focused right now on the power outages but we can and will also report on, and discuss, other snow effects. Click here to go there.

Crime Watch update: More information on Admiral robbery arrests

The Seattle Police media unit has just provided an update on the three robbery suspects whose North Admiral arrests we reported this morning (after overnight coverage here):Read More

Pres.-elect Obama issued the call, West Seattle couple answered

January 4, 2009 3:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people | West Seattle politics

One week ago today, on a rainy post-snowstorm Sunday afternoon, Sarah and Tas Philp of West Seattle welcomed about a dozen people into their home — not for a holiday party, but for a discussion to help the incoming White House administration decide how to handle an issue that truly touches us all: Health care.Read More

Another West Seattle trash and recycling pickup-catchup update

Just heard back from our Seattle Public Utilities contact, Andy Ryan, answering the question we sent last night — what if you have Friday pickup, which therefore meant you were supposed to be picked up YESTERDAY (Saturday) because of the New Year’s schedule, but they missed you? Answer: The call center is open 1-5 PM TODAY – 684-3000 – call!!!! Also important: As some people are all too well aware, Andy acknowledges that they have not caught up on recycling, but hope to have THAT all caught up by end of day tomorrow, so also be sure to call if you had trash picked up but not recycling – and ***keep your recycling out*** since they’re still making catch-up runs. Last but not least: What about yard waste? Seattle Public Utilities says it will be picked up on your regularly scheduled day. Lost track of when that is? We did too. So here’s the online link to your calendar – put in your address, it’ll give you the answer. Yard waste for us, which means the Christmas tree too, so out it goes — yard waste includes holiday greenery through mid-month; here’s our recent report with details on the rules for that. Hope this info helps, but if not, again, (206) 684-3000, 1-5 pm today. (Reminder: If you want to let your elected representatives know what you think about how this all played out – the hearings/briefings we mentioned previously are starting this week – here’s the full city lineup.) ADDED 12:35 PM: As a followup to this update, the city has also issued an official news release on where yard waste/trash/recycling stands – says the same thing, but click ahead if you want to read it in its entirety:Read More

Crime Watch update: Three arrests after 7-11 robbery attempt

Very early this morning, we reported here on an Admiral District robbery incident and subsequent search. Before we even picked up the phone this morning to call Seattle Police to find out more about what happened, we received an update from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct: It was actually an attempted holdup at the Admiral Way 7-11 — according to a police summary, a “Hispanic male with bandanna concealing his face, black jacket with hood, armed with a handgun” tried to hold up the store, but the store clerk ran and hid, and the would-be robber ran out. Police responded quickly, set up “containment in the area,” called in K-9, and found a car with three “Hispanic males and a handgun” in the 4400 block of SW College (map). Police have not yet confirmed whether these three were also involved in the recent spree in West Seattle, White Center, and South Seattle (here’s our most recent report, with video and photos), but they acknowledge the same thing we observed last night – looks possible – we will be following up when more information’s released.

Happening today: West Seattle Farmers Market; “Amahl” finale

January 4, 2009 7:02 am
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(12/28/08 West Seattle Farmers’ Market photo by JayDee)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Some vendors didn’t make it out last week because of the snowstorm’s aftermath, but the Farmers’ Market is expected to be back to full strength today, 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska. Here’s today’s fresh sheet; among other things, it says tulips are back (we photographed them this time last year).

ONE MORE SHOW FOR “AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS”: Last chance to get your delayed-holiday entertainment on! (Or, to simply see a good show.) Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) has one more performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” 3 pm today at Youngstown Arts Center; tickets are available online or at the door. (To see what else is happening today/tonight, see the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.)

Happening now: Robber search in Admiral District

From the scanner: Police are looking for an armed robber in the Admiral District right now. Suspect reported to have fled toward 44th SW. Not sure whether the holdup target was 7-11 or Admiral Chevron – locations we’ve heard could indicate either. K-9 unit is out helping search. Suspect described as 5-6 Hispanic male with slim build, at least one article of clothing is black, bandanna over face, possibly a shotgun-type weapon. Sounds similar to the robberies in south West Seattle/White Center/South Seattle recently (see our recent update with photos and video). Continuing to monitor. UPDATE: “Containment” was called off. No obvious word whether an arrest was made; we’ll check with police later today.

Update: I-5 southbound fully open again near bridge exit

January 4, 2009 1:09 am
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 |   Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

We hear some West Seattleites got stuck in this backup earlier tonight: At one point, three lanes of southbound I-5 were closed just before the West Seattle Bridge exit because of what WSDOT’s alert called “a police investigation.” According to KING5‘s 11 pm newscast (though we’re not finding this replicated online yet), someone standing or walking on the freeway was hit and killed. In e-mail asking about the incident, after spending time in the resulting backup, Tracie wrote, “We saw a pair of tennis shoes on the pavement with a spray-painted circle around them, and a forensic unit on site.” WSDOT just sent an update saying all lanes are open again. 2:33 AM UPDATE: Washington State Patrol has sent the incident report to media; two cars hit the 44-year-old Shoreline man who was killed (his relatives have not yet been notified so his name isn’t to be made public at this point) who was “walking (on) southbound I-5 just north of 6th and Forest … attempted to cross south lanes of travel … struck by (both) vehicles.” No word so far why he was walking on the freeway.

Update: “Small house fire” on 18th SW

ORIGINAL 12:22 AM POST: Just belatedly saw word of a fire call (thanks to Aaron and Edith) that’s been open since just before 11 pm in the 5200 block of 18th SW (map). No indication of Fire Department media unit alert, which usually means not too big, but the call isn’t closed so we’re heading over to check it out. 12:55 AM UPDATE: Two fire units were still there when we rolled up (Engine 11 and Ladder 11). Fire out. Firefighters told us it was a “small house fire,” nobody hurt, and investigators were trying to figure out how it started. Adding a brief bit of video shortly.