That’s the group of zombie wannabes who turned out for the first practice of the West Seattle “Thrill the World” group, tonight at Ginomai right before the weekly “Project Runway” viewing party. It’s not too late to get involved — you can show up next Wednesday at 8 pm; that’s the weekly rehearsal time, leading up to the October 25 performance as part of the world-record attempt. Now, as for “Project Runway,” we’re still in no-home-page-spoilers mode, so click ahead to see how tonight’s episode went for Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) barista Blayne, and what Blayne’s boss had to say about it afterward:
This week’s challenge had intimidation in every fiber: The designers were asked to come up with something that might merit inclusion in fashion legend Diane von Furstenberg‘s collection. When all was said, done, and sewn, biker-chic queen Stella was out, Leanne had won again, and Blayne advanced to the next round as part of the group dismissed before the Top 3/Bottom 3 scrutiny. He didn’t have much screen time, so it wasn’t a particularly Blayne-licious episode, but here’s what Lora had to say afterward:
You’re invited to watch next week’s episode at Ginomai (42nd/Genesee), right after the “Thriller” practice (dance moves on the official blog, by the way), on the big screen @ 9 pm.
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