You know how it’s done on public TV, big ballyhooed episodes of Dr. Who or Riverdance or a Dr. Christiane Northrup lecture or something, interrupted every five minutes by Wheedling For Dollars? Well, we’ll be a little more low-key about it, but after dozens of suggestions (honest) that we at least put up a tip jar button for anyone interested in contributing $ to the cause of the increasingly labor-intensive (but we’re having a blast) WSB … we’re setting up the PayPal account as we speak, so we can turn tomorrow into a sort of Pledge Day. Then when the day’s over, we’ll bump the whole thing to the bottom of the page (or a page of its own) so it’s not in your face every time you check the site. We’re planning some fun features for the occasion (but no “we’re not sitting down till every line is ringing” phone banks!). If you think it sounds annoying, that’s why we’re giving you the heads up — just don’t come here between midnight tonight and (no later than) 1 am Wednesday morning.
West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday