That’s a photo from an EarthCorps event with Denny Middle School students at the Thistle Street section of Longfellow Creek, where they put in more than 200 native plants — all amid the weather craziness of 10/19. EarthCorps invites you to go check out the new plantings just north of the P-Patch — and a frequent WSB contributor @ EarthCorps also hopes you’ll consider their request for a different kind of community help — one that doesn’t involve digging or planting:
From Lina @ EarthCorps:
My name is Lina and I am a project manager for EarthCorps, a Seattle-based non-profit focused on environmental restoration in Puget Sound parks. Every week we run volunteer events in the Seattle area; many of those events are in West Seattle Parks. We have worked in Lincoln Park, along Longfellow Creek, White Center Heights Park, Pelly Place Ravine, West Duwamish Greenbelt, Fauntleroy Creek, the list goes on. Our volunteer events are a huge part in helping our urban forests and parks becoming healthier ecosystems for all of us (including wildlife!) to enjoy.
We have a special youth appreciation volunteer event coming up at Me-Kwa-Mooks on November 17th to honor and celebrate all the amazing environmental restoration work that youth do in our community through our events. I live in West Seattle, so this park is close to my heart- it is a really amazing spot. During this event, we will plant hundreds of native trees and plants in the park in areas that we have already cleared of invasive plants like English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry. These trees will help stabilize the slope-protecting it from erosion (yes, there are houses above the park!) as well as control flooding below the park and allow this greenspace to be more habitable for wildlife and community members to walk their dogs in, watch birds etc.
Anyway – we are looking for local sponsors that would be interested in becoming involved in this event. Since it is a youth-focused event, we are specifically looking for pizza donations (or any other kid-friendly food). Not only would this be a great thing for us – I believe it could be great publicity for a cool local business who wants to support local youth doing awesome volunteer work. We would be happy to display company banners, hand out menus/coupons, business cards etc., take pictures of the banner and event – submit to WSB, put pictures and a spotlight of the event (with a link to all sponsors) on our website (earthcorps.org) and include the business in our list of sponsors on our website.
If you are interested in donating goods or becoming involved in the event please contact Lina Rose, lina@earthcorps.org or 206.322.9296 X 225.

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