Reader report: Odd place to … park?


Nathan sent photos from an odd incident near his house, 39th/Raymond vicinity (map):

At 4:45 PM I came upstairs after hearing some voices on the street only to see a brown Chevy Blazer had been driven into the roundabout near my house. The police had just arrived and indicated that the car was in park, so it appears that someone had driven the Blazer into the roundabout, put it in park and then locked it. No word on whether it was out of gas. The Blazer has Indiana plates. The car was blocking part of the intersection so the police have towed the car.

So if that was your car … the police will know how you can get it back (non-emergency number: 206/625-5011.)

2 Replies to "Reader report: Odd place to ... park?"

  • OP August 16, 2008 (9:33 pm)

    Odd place to…park?

    Not if you’re loaded, I guess.

  • chas redmond August 17, 2008 (1:21 pm)

    Maybe in Indiana they park in radials around roundabouts. Or, maybe the driver was unfamiliar with the area and figured he/she’d park in the middle of the street so they could find their car. Curious, but isn’t everything these days?

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