day : 26/08/2007 6 results

New date for outdoor “Monty Python”

August 26, 2007 9:25 pm
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sidewalk-cinema.jpgAccording to both the Hotwire Coffee website and a WSB reader who attended last night’s outdoor movie, the rescheduled date for the Sidewalk Cinema presentation of “Monty Python & the Holy Grail” (rained out last weekend) is Friday night, September 21st. See you there!

2 weeks till Westwood Village tacos, burritos, etc.

tacodelwestwood.jpgAn e-mail address popped up on help-wanted signs in the window of the future Taco Del Mar in Westwood Village, so we wrote to ask when it’s opening. Heard back in short order from owner Travis, a WS resident who also owns the Jefferson Square Taco Del Mar. He says they’re hoping to be open by September 8th, with hours 7 am-10 pm Monday-Friday, and are still “eagerly looking for employees (who can work during the days!!).” Here’s the address for job inquiries.

Mysteries of Morgan Junction

One is a sound, one involves wildlife, both were sent in by WSB readers wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar, or better yet, has relevant info.Read More

Two for today

From the Sunday events in our West Seattle weekend lineup (posted on the site every Friday morning), two today-onlies:

ARTS IN NATURE FESTIVAL, DAY 2: Its name evokes “paintings among the trees” to the uninitiated, but the schedule of events is far wilder, in more ways than one. Camp Long, 11 am-6 pm.

SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE, JR., FINAL PERFORMANCE: 2 pm today @ ArtsWest. The kids in this show put it together during a month of Musical Theater Adventures day camp, and we’ve heard nothing but good things.  (Mentioning them one last time gives us the excuse to run this cute photo, courtesy ArtsWest.)


If these people aren’t in the marketing biz, they should be

Here on the south side of WS, we noticed a multitude of signs last night for a yard sale that continues today — all on two-sided sandwich boards, no two sides alike. If you happen to stop by the sale site, give ’em props on our behalf. The fine print on #4 made us laugh out loud.




35th closure

Huge thanks to several WSB readers who e-mailed us at this late hour to tell us about 35th being blocked off near the High Point Library. According to LyndaB, the problem apparently has something to do with a dangerously leaning power pole she had noticed earlier in the day; City Light’s on scene as well as police.